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Love Le Pen? Don't worry, you'll see more of him

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  • #46
    Originally posted by HershOstropoler
    Jingoistic - every US news outlet is ravingly jingoistic, you are just so used to it that you don't even realize it.
    And I contend that you are so used to reading trash papers like the Guardian which tell you what to think that you have difficulty decerning true journalism.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Oerdin

      Not at all. As I stated earlier the reason the Guardian is a bad paper is because they are an "activist paper" and their editor has publically admited to this. The Guardian deliberately choices, writes, and presents articles for the express purpose not of presenting the news but to advance a political position. They have been caught on numerous occations ignoring the evidience which doesn't suite their political cause, grossly distorting other evidience, and then taking things which do support their cause entirely out of context.

      If a paper cannot be trusted to report the facts with a fair representation of the background context then what good is that paper? It clearly breaks all the basics of journalism which student journalist learn in college. The one thing which seporates a journalist from a propaganda source is that the journalist makes a real attempt at being impartial and just presenting the facts so that readers can draw their own conclusions while a propagandist gives the reader his desired conclusion and only the information which supports his conclusion.

      That's why the Guardian is a trash paper and not it doesn't share my "jingoistic and rightwing biases".
      Nice try. Want a serious reponse?
      “Now we declare… that the law-making power or the first and real effective source of law is the people or the body of citizens or the prevailing part of the people according to its election or its will expressed in general convention by vote, commanding or deciding that something be done or omitted in regard to human civil acts under penalty or temporal punishment….” (Marsilius of Padua, „Defensor Pacis“, AD 1324)


      • #48
        Originally posted by HershOstropoler
        "New York Times, the worlds most respecdted Newspaper"

        I love it when threads go really silly.
        I've shown how the NYT is superior to the Guardian yet you have provided no evidience or reasoning behind your position. If you want to keep bad mouthing the Times then now would be a good time to back up what you are saying.
        Try for discussion and debate.


        • #49
          Try for discussion and debate.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Spiffor
            notice that Chegitz belongs to LO's daughter shop in the US called [i]The Spark[/i
            Belonged. I'm in the Socialist Party of the United States these days, even if I'm more politically oriented towards groups like LO and the LCR.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #51
              "I've shown how"

              Where? Care to share that?

              "If you want to keep bad mouthing the Times then now would be a good time to back up what you are saying."

              Shame their archive isn't free. I could for example dig up all Articles about Austria to give you a nice potpourry of lies and halftruths.
              “Now we declare… that the law-making power or the first and real effective source of law is the people or the body of citizens or the prevailing part of the people according to its election or its will expressed in general convention by vote, commanding or deciding that something be done or omitted in regard to human civil acts under penalty or temporal punishment….” (Marsilius of Padua, „Defensor Pacis“, AD 1324)


              • #52
                I could for example dig up all Articles about Austria to give you a nice potpourry of lies and halftruths.
                Wouldn't that mean that the NYT is left wing and anti-jingoistic?
                I came upon a barroom full of bad Salon pictures in which men with hats on the backs of their heads were wolfing food from a counter. It was the institution of the "free lunch" I had struck. You paid for a drink and got as much as you wanted to eat. For something less than a rupee a day a man can feed himself sumptuously in San Francisco, even though he be a bankrupt. Remember this if ever you are stranded in these parts. ~ Rudyard Kipling, 1891


                • #53
                  Geez - i guess around here being somewhere between the DLC and SDUSA doesnt make me a "man of the left"
                  "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by lord of the mark
                    Geez - i guess around here being somewhere between the DLC and SDUSA doesnt make me a "man of the left"
                    Tell me you aren't in Sedusa!?! That bunch of right-wing racist freaks. Seriously, SDUSA is not considered a leftist organization by anyone on the left.
                    Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


                    • #55
                      Isn't it time for a new Republic? You guys should get working on that.
                      "Let us kill the English! Their concept of individual rights could undermine the power of our beloved tyrants!"

                      ~Lisa as Jeanne d'Arc


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by DanS

                        Wouldn't that mean that the NYT is left wing and anti-jingoistic?
                        Every jingoist hates other nations' jingoism.

                        But left wing... huh?
                        “Now we declare… that the law-making power or the first and real effective source of law is the people or the body of citizens or the prevailing part of the people according to its election or its will expressed in general convention by vote, commanding or deciding that something be done or omitted in regard to human civil acts under penalty or temporal punishment….” (Marsilius of Padua, „Defensor Pacis“, AD 1324)


                        • #57
                          What's the point? Are the people that are talking down the Guardian out to defend Front National or is it just that they know to little about Jean-Marie (I love it when fat men are called Marie, that's a girls name only where I come from) Le Pen to actually talk about the issue? No matter the Guardian, there's no problems in digging up enough **** about the Front National and its leader (who have, btw iirc in good old 1930's vintage style named the parties youth movement after himself) for any newspaper.


                          • #58
                            Re: Re: Love Le Pen? Don't worry, you'll see more of him

                            Originally posted by lord of the mark
                            BUT - hasnt the govt finally gotten some control over law and order in France, including the wave of antisemitic attacks that the previous socialist govt was ineffective at handling.
                            The government is successful in giving the impression that petty criminality recedes. As for antisemitic assaults: whereas they have a strong mediatic impact when they happen, the don't have this much symbolical strength overall. People fear more of being beaten for their cell phone than they fear for Jews to be attacked.
                            The government is successful in having the scare receded. The actual figures do not recede at all, but it is more important for our Police Minister to show off rather than to have real results.
                            The internal security issue is in fact the only one which can save the Right from an utter catastrophe. The problem is that the Police Minister is a personal enemy of Chirac (he betrayed him 8 years ago), and Chirac would try not to put him too high in the party.

                            And as for health insurance, etc isnt it widely agreed that those DO need to be reformed - is the left prepared to do that?
                            The need for reform is widely understood, even by the Socialistes. But any reform has no chance to be popular, and the reform done by the government clearly sucks for anybody who hasn't enough money to save up for retirement.
                            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by chegitz guevara

                              Tell me you aren't in Sedusa!?! That bunch of right-wing racist freaks. Seriously, SDUSA is not considered a leftist organization by anyone on the left.
                              worse Guevera - im a tad to the right of SDUSA - they're too protectionist for me - DLC on the other hand doesnt take the issue of distributive justice seriously enough. Gore in his 2000 campaign was inching toward the notion of taking distributive justice more seriously without going protectionist. Joe Leiberman, who I otherwise like, was too harsh on Gore post-election about that.
                              "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber


                              • #60
                                Ever consider DSA?
                                Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...

