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Fred Phelps to protest Rush Limbaugh

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  • #46
    Ben -
    I haven't.
    That's proof he hasn't?

    Is pot the only type of medicine that can treat them?
    Does it matter? Did Jesus instruct Jerry Falwell to punish people for using medicines Falwell doesn't like? If I lack the moral authority to decide what medicines Falwell should be allowed to use (and I do lack that authority), why does he have the moral authority to decide for everyone else?

    Your argument remains silent on this point.
    Were we discussing what options are available to sick people? You just brought it up so it's illogical to say I'm "silent" on a point you just raised. See above - does it matter? Nope.

    If there is another legal treatment for these people for their medical condition, ergo, banning pot will not result in punishing sick people.
    It does if sick people use pot, and some do, and some have been punished. Peter McWilliams was just one sick person who was punished.

    Secondly, it is also true that even if the ban goes through, that I doubt the intent of Falwell is to deny treatment to sick people.
    The ban is in place and has been for years. And obviously his intent is to deny some people treatment when the treatment includes medicines he doesn't like.

    This is why I need to see his statement so that I can assess the merits. Falwell may simply wish to prevent the abuse of medicinal marijuana to treat those who simply wish to get high.
    He was asked if sick people should be allowed access to legal pot for medicinal reasons, and he said "no". If your rationale was valid, we'd ban every drug that can be abused by people wanting to get high, including all those painkillers. He didn't say sick people should have legal access but we should also make it difficult for people who are not sick to get pot with fraudulently obtained prescriptions. Besides, since when did Jesus instruct Jerry Falwell to use violence to compel everyone else to not be "high"? Btw, I see your rationale involves punishing the "innocent" - those who are sick - because of the "guilty" - those who aren't.

    Remember, he claims to be a Christian so his actions must be compared to what Jesus taught...

    And is this what Falwell advocates?

    Just because medicinal pot is outlawed does not necessarily mean that the people who are sick will be thrown into jail.
    Re-read that quote, I included all pot users, not just for medicinal reasons.

    They would have to first obtain the pot through illegal means before they could be charged.
    That's because they can't obtain it legally.

    Do you have any evidence that pot is the desired form of treatment for any illness?
    It's illegal! So "desired" by whom? Yes Ben, there are sick people who use pot for it's medicinal properties and there are doctors who've recommended it going so far as to prescribe it. You can use google to look up the evidence instead of asking me, I suggest you research AIDS and how pot counters the "wasting syndrome". Or try chemo therapy and the accompanying nausea... Or MS... Or... Or...

    You keep ignoring my question: did Jesus instruct his followers to cage millions of people for using pot? Did he say anything that can logically be construed as support for such a policy? No. Did he say anything that would contradict such a policy? Yes...the Golden Rule...


    • #47
      I COMPLETELY disagree with the signs in that picture but for you to mention the use of weaponry is very low class.
      He's still a King compared to the *******s in the picture. I'd say screw the weapons and move on to the nuclear options.
      meet the new boss, same as the old boss

