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What's the percentage of people that are gay?

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  • #61
    6%, I have seen this stat somewhere.

    But the more important question is. Why does Apolyton have so many gay threads?


    • #62
      Originally posted by chegitz guevara
      The Kinsey Report, on which the 10% number is based had some methodological flaws, part of which is that it was a self-reporting survey.

      Another part is what do you consider a homosexual? Are bisexuals lumped in or not? What about situational homosexals, like men in prison or sea duty etc.? What about guys who experiemented? What about people who participate in orgies or a menage a trois? What about people who are exually attracted to their own gender but never act upon it? What about trendy gays (it does happen, but not as much as troglydites like Stewie would have us believe).
      sea duty!!! what are you implying about my long stints at sea?


      • #63
        Originally posted by SpencerH
        I think that this is a difficult point that balances on how we define "heterosexual" and "homosexual"? I am heterosexual, I have no interest in sex with another male. I think thats how most people understand the term. By the same standard, I expect that a (male) homosexual would have no interest in sex with a women, ergo non-breeding.

        I agree that there are likely to be many homosexuals in our society that do in fact have progeny and that for some the distinction between hetero- and homosexual is blurred. The question for me is how many of those people should be defined as "homosexuals"?

        Thats what I refered to when I said previously "Of course if you included bisexuals and adolescents who may be unsure of their orientation in the number, it would be higher than 3%."
        The point I was making was that all of those men were homosexuals when they were married and sired children. They married out of social and familial pressure and expectation, not to mention their own self-delusion. Again, there is vastly more compulsion to be straight in society than to be gay, your unfortunate friend's experience notwithstanding. I'd like to point out that it seems to me that kid was never homosexual, but rather was coerced through peer pressure into doing something that you could tell he did not want to do. This is not an example of someone's actual orientation shifting, in my opinion.

        Your point about lesbians is valid, as I've frequently gotten in lesbo hot water for saying I think a comparatively large number of them are faux lesbians. You refer to "fluid sexuality" in women, and while I can see that as being somewhat true, I also think a large part of it is just that women enjoy much more leeway from society to be sensual creatures. Hell, how many times have I seen heterosexual men desiring to see lesbians in action? So women are much more free to experiment, and I think many more predominately heterosexual women experiment than men do.

        Were societal attitudes towards sexuality a lot less repressed, especially as far as men were concerned, I think there would be a lot more male heterosexuals who experimented. This is borne out by history, as we can see in Greek and Roman cultures. However, I think there would still be significant numbers of exclusively heterosexual and exclusively homosexual people.
        Last edited by Boris Godunov; August 5, 2003, 18:07.
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #64
          Originally posted by obiwan18

          Common in numbers or common in proportion? There are many fewer homosexual people than heterosexuals, so you have to take this into account when determining the shifts.

          For example, suppose we have a sample of 1000 men, 100 of whom are homosexual. If 10 of the homosexuals shift the other way, that amounts to 10% of the entire gay population. Going the other way, suppose we have 90 heterosexual men become gay, we have exactly the same proportion, 10% making the shift.

          Secondly, all surveys will be self-reporting, so you have the problem of a concrete definition of homosexual. One person's idea may differ from another's.
          Considering that pretty much all homosexuals are going to have at first been "heterosexual," I don't think even proportionally the numbers will balance out. The point was an actual change in orientation (which is assuredly extremely rare, if possible), but a change in self-perceived orientation. Society's presumption of heterosexuality makes people straight by default, so gays have to go through the coming out process.

          Most of the in-depth surveys I've seen, although they have been few, do go to the lengths to actually define the orientations (i.e., "exclusively same-sex," "predominately same-sex," etc.). Again, however, any verbal survey neglects the significant number of people who are in either closeted or in denial.
          Tutto nel mondo è burla


          • #65
            Originally posted by MrFun
            Keep a record of every Gay Pride event in the world,
            Given the number of "straight, but not narrow" people who attend these events, I don't think that has anything to do with it. In Chicago, the Gay Pride Parade is an excuse for everyone to go party.
            Christianity: The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...


