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Rugby World Cup 2003 - Crunch Time!

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  • Originally posted by Andydog
    I pray we see each other in the final so we can see how our forwards fair against yours...

    Don't need to wait until the RWC to know your forwards will be slaughtered by the English.

    ...and which style will triumph.
    That, I agree, remains to be demonstrated.

    ...but not really that
    That is only a matter of time.
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


    • Originally posted by finbar
      I just appealed to the European Court and won!
      You still have to find a good hotel in Toulouse...
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • Three hours to get home tonight. We're just sitting there half way between Milton Keynes and London and the train driver announces "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the usual bollocks, signal failures, bendy tracks, wrong kind of snow, take your pick. The truth is, we don't know how to run a railway. Thank you."

        Originally posted by Havak
        Your ‘season opener’ was also our first game post season, with a changed line up, against a damn good side on their own patch. I have consistently tried to ***** this bubble in the thread that our forwards played anything other than badly in that game. They are hugely unlikely to play so badly against you again. Your chances of getting so much ball are highly questionable to me.
        Mate there is no doubt your pack are formidable, the best in the world. All I'm saying is that ours aren't the walkovers that you and Tamerlin make them out to be. I watched England France those weeks ago and walked off with the feeling that Mealamu was more a more accurate lineout thrower than Thompson. I also think that our forwards will be quicker to the ball than yours if we play you in Sydney. Bring it on!!!

        Five games. A destruction of Wales, two superb runs away from home in the tri-nations and two frankly not that hot games at home? Mixed messages in a way – very English of you if you will forgive me for saying it. How far have they come – I find it hard to measure until you face us again to be honest.
        Well those two not than hot games at home were against Australia and South Africa, two sides who always lift their game tremendously when looking for revenge against the ABs. When I said the AB backs had come far since the start of the season, I was referring to the cohesion, vision, partnerships, timing etc. As good as Robinson and Cohen are, against us they ain't going to have the luxury of the gaps that the French gave them!

        You are clearly a very very good and promising side – England are a very good side too. We can beat you. I’m aware you can beat us too.

        Dominated in the loose? Or overall? Hmm I watched that last game and I felt a known to be weak Aussie front row gave real problems to your boys. I’d like wider opinions I think.
        I think our forwards dominated in the loose play and overall for most of the game. The Aussies looked dangerous every now and then on the quick phases, but we defended well. Their front row were much better than they were the last time we humped them, and as I eluded to before, Aussies seem to thrive when they're the underdogs.

        I don’t under rate your pack – I don’t rate it as good as ours either. My opinion that - and if you like to see it as my problem then fine by me.
        And you're entitled to that opinion. I agree our forwards aren't as good as yours, but it irks me that everyone here seems to think that yours will "slaughter" ours, as Tamerlin puts it. They won't.

        I’m just as keen to see that as you – and I think you really need to be prepared that it may be you not I that gets hugely surprised.
        I am suitably prepared. I think your forwards will dominate ours in some areas, but not others. We need to stop you punching holes if we can, and we need to win and get that pill out quick smart. If we can do that, we have the cup.

        I’m not at all by the way.

        I accept that as sole Englishman I’m going to draw ire by gobbing off from my corner – do keep it coming.
        You're and Englishman alright! Thru and thru. Make sure that you visit Kiwiland one day (if you haven't already). Walk around the streets and see how many kids are chucking balls around. Go into a pub and start talking, then watch the kiwis flock to you and your accent whose bothered to fly all that way to visit them. You'll love it!


        • Originally posted by finbar
          Now this guy could be a sports writer!

          Given your previous remark to Havak - along the lines that he couldn't be a sports writer because he's actually literate, should I feel insulted by that comment?


          • We're just sitting there half way between Milton Keynes and London and the train driver announces "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the usual bollocks, signal failures, bendy tracks, wrong kind of snow, take your pick. The truth is, we don't know how to run a railway. Thank you."
            Mmm... Just spend 1hour and a half Gare de l'est waiting for that train to find its way out of Paris...

