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Michael Meacher: This war on terrorism is bogus

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  • #31
    It would be good for NK, Iran, and countries like Iraq to intimidate other nations and threaten North America (and Europe) with ICBMs?
    Not good for us given how our foreign policy seems to based on the notion that the world is our playground, but if I was worried about the US invading my country, nukes would be a nice deterrant. But how would these countries intimidate anyone when the result of any attack would be total annhilation? That's the key, we want to intimidate countries without nukes being used on us...

    Why the mention of an Enron power plant in India?
    Seems relevant if Enron's plant in India was depending on a future pipeline thru Afghanistan that the Taliban was reconsidering.

    If you seriously believe that the FBI, NSA, and CIA in conjunction with the White House all let 9/11 happen, then you too need a tin foil hat.
    If this theory is somewhat accurate, they didn't have to know the extent of the attack, just that a serious attack would provide the catalyst for neo-con goals in the ME. And yes, I do believe there are people in government figuring out ways to control large parts of the globe, especially energy deposits. The US has spent more than a century intervening abroad militarily at the behest of corporations, so why would it stop now that the Cold War is over and the US is the top dog?


    • #32
      Not good for us given how our foreign policy seems to based on the notion that the world is our playground, but if I was worried about the US invading my country, nukes would be a nice deterrant. But how would these countries intimidate anyone when the result of any attack would be total annhilation? That's the key, we want to intimidate countries without nukes being used on us...
      Problem is that guys, like Kim, are threatening other countries in the area. Then they want to threaten North America and Europe if they can. Yes, Virginia, the US is not the only possible target.

      Oh, and btw, last I checked guys like Kim, and several other dictators like him, did not have the same kind of restraints that the leaders of the US, the USSR, and the PRC have and had. MAD is a good thing, when the leadership of the nations with the bomb can be relied on to behave responsibly. For how much longer can we rely on the dictator de jour to behave responsibly?

      Seems relevant if Enron's plant in India was depending on a future pipeline thru Afghanistan that the Taliban was reconsidering.
      Pfft. It's a red herring. No New American Hegemony peice would be complete without mentioning Enron, no matter how nebulous the link.

      If this theory is somewhat accurate, they didn't have to know the extent of the attack, just that a serious attack would provide the catalyst for neo-con goals in the ME. And yes, I do believe there are people in government figuring out ways to control large parts of the globe, especially energy deposits. The US has spent more than a century intervening abroad militarily at the behest of corporations, so why would it stop now that the Cold War is over and the US is the top dog?
      And exactly how many people would have to be in the loop, and have to be relied on to keep quiet?

      Shi... stuff like that article, are just that. A crock of ****. There is no way in hell such a thing could ever be kept quiet.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #33
        Problem is that guys, like Kim, are threatening other countries in the area. Then they want to threaten North America and Europe if they can. Yes, Virginia, the US is not the only possible target.
        My suggestion? Ignore him! He's doing it for 2 reasons - fear of a US invasion and freebies.

        Oh, and btw, last I checked guys like Kim, and several other dictators like him, did not have the same kind of restraints that the leaders of the US, the USSR, and the PRC have and had. MAD is a good thing, when the leadership of the nations with the bomb can be relied on to behave responsibly. For how much longer can we rely on the dictator de jour to behave responsibly?
        As long as he and others in his country want to stay alive and in power. That's the problem with Iraq, Saddam wouldn't try to attack us because he wanted to stay alive and in power.

        Pfft. It's a red herring. No New American Hegemony peice would be complete without mentioning Enron, no matter how nebulous the link.
        Yes, I had the impression Enron was mentioned to inflame passions, but I still think it has relevance. The US has long used it's military muscle to benefit US corporations.

        And exactly how many people would have to be in the loop, and have to be relied on to keep quiet?

        Shi... stuff like that article, are just that. A crock of ****. There is no way in hell such a thing could ever be kept quiet.
        How do you explain Richard Butler's pre- 9/11 comment about a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs for the Taliban? If this theory is more or less accurate, I'm sure we'll see more evidence. But I won't dismiss it out of hand... I don't trust the 2 parties and I know there are globalists in both who seek even more control over the world and if people need to be sacrificed, oh well...


        • #34
          So, you largely believe the article posted at the beginning of this thread?
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #35
            Don't know, I can't verify or negate what it says. But I do find Richard Butler's comment quite perplexing.


            • #36
              Butler's comment?

              The book says that the negotiators said to the Taliban, you have a choice. You have a carpet of gold, meaning an oil deal, or a carpet of bombs. That's what the book alleges.

              Yes, it is interesting when people report him quoting as him saying...

              Try reading the link.
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #37

                Richard Butler, in an interview on CNN said before 9/11 that the US would offer the Taliban "a carpet of gold or a carpet of bombs"

                That's a pretty provokative statement almost like they wanted to "shape events" into a new Pearl Harbor. That's bound to anger any country, ESPECIALLY the Taliban.
                Tsk tsk...realpolitic...Butler said the book alleges this, not that Butler said it. Thx NYE, I read only what realpolitic posted, not the actual link.


                • #38
                  It's hard to take plans for global domination seriously when they're linked to people who couldn't find their arse with both hands.

                  "Dan Quayle- Global Mastemind".
                  The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


                  • #39
                    Is this something new? I thin we all have heard it before.


                    • #40
                      Michael Meacher? Isn´t this the guy from the "Helloween" movies?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Lazarus and the Gimp
                        It's hard to take plans for global domination seriously when they're linked to people who couldn't find their arse with both hands.

                        "Dan Quayle- Global Mastemind".
                        Ahh, but that is what they want you to think.....


                        • #42
                          I have always wondered where did Duyba pull his "Axis of Evil" from. Most likely his rectum.
                          (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                          (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                          (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                          • #43
                            I have always wondered where did Duyba pull his "Axis of Evil" from. Most likely his rectum.

                            I agree. How can any list of "evil" countries be taken seriously without China in the number one position?
                            KH FOR OWNER!
                            ASHER FOR CEO!!
                            GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                            • #44
                              oedo... anything is NOT possible. The Bush admin, despite doing a lot and using 9-11 as an excuse, has not been given a blank check, nor a completely go-ahead. There are rules in this country. It's all about politics. I don't feel the need to dissect this dope's points. He's on the lunatic left. You need to stop paying attention to fear mongers and start looking at the facts. You should read, "Bush at War" by Bob Woodward. It's an excellent look at the Bush admin and what REALLY goes on. Do you really think Bush and company get together and form some grand conspiracy? If so, seek help. Sure the Bush admin has contacts with those Neo-Con think tanks, and some of the people in the admin buy into those ideologies... but many don't. The State Department personel are not Neo-Cons... D1ck Armitage, Powell, etc...

                              And the one thing about conspiracies... the more people involved in them, the less likely they are to remain a secret. I highly doubt that there are such conspracies because they would require EVERYONE to follow them. There are leaks in the admin, and not everyone buys into Neo-Con ideals. Bush may be an evil person, or a misguided dope who's doing a terrible job; but he's not the mastermind of some grand conspiracy.
                              To us, it is the BEAST.


                              • #45
                                Let´s build the conspiracy theory of everything!

