Solver, Nah it's only proves I'm a sensible guy. What happened to her was unfortunate, but I also have to take it under consideration that I haven't been in any kind of contact with her for a long time and the fact, that it didn't concern me. Helping is helping, but kicking someones butt is kicking someones butt and it doesn't directly help anyone. I don't have all the facts what happened, and furthermore, I'm no Judge Dredd, handing out punishments as I see them fit. If we were still in contact with each other, no problem. But as we have grown apart, kind of like strangers, it's none of my god damn business. If I'd have seen it happening in front of my eyes, sure, but this happened some time ago and it's over with. so.. BOO YOURSELF! 
You see, I don't believe in violence. It rarely solves anything. It should be used only for self defense. What happened, happened, and the self defense aspect was long gone. It would have been about revenge, and I despice the word.

You see, I don't believe in violence. It rarely solves anything. It should be used only for self defense. What happened, happened, and the self defense aspect was long gone. It would have been about revenge, and I despice the word.