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How to End Racism

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  • How to End Racism

                Recent events remind us that racism remains rampant. Yet we can easily end racism through understanding and education.

                People must realize that God created all humans from one couple, thus making the entire human race one large extended family. God says:“ O mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Eve); and from the two of them He spread abroad a multitude of men and women” (Qur'an 4:1).

                Furthermore, we must understand that no race is superior to another. We appreciate a garden having many different flowers because we realize that each adds something to the beauty of the entire arrangement. This is why we do not object to the color of any flower. In a similar way we can see the world as a garden decorated with people of different colors. Let us appreciate that each variety of people contributes something to the spice of life in this world. God says:“ O mankind! We have created you male and female , and have made you nations and tribes that you may know each other. Verily, (start w/this word). The noblest of you in the sight of Allah*, is the most pious (righteous) of you” (Qur'an 49:13).

                The noblest are the most obedient to God. Such persons may belong to nay race or country. What really matters is their conduct and behavior. The prophet Mohammad* publicly declared that Arabs are not superior to non-Arabs, and one color is not superior to another. In a day when light-skinned people could not imagine a black person as their leader, the prophet appointed a black person Usaamah, the son of zaid, as a leader.

                As a result of following these teachings, many people have banished racism from their thoughts and actions. You can still see racial harmony today in the mosques of cosmopolitan cities. You will find people of various colors worshipping together, all with equal status before God. Rich or poor, black or white, kind or pauper all line up side by side to worship. No special preference is given to anyone based on color or social status. The leader in a mosque is appointed for his learning in the religious sciences, regardless of skin color. There is no such concept as a 'black mosque' or 'white mosque'. Islam removes such destructive concepts.

  • #2
    Actually, I think there were rather more than just one couple....
    The genesis of the "evil Finn" concept- Evil, evil Finland


    • #3
      muslim racial harmony indeed. Just like during the slave trade.


      • #4
        rina = nutter


        • #5
          Welcome back CivNation! Didn´t know you converted to Islam


          • #6
            To us, it is the BEAST.


            • #7
              rina's a rather persistent DL, unfortunately....


              • #8
                Doubt crawls in. Doubt that she's not a DL.........



                • #9
                  Yes, all men are equal under Islam. Unfortunately women are not. It's perfectly OK to be racist to unbelievers under Islam too.

                  Let's think back to the Civil Rights movement in the States, shall we? I always find it very interesting that the man who preached racial harmony and tolerance was Christian (Martin Luther King), while the ones that spread theories about racial supremacy and hatred (Elijah Mohammed) were Muslims.
                  STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                  • #10
                    And that shows that a religion's creed has nothing to do with the creed of its members


                    • #11
                      Who to end racism? - Massive interracial breeding So, get out their and do your civic duty and have sex with other races (not species, we need to keep it clean)...

                      Once we all are browin-ish yellow then we abolish all forms of religion and disban all political parties...

                      Then, we will all be happy.


                      • #12
                        Brave New World already answered most of Japher's suggestions, but the part about interbreeding is pretty much correct. If interracial relationships continue to rise, racism is naturally doomed to failure. It's happening slowly and gradually, but within three centuries it's gonna be pretty hard to get away with hate crime, to say the least. If five men in white sheets are spotted setting a cross on fire in front of a black guy's house, and there are only thirty 100% caucasians in the state, half of whom are twelve or younger, the list of suspects is rather slim...
                        And Rina is actually totally correct. Mohammed did not discriminate at all, as he realized the truth that all people, regardless of race, had sexy daughters for him to marry and money to give to his cause. Half of Mecca was made up of his blood relatives, much more than "extended family," and he had a lot of them killed, so cut the crap, eh? His tolerance was a sign of his pragmatism. Like People of the Book like me, who were not oppressed but merely overtaxed so our refusal to convert worked to the economic gain of Islam anyway. This is not to say that Islam is evil, but cut the gibberish already. It's bad even by Poly standards.
                        1011 1100
                        Pyrebound--a free online serial fantasy novel


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Japher
                          Who to end racism? - Massive interracial breeding So, get out their and do your civic duty and have sex with other races (not species, we need to keep it clean)...

                          Once we all are browin-ish yellow then we abolish all forms of religion and disban all political parties...

                          Then, we will all be happy.
                          Damn right. Only a fool would limit themselves to one race. Ya gotta work the statistical probability of getting laid.
                          Golfing since 67


                          • #14
                            Also, you could end religious hatred by converting the entire world to Mormonism. But tell me, would that be much of a solution?
                            I refute it thus!
                            "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                            • #15
                              So I guess bisexual is the way to go?

