Originally posted by DanS
I'm uncomfortable with it too. Instead of proclaiming that homosexual acts aren't sins, then recognizing gay marriage, and lastly allowing a gay bishop (a series of events that would lend most legitimacy to the cause), what they are doing now is confirming a bishop who openly fornicates. Is this what passes for holy nowadays?
I'm uncomfortable with it too. Instead of proclaiming that homosexual acts aren't sins, then recognizing gay marriage, and lastly allowing a gay bishop (a series of events that would lend most legitimacy to the cause), what they are doing now is confirming a bishop who openly fornicates. Is this what passes for holy nowadays?
I was dismayed at the 11th-hour allegations. What a crock. The web site allegation was particularly asinine. Robinson had done some work with outreach.org, which is a New England organization dedicated to providing support to lgbt youth. It turns out outreach.org had a link to an affiliate site, and on that site was a link to a site that contained pornography. Such a bull**** link to Robinson was a pretty lame smear attempt.