So I was watching MSNBC today and it showed Bush's current approval ratings are 50% with 47% disapproving and 3% don't know/don't care. To compare at this time back in the 1992 elections Bush Sr. held around a 60% approval rating and he still lost. So what do you folks think, have the Democratic candidates drawn blood and is Bush vulnerable?
Also the polls right now are showing Bush getting beat in theoretical match ups with either Kerry or Clark but winning if it's Dean he's running against. Clearly, the America population likes Kerry and Clark (though I think Clark has gotten a short-term boost because he's the new guy. Once that wears off Clark's numbers most likely won't be so high.) but doesn't like Dean. The really sad part is the Democratic party's base is left wing voters so it's likely Dean will get the nomination, because he's the left most candidate running, meaning we're going to get stuck with Bush for another four years.
So which candidates do you like and which do you loathe? Which of the nine dwarves is most interesting and which should be laughed off the stage?
Also the polls right now are showing Bush getting beat in theoretical match ups with either Kerry or Clark but winning if it's Dean he's running against. Clearly, the America population likes Kerry and Clark (though I think Clark has gotten a short-term boost because he's the new guy. Once that wears off Clark's numbers most likely won't be so high.) but doesn't like Dean. The really sad part is the Democratic party's base is left wing voters so it's likely Dean will get the nomination, because he's the left most candidate running, meaning we're going to get stuck with Bush for another four years.
So which candidates do you like and which do you loathe? Which of the nine dwarves is most interesting and which should be laughed off the stage?