            • #66
              [ignorance]There's a ton of them gay ppl around here, and since that is probably the norm everywhere, I would say about 40-50% of all people are gay[/ignorance]

              the rest are in denial...

              except me of course


              • #67
                Time for big D's offensive post of the day

                I find it strange that gay people like to over-inflate the percentage of gay people. Is that to make your behaviour look a little more normal? Sorry, ain't goin' to happen.

                I have only knew 1 person who was gay. And yes he was in the navy- he got out though. Not for being gay, but because he was crazy or something. Psych discharges are not uncommon. In fact he was a roommate of ours for a while. As a joke my roomates put in a gay video of his into my VCR. . Didn't bother me. I have no problem watching videos of guys ass ****ing each other.

                Although when I was a kid I knew a kid who probably grew up to be gay. He always wanted to take baths with me, and play games where we ended up naked. I didn't think that was strange at the time.

                And yes being gay is being strange. Face it, the nation will not turn into a gay majority anytime soon. you can believe in closeted homos all you want, but the number isn't that high.

                And most gays do not start out hetero. I've seen many interviews where they said they knew they were different even when they were like 10 years old. Ellen Degeneres is a good example. She knew she was different. Now women like her did make an attempt at having sex with men. But does that make them hetero? No, it's a pathetic attempt at trying to be normal. Forcing yourself to do heterosexual acts does not make you heterosexual. You have to want to do them.

                What I don't get is the supposedly gay men that get off inside women and produce babies. If they can manage to get off inside a woman, they are bisexual at most. Despite what they may say. They probably only say they are gay, so their gay partner doesn't get fearful that his partner will cheat on him with a woman. I have trouble believing a guy would marry a woman he was not attracted to. That's bull****.

                It's time for you all to fess up, and admit you are less than 10% of the population. Areas such as Bum****, Iowa don't have thousands of closeted gays running around. What happens is any gay person in that ****hole town, moves to the big city where they are more accepted. They aren't going to stay somwhere they aren't accepted. So what happens is you get a bigger concentration of gays in certain cities such as San fransisco, LA, new York, and Chicago. But some cities such as Charleston, SC only had one gay club. And it was only gay some nights a week. Trust me, if there was a demand, more clubs would open. Even my city which has thousands of bars, only has a few gay bars (I have been in most of them).

                It's funny how gay bars in my city can get away with showing gay pornos, but if a straight bar showed straight pornos that would be sexual harrassment and violate lewd laws and such.

                And don't ask me why I was in gay clubs. I have my reasons (work being one of them- yes you guessed it. I'm male prostitute )

                and like Che said, many straight people attend gay pride parades. Hell some straight people go just to see the outlandish costumes and acts the gay people do on the floats.


                • #68
                  No, you're openly gay, right?
                  Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

                  I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...


                  • #69
                    I'm just sure of my sexuality.

                    no one can accuse me of being a homophobe.

                    I'm straight and proud of it. Yes I have straight pride. Whatcha' going to do about it?


                    • #70
                      Actually, that was directed at Japher... but I'm happy for you though!
                      Dom Pedro II - 2nd and last Emperor of the Empire of Brazil (1831 - 1889).

                      I truly believe that America is the world's second chance. I only hope we get a third...


                      • #71
                        I usually don't make two offensive posts of the day, but I am splurging today


                        • #72
                          Diss -- you think being gay is abnormal?
                          A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                          • #73
                            Yes, and I do too - because abnormal is defined as not normal, and normal is defined as what the majority does. Therefore homosexuality is abnormal.

                            He didn't say that was bad.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by skywalker
                              Yes, and I do too - because abnormal is defined as not normal, and normal is defined as what the majority does. Therefore homosexuality is abnormal.

                              He didn't say that was bad.
                              So because the majority of Germans supported Hitler's war policies, his war policies were normal?
                              A lot of Republicans are not racist, but a lot of racists are Republican.


                              • #75
                                They were normal for Germans (at the time).

                                Normality confers no value upon something, moral or otherwise. It is simply a statement as to how common something is.

