The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) is a radical leftist enviromental group who opposes any new construction by humans and who engages in arson and vandalism. In the last two years ELF has set fire to construction sites and recreational facities (such as a Sky Chalet in Wyoming) doing more then $100 million dollars in damages and the FBI has named ELF an Eco-terrorist organization. Why do I care? Because it seems there is an active ELF cell right here in San Diego where I live.
Last night ELF set fire to six homes on two different construction sites in the San Diego area. This is on top of an August fire at a San Diego apartment complex under construction that caused $50 million in damage.
This morning's damage could have been much worse except and we're lucky that nearby residents saw the fires right after they were set and called the Fire Department.
So what is your take on this? Is ELF a terror organization or are they just valient protectors of the natural world? Is arson and vandalism justified or should we toss these fools in the slammer and throw away the key?
Last night ELF set fire to six homes on two different construction sites in the San Diego area. This is on top of an August fire at a San Diego apartment complex under construction that caused $50 million in damage.
This morning's damage could have been much worse except and we're lucky that nearby residents saw the fires right after they were set and called the Fire Department.
So what is your take on this? Is ELF a terror organization or are they just valient protectors of the natural world? Is arson and vandalism justified or should we toss these fools in the slammer and throw away the key?