            Couldn't read all the thread. I just noticed the big amount of , which probably means French posters were busy in the thread (or at least one of them )
            Clash of Civilization team member
            (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
            web site and forum here on apolyton)


            • Originally posted by Caligastia

              Interesting...although it obviously is, I hadn't thought of the Super 12 as being so international. Though he isn't playing for the national team, the games are still (mostly) international.
              It's not so much the international (or otherwise) status of S12, it's simply that anyone who plays S12 has to be available for national selection if they're eligible. It's in the same ballpark as the rule that says overseas-based players won't be selected.
              " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
              "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


              • Originally posted by Andydog

                You don't think so? Mealamu, head down, legs pumping, regularly made strong yards for good set-ups; Chris Jack was an imposing presence as was McCaw. I thought the Wallaby forwards played much better following the 50-21 hiding the few weeks before. If I remember it was Gregan's erratic options and the lack of cohesion in your backline that let you down. Overall it wasn't a stunning performance by NZ, and we still have deficiencies in our pack I admit, but I still think they can give England a few surprises.
                Yes, I agree, your forwards had some good individual moments, but the combined effort was, I thought, um, disappointing. We had a makeshift front row - Panahoe starting for the first time in 18 months, replaced in the second half by rookie Al Baxter - and your lot should have shunted us off the park. Your lineouts were particularly, um, disappointing. All of which bothers me, because I don't think we can win the WRC, and I've backed you lot!

                I have only one cause for hope. I know I keep banging on about the weather, but I'm sure it's going to play more of a part than anyone - on an official level - is prepared to admit. We seem not to be having a Spring, we seem to have plunged straight into summer. Midweek, here, it was 29C with a howling, hot north wind. It kept the humidity down, but it was still like a blast furnace. Brisbane has hardly had a day under 30C. The big men are really going to suffer. And the big, old men are going to suffer even more.
                " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                • Originally posted by Tamerlin

                  You still have to find a good hotel in Toulouse...
                  I'll be quite happy at Pension Tamerlin, thanks.

                  " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                  "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                  • Originally posted by Andydog
                    Three hours to get home tonight. We're just sitting there half way between Milton Keynes and London and the train driver announces "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the usual bollocks, signal failures, bendy tracks, wrong kind of snow, take your pick. The truth is, we don't know how to run a railway. Thank you."

                    Well those two not than hot games at home were against Australia and South Africa, two sides who always lift their game tremendously when looking for revenge against the ABs.
                    Oh dear. Cue Havak to trot out his hoary old chestnut re everyone and his or her dog lifting their game against England.

                    I agree our forwards aren't as good as yours, but it irks me that everyone here seems to think that yours will "slaughter" ours, as Tamerlin puts it.
                    Anyone here old enough to remember vinyl records? And how the needle occasionally stuck in a groove? Tamerlin, for some reason, takes me back to those glorious days.

                    You're and Englishman alright! Thru and thru. Make sure that you visit Kiwiland one day (if you haven't already). Walk around the streets and see how many kids are chucking balls around. Go into a pub and start talking, then watch the kiwis flock to you and your accent whose bothered to fly all that way to visit them. You'll love it!
                    Gee, Kiwis suffer the same cultural cringe Australians do.
                    " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                    "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                    • Originally posted by Andydog
                      Given your previous remark to Havak - along the lines that he couldn't be a sports writer because he's actually literate, should I feel insulted by that comment?
                      Actually, I said he verged on literate. That aside - no, you shouldn't feel insulted. It was NH-specific abuse.
                      " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                      "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                      • Originally posted by LDiCesare
                        Couldn't read all the thread. I just noticed the big amount of , which probably means French posters were busy in the thread (or at least one of them )
                        Yep. I've bought shares in the French-based manufacturer of s.

