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Loads of good news from Iraq that the cynical left would rather not hear...

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  • #76
    Originally posted by problem_child
    Lincoln dude, you really are a propaganda-monkey, you just lap it aaaaall up and beleive it from the very bottom of your heart. In a way I kind of admire your rosey innosence, and your faith in the good-will of the statesmen who appear on your teevee in the evening to tell you what's happening, why it's happening, and how brave and noble and good your country is. I bet you still beleive in Santa Claus as well
    I said nothing about the "good will" of statesmen. I am talking about everyday people who are happy to have the hope of freedom and do simple things like you and I do without the threat of being tortured. Why do you only "lap up" the bad news?


    • #77
      Lincoln your country is notorious for it's support of torturers, dictators and genocidal rightist maniacs. So when New Iraq (still Ba'athist) is known to still be a Kurd oppressing totalitarian society in ten years time, you will probably say democracy failed in Iraq despite American attempts to uphold it... elegantly not-seeing that America will have succeded in it's attempts to install a newly obediant Ba'athist regime.
      Freedom Doesn't March.



      • #78
        Who is talking about my country? I am talking about people who are happy to have a chance at freedom. Why can't you see beyond what you consider an evil empire? Most nations were founded on some type of ulterior motive. Is that all you can see?


        • #79
          i give up. none of you are interested in real discussion.

          most of you are so caught up in your side's spun beliefs that you refuse to even listen to the other side.

          wish i could kick all of your asses, since they're all sticking out with your heads in the sand.


          that's what this discussion is now.

          that's all it has been.


          • #80
            Most nations were founded on some type of ulterior motive.

            What an odd thing to say.
            If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Lincoln
              Who is talking about my country? I am talking about people who are happy to have a chance at freedom. Why can't you see beyond what you consider an evil empire? Most nations were founded on some type of ulterior motive. Is that all you can see?
              Okay I admit that life in Iraq is probably better without Saddam Hussein, but unleashing a pack of wild dogs that happen to savage the local bully doesn't make the pack of wild dogs any less dangerous and disagreable.
              Freedom Doesn't March.



              • #82
                Ok, I will accept your opinion. Have a nice day.


                • #83
                  it's too bad this news can't be mentioned without the ignorant troll...
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #84
                    MSNBC yesterday ran a piece how new car sales were up 300% and used car sales in Iraq had hit record levels. Saddam had super high tarrifs on foreign made goods so very few people could afford to buy a car. Now, with Saddam and his tarrifs gone tons of Iraqis are rushing out to buy cars. The DMV offices are said to be almost over welmed by the shear number of people who are trying to register new cars.

                    I thought that was interesting as it showed everything was not so bad in Iraq. People have money to plunk down on new cars and they must feel good about the future if they're willing to make such a large purchase.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #85
                      Maybe they're buying cars for their escape.


                      • #86



                        • #87
                          Based on several nationwide surveys it conducted with California-based Knowledge Networks since June, as well as the results of other polls, PIPA found that 48 percent of the public believe US troops found evidence of close pre-war links between Iraq and the al-Qaeda terrorist group; 22 percent thought troops found weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq; and 25 percent believed that world public opinion favored Washington's going to war with Iraq.

                          If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Oerdin
                            MSNBC yesterday ran a piece how new car sales were up 300% and used car sales in Iraq had hit record levels. Saddam had super high tarrifs on foreign made goods so very few people could afford to buy a car. Now, with Saddam and his tarrifs gone tons of Iraqis are rushing out to buy cars. The DMV offices are said to be almost over welmed by the shear number of people who are trying to register new cars.

                            I thought that was interesting as it showed everything was not so bad in Iraq. People have money to plunk down on new cars and they must feel good about the future if they're willing to make such a large purchase.
                            So now three guys are buying new cars and ten guys bought used cars for 100 dinar each.

                            And the one guy who works at the one DMV office that's still open has to do everything by hand, and has no office supplies and hasn't been paid since March, so he only shows up one hour one day a week.

                            I always like percentage stats rather than a comparison of actual hard numbers.
                            When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                            • #89
                              Nice troll, Lincoln, but tell me this:

                              Do you think it was worth the the several hundred billion it will ultimately cost?

                              Do you think it's worth tying up nearly half of the combat power of the US Army in a world with potential threats all over?

                              Do you think it's worth 3-6 KIA and 40 WIA each week, as stated by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez of V Corps?

                              I know it's from the evil commie site, but read the names and ages and look at the photos: the cost of "Iraqi freedom"

                              How about the reservist grandpa from Tennessee, just driving a truck? Was it worth it for his grandkids? How about Lori Piestewa and her two little kids? And we get to add to the list every week.

                              There'd better damn well be good news from Iraq and a hell of a lot more than you've cited, because it has to balance against a high price in strategic, financial and human terms.
                              When all else fails, blame brown people. | Hire a teen, while they still know it all. | Trump-Palin 2016. "You're fired." "I quit."


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
                                Nice troll, Lincoln, but tell me this:

                                Do you think it was worth the the several hundred billion it will ultimately cost?

                                Do you think it's worth tying up nearly half of the combat power of the US Army in a world with potential threats all over?

                                Do you think it's worth 3-6 KIA and 40 WIA each week, as stated by Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez of V Corps?

                                I know it's from the evil commie site, but read the names and ages and look at the photos: the cost of "Iraqi freedom"

                                How about the reservist grandpa from Tennessee, just driving a truck? Was it worth it for his grandkids? How about Lori Piestewa and her two little kids? And we get to add to the list every week.

                                There'd better damn well be good news from Iraq and a hell of a lot more than you've cited, because it has to balance against a high price in strategic, financial and human terms.
                                First, yea there is plenty more good news than what I have cited. If you can turn off CNN long enough you might be able to find some

                                And yes I do think it is worth the monetary cost. Freedom is worth more than money especially if you are the one in an Iraqi prison hanging by your toes. The waste of military assets? It will be well worth the waste if that is what you choose to call it when there is a presence in the middle east where nuts can blow themselves up and the military can respond instead of grandma and grandpa riding in the back of a 757.

                                The cost in lives? Well that is a different story and I cannot presume to speak for anyone who has suffered a loss. But we have a volunteer army and soldiers always know the risk. I cerainly did when I signed up. I thank God that I lived through my tour (spying on Russia in a sub ) I can only hope that the next time people like Saddam will just go away. So far, people like him usually don't, so good men and women pay the price. May they rest in peace.

