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Apolyton ADnD reborn

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  • #91
    mad monk, if you could add your ability scores to your skills

    also, your native language is Alzhedo, you can't take abyssal as a language, and you really should take draconic if you are going to take qizard levels (and you don't have to wait until next level to do so like me)

    Jon Miller
    Jon Miller-
    GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


    • #92
      Okay, I'll do that tonight, since I don't have my PHB with me at the moment.

      BTW, I don't have the same resources you do (with regard to bonuses, languages, and the like) -- can you link me to a few sites, so we can be on the same page?
      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


      • #93
        it is the AD&D 3rd Ed - Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and no, I don't know any web site

        I gave you the list of bonus languages and your main language (As well as possible equipment)

        you get that all (well, bonus languages chosen up to your Int modifier) because your class is a prefered class for that region

        Jon Miller
        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • #94
          Changes made.

          I don't know much about FR or Waterdeep -- I invested rather heavily in Greyhawk and Mystara -- which might just let me get into this character better. After all, she just teleported in from a great distance and probably knows little about the place, just like myself. She really is a stranger in a strange land.

          BTW -- what's the weather and season?
          No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


          • #95
            Maybe we should hold off on details like the weather and seasons until everybody feels comfortable with how this is being played. I for one apologize for not being available more often, since I'm visiting relatives in California and am often busy seeing different places around San Fransisco. I'll be back home tomorrow, and more able to participate though.

            Also, unfortunately, I'm not totally clear on much of FG. I understand that Waterdeep is the biggest city around, and I played a bit of NWN and ID2, but I don't know much about the meat and potatoes of the world. I've got a couple pdfs at home that I'll look over when I get there though.

            Other than that it all seems like a lot of fun, but I would suggest that people try to simplify the roleplaying thread at least until we figure out fully how we're going to be doing this, and until we can really sort out how this is going to work. In character speech is great, and little jokes are fine, but in online forums they make it difficult to follow along when we're playing for the first time as a group. I admit I'm not really as into stuff like tavern dialouge when I play with my friends, and I think I give that away in how I'm handling that thread. I personally prefer playing the game and getting down to brass tacks to acting out an improv play.

            I don't know if there are any first-timers playing, but if there are they might feel more comfortable if the game rules were being used - some examples of skill checks and the like - before we get involved in anything rough. Rags casting mage hand was an excellent example of this, since it was a use of an in game sell to do something in the roleplaying.
            John Brown did nothing wrong.


            • #96
              Flech - I know where you're coming from, and I agree that keeping things simple is a good idea. Obviously I don't know what Jon has planned for us, but I'm sure we'll get more into mechanics as we move along.

              The beginning of any campaign is a little slow at first, as the characters try to figure out what is happening and how they'll approach it. Typically, 'roleplayers' (i.e. Those who really enjoy that aspect of the game.) use this slow time to setup their personality and how they'll interact with the other characters.

              Obviously, Rags is a talker, potentially a chatterbox if you don't shut him up. (Feel free to shut him up, btw. ) I don't know if he'll turn into a 'showman', but for right now he is proud of his recently discovered abilities, and likes displaying them. He's also no dimwit, so if no one else speaks up, I'll have him ask the questions that should lead us in the right direction (hopefully).

              I agree that people shouldn't feel its necessary to know Forgotten Realms (FR) in order to participate. Its fine to keep things in context for those that do know, but the knowledge shouldn't be required. Personally, if its not important to the moment, weather, season and dates can be excluded, IMHO.


              • #97
                I don't mean to cramp on anybody's style of play, and it's great to see enthusiasm, it's just I'm trying to get my feet wet in online play, and trying to see where everything stands in this universe - personally I prefer to make my own worlds when I DM, as that allows me to adjust to what people I'm playing with like (if they like a certain kind of character or setting I can work that in without anybody complaining about how it doesn't fit into the setting). I usually only use ready made worlds as sources for ideas and inspiration. However, to be honest, I've never really given FG a fair try and am looking forward to it all. I hope to learn a lot from this game, and see how other people use role-playing to enhance the experience.

                I'm just of the school of thought that it's more important to get into the game and show people how your role-play, than to sit in a tavern and tell people how you role-play.
                John Brown did nothing wrong.


                • #98

                  yah, I did let yuo sit there for a while and by having Incana leave decided to force you to action

                  Jon Miller
                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • #99
                    I'm not usually available on weekends but I'll try to do better. I agree that we should get some of the basics down before we get too fancy. If we all game together well we can get more elaborate later. I'm itching for a fight, though. This is my first time to be a fighter. I have a modest intelligence and no charisma to speak of so this city skulking isn't holding much promise for me. I may just wander around and stay out of the way til we get some good action.


                    • I asked about weather and season because it has a direct impact on Morganna and Rags following Incana without being seen themselves. Fog would make it easier for them to follow unnoticed, but would require them to stay closer, so they don't lose her. Same goes with rain and snow, except if they do lose her, snow might make it easier to determine where she went, while rain would make it impossible. I plan to use my read lips ability if she chats with anyone, so visibility (and the lack threof) is very important.

            's the weather?
                      No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                      • Originally posted by The Mad Monk
                        I asked about weather and season because it has a direct impact on Morganna and Rags following Incana without being seen themselves. Fog would make it easier for them to follow unnoticed, but would require them to stay closer, so they don't lose her. Same goes with rain and snow, except if they do lose her, snow might make it easier to determine where she went, while rain would make it impossible. I plan to use my read lips ability if she chats with anyone, so visibility (and the lack threof) is very important.

              's the weather?
                        Ah. Rags was just going to cast Change Self.


                        •'s the weather?
                          Did I mention how low my intelligence is? I just don't want to be dodging lightning strikes in my chainmail in bad weather.


                          • follow Incana, and I'll keep an eye on you. Motion me forward if she starts talking. I'll try to stay unnoticed (bluff, disguise and hide in full effect).

                            edit: directed at Rags.

                            Should I be putting this in this thread, or the other one?
                            No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                            • a player, you know exactly what my character is like, and vice versa; our characters don't have the same advantage. How should we handle this?
                              No, I did not steal that from somebody on Something Awful.


                              • say what you are going to do in one

                                I had assumed something but it appears I will need to change it

                                Jon Miller

                                Jon Miller
                                Jon Miller-
                                I AM.CANADIAN
                                GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

