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Annoying Siblings...

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  • #16
    I only have one sibling; an older sister. I think I was the annoying younger brother back when we were growing up. The funny thing is we never got along when we were growing up but now that we both have our own lives and own houses we cal each other all the time.

    Go figure.
    Try for discussion and debate.


    • #17
      Im not talking about typical annoying, like being loud on purpose just to annoy annoying, I mean entirely unintentional but still nonetheless annoying annoying.


      • #18
        I'm annoying to my sister on purpose.
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #19
          who isn't?


          • #20
            I have an older sister (26 since yesterday, and also married and living in another country), and a younger sister (20). I love them.

            My younger sister doesn't like quiet, and often has lots to talk about, but it's all very tolerable. But then, she's on holiday right now (coming back later this week), so maybe I'm just starting to miss it again.
            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #21
              If my sister could hold a conversation I wouldn't mind, but she can't hold a conversation without becoming super *****, if you say one thing that she doesn't like she flips. Not to mention she's very Janus faced, and I can't stand people like that. Im protective of her, but I can't say wether I love her or not, especially not as of lately since she's been a ***** about something (long story if you want to hear about it just say so and I'll paraphrase it.)

              Oh yeah! and just a few minutes ago after I got done cleaning most of the house I told her she could do the dishes (the most loathed of all chores around my house) or she could clean the kitchen floor (the easiest chore of all). She told me to **** off because she's sleeping. Little does she realise that she has unintentionaly incurred the rath of Mom. When she gets home theres going to be arguing. Nothing new really.


              • #22
                My older brother, Derek, is still a legend in my mind. I wish all the time that I could tell him to remember to be a good person, but I think that he's probably trying real hard to be the hero I've always considered him. Especially since I can't seem to get a hold of him. He stopped answering the phone a long time ago.

                He listened to Dad about a lot of the wrong things, because acknowledging the truth was scarier than hearing the words.

                Except that your heart always knows the truth - that's what spawns true belief in the first place. That's why some people have heart attacks - their hearts just couldn't hold any more disbelief. Like the difference between a diesel engine and a gas engine.

                However, on a lighter note, that head-fake couldn't fool a deaf, dumb, blind wheelchair-bound dyslexic. So play tennis instead - or volleyball. You don't have to be the best at EVERYTHING, you know? I mean, I'll still LET you win, if you want.

                I know, don't worry. I NEVER let you win.

                Still miss ya all the time. SSDD.