                        And speaking of matters cultural, a couple of international cultural gems caught my eye this morning:

                        1. Starbucks - the appalling coffee franchise - is making a move into France. This must not be allowed. I expect Tamerlin - and LDiCesares, if he ever gets off his train - to lead the battle against Starbucks. At the very least, they should emulate that famous anti-GM farmer - Monsieur Bove - who isn't beyond spending a tad of time in prison in furthering his cause;

                        2. The World Conker Championships are soon to be staged in Northampton, England. Bound to be won by an Englishman, and, if the evidence of this thread is anything to go by, bound to produce a plethora of gloating


                        from Havak;

                        3. In New Zealand, and only in New Zealand could this happen, an administrative bungle has resulted in a woman discovering that her husband misled her about his income during the 50+ years of their marriage, claiming he could only afford to give her a meagre housekeeping allowance because he didn't earn very much. With her discovery that he earned a great deal more than he told her, relations between Mr and Mrs are now said to be frosty.

                        In the obvious absence of anything remotely resembling culture in Australia, I am unable to report anything vaguely resembling a local cultural gem.
                        Last edited by finbar; September 26, 2003, 20:58.
                        " ... and the following morning I should see the Boks wallop the Wallabies again?" - Havak
                        "The only thing worse than being quoted in someone's sig is not being quoted in someone's sig." - finbar, with apologies to Oscar Wilde.


                        • Originally posted by Andydog
                          Three hours to get home tonight. We're just sitting there half way between Milton Keynes and London and the train driver announces "Ladies and Gentlemen, it's the usual bollocks, signal failures, bendy tracks, wrong kind of snow, take your pick. The truth is, we don't know how to run a railway. Thank you."
                          This is illustrating the obvious superiority of the private sector over the public sector.

                          I also think that our forwards will be quicker to the ball than yours if we play you in Sydney. Bring it on!!!
                          When you exempt a hooker of what was a major role as pusher in a scrum I hope for him he is able to run faster than those that are still affected to this task. This kind of Rugby is perhaps your cup of tea, and if it appeals to you like that it is all right, but it is certainly not mine.

                          When I am saying that your forwards will get "slaughtered" I am speaking about the scrums and mauls and this is at the same time a feeling and a wish as I would like the whole SH to be reminded that scrums are meant to be pushed and are a very important phase of the game, and that the game is not limited to running everywhere at the fastest speed.

                          I think our forwards dominated in the loose play and overall for most of the game.
                          Once again this is not a surprise, they don't have to push in scrums and are thus trained to run. As soon as the Aussies used mauls and tried (they were no longer used to it) to push the scrums your forwards struggled and commited mean fouls that should have been more heavily sanctionned.

                          And you're entitled to that opinion. I agree our forwards aren't as good as yours, but it irks me that everyone here seems to think that yours will "slaughter" ours, as Tamerlin puts it. They won't.
                          They wil be slaughtered...

                          They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered...

                          I am suitably prepared. I think your forwards will dominate ours in some areas, but not others.
                          True, this is exactly what I am saying in this post.

                          If we can do that, we have the cup.
                          "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                          • Originally posted by Andydog
                            Given your previous remark to Havak - along the lines that he couldn't be a sports writer because he's actually literate, should I feel insulted by that comment?
                            Being half literate is not so bad!
                            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                            • Originally posted by finbar
                              Anyone here old enough to remember vinyl records? And how the needle occasionally stuck in a groove? Tamerlin, for some reason, takes me back to those glorious days.
                              In honor of this era I am currently listening an old AC/DC record... only the "cracks" are missing.

                              There was a friend of mine on murder... sixteen years in hell... Jaiiiiilbreak... let me out of here... Jaiiiiilbreak... sixteen years...

                              ...with a bullet in his back

                              RIP Bon Scott...
                              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                              • They wil be slaughtered...

                                They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered... They wil be slaughtered...
                                A nice little bourrage de crâne in case he didn't get your point?
                                Clash of Civilization team member
                                (a civ-like game whose goal is low micromanagement and good AI)
                                web site and forum here on apolyton)

