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Confess! Who here drives an SUV?

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  • yep
    We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln


    • I think SUV's are ugly.

      Beware General car rant///

      I do like pickup trucks tho. I had an F-150, but ill never buy another ford car again. There money traps. Even tho Ford owns Mazda, I can still tell a world of difference between the two its just way better engineering. I get everything changed on my 6 every 30,000 miles (except oil and brake). My F-150 fell apart every 5,000 needing new parts. lets see during the year and a half i owned it, new Transmission (MTX), Bearings, 3 Belts, PCV valve tranny fluid, Brake fluid, god everything. I hated driving that thing thinking back. I always had problems. One time I remember thinking i got a squid loose in my car or something this black ink stuff gushed out of my steering gap and into the passenger seat. Wasnt sure what the hell it was. AC sucked always getting blocked and shot out mists of water. The 3.3l engine original ATX tranny was underpowered and seemed like it was timed for switching gears (Like 10 seconds above a certain speed. manual fixed that, but still)...what else...oh yes the hood always got stuck (damn plastic pins)


      • Originally posted by Dom Pedro II

        But in the burbs, SUVs are not only wasteful, they're also dangerous. SUV drivers are dangerous drivers... they think they own the road, the power goes to their heads... and I'm hardly the only person who thinks so.
        Attached Files
        Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

        Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


        • rofl


          • An SUV is good.

            An SUV with a big kangaroo bar in front is even better
            Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

            Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


            • is that what that? Do people hit them that often?


              • Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
                My uncle, in the typical Brazilian endeavor to become more American, decided to buy an SUV. He drove it for one week. Now, its decoration in his driveway. He said he couldn't stand how much money he was spending on gas (and he's got a mansion on the beach).

                In a country where the best I've ever seen the gas is $1.29 per liter, its understandable.
                $1.29 per liter isn't that bad. It's like $2.50 per gallon or so I believe.

                Still, it's nothing like the good old days after the 1st gulf war when gas was $0.69 per gallon even here in California.
                Try for discussion and debate.


                • Originally posted by faded glory
                  I do like pickup trucks tho. I had an F-150, but ill never buy another ford car again. There money traps.
                  My Ford is 9 years old with 165,000 miles on the odometer and I only had it fail on me once. A fan belt broke and I can't really blame Ford because I was supposed to replace it 20k miles back but being a stupid penny pincher I didn't.

                  What I really hate is when people buy a 10 year old car that has been treated like **** by it's previous owners and then they run around and complain that their car with 200k miles on it doesn't work as well as a new car. I've seen several people do this. Another thing I see is people who don't bother to read their owner's manuals nor to do the standard maintance and then they call they wonder why their car breaks down. Seriously, one of the girls at work had 20,000 miles on her new car and she hadn't ever changed the oil. She claimed she didn't even know you had to change the oil in cars.
                  Try for discussion and debate.


                  • i bought my F-150 brand new, it was a lemon since i got it. i took real good care of it too oil every 3500 miles, premium gas, check everything else monthy.. In the end, it was worth maybe an anchor when i traded it in.


                    • She claimed she didn't even know you had to change the oil in cars.

                      And this, folks, is why you should have to take a test to OWN a car .
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • I'm going to be shopping for a new car in the next 6 months. First I need to buy a house though as I'll never qualify for the home loan if I have a big car loan. I probably won't buy an SUV; I'd love to get a roadster but the ones I want realistically cost more then I should spend so it looks like I'll be looking at a used Audi or something.
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • Well when I worked at a dealership as an extra hand when I was 20 a portly old man got a honda civic or was it a Plymouth? not sure. One of those ugly box cars that still dot the roads today. Anyway it was Stick, and the guy didnt understand how to drive it ( i dont understand why he didnt, all cars were stick then). My boss asked if he could spare some time and show him how to work it. The guy was like fine, fine,...I got it, how hard is it? First it stalls he doesnt clutch it. Then he drives off in first gear on the interstate, about a fourth of the mile up he calls from a payphone and asks for help


                          • The idiots are every where and they seem to be the only ones breeding.
                            Try for discussion and debate.


                            • Oerdin, you should check out Acura NSX/RSX. NSX isnt a roadster, but it looks alot better and is tons cheaper alot less speed tho (IMO)


                              • NSX? They cost like $70k. Are you talking about an RSX? I believe the RSX replaced the Integra.

                                I'm dieing to get a Porche Boxster but they're 30k even if you buy the lowest priced used versions. A Honda S2000 would be cool but late models run for $28k. I'd like to spend less the $20k on a good late model used car.
                                Try for discussion and debate.

