By Friday July 25th, I will be dead. Sure as the sun will rise on that day, I won't see it set.
On Friday I am getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. This is a pretty normal thing. But, as you all know, getting your teeth pulled is not a tremendously fun activity. In fact, it is horribly painful. Because of this, I will be sedated during the operation. Unconsciousness will be artificially induced in me.
This is, once again, a fairly normal thing. It happens to thousands of people everyday and nothing goes wrong.
Every so often, however, something will go wrong. The chances of this happening are so small as to be negligible, really. But, the chances are not zero. On rare occasions, people simply don't wake up from going under. They cannot be revived. They die.
As I said, this rarely happens. But, as I also said, the chances are not zero. And I am a paranoid individual with far too much time for thinking. Because I think too much, I will begin to fear that this could actually happen to me.
This excess of thinking will do another thing as well. It will cause me to realize that sometimes, a person can start to believe something so much, that it actually becomes true. This can happen with diseases; it's called a psychosomatic effect.
In other words, my fear could cause a psychosomatic effect so that while I am unconscious and having my teeth wrenched, I will make myself believe that I won't wake up, and so I won't.
But it doesn't stop there. Remember, I think too much.
I fear that my fear for the psychosomatic effect may make me fear that I may produce this delusion, and because of that, I will fear it even more.
This cycle of fearing the fear can go on forever, unfortunately. And what this means is that by the time I get to the operation, I will fear death, fear the effect, and fear my own fear so much that my death will, in fact, be inevitable.
And even if it's not inevitable, I will fear so much that it is, that it will become that way.
Vicious circle.
I need you all at Apolyton to save me.
I need you guys to either show a fault in my logic, stop me from thinking too much, get rid of my fear of death, or prove to me conclusively that my fear cannot induce a psychosomatic effect that will kill me.
Otherwise, I'm a goner.
On Friday I am getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. This is a pretty normal thing. But, as you all know, getting your teeth pulled is not a tremendously fun activity. In fact, it is horribly painful. Because of this, I will be sedated during the operation. Unconsciousness will be artificially induced in me.
This is, once again, a fairly normal thing. It happens to thousands of people everyday and nothing goes wrong.
Every so often, however, something will go wrong. The chances of this happening are so small as to be negligible, really. But, the chances are not zero. On rare occasions, people simply don't wake up from going under. They cannot be revived. They die.
As I said, this rarely happens. But, as I also said, the chances are not zero. And I am a paranoid individual with far too much time for thinking. Because I think too much, I will begin to fear that this could actually happen to me.
This excess of thinking will do another thing as well. It will cause me to realize that sometimes, a person can start to believe something so much, that it actually becomes true. This can happen with diseases; it's called a psychosomatic effect.
In other words, my fear could cause a psychosomatic effect so that while I am unconscious and having my teeth wrenched, I will make myself believe that I won't wake up, and so I won't.
But it doesn't stop there. Remember, I think too much.
I fear that my fear for the psychosomatic effect may make me fear that I may produce this delusion, and because of that, I will fear it even more.
This cycle of fearing the fear can go on forever, unfortunately. And what this means is that by the time I get to the operation, I will fear death, fear the effect, and fear my own fear so much that my death will, in fact, be inevitable.
And even if it's not inevitable, I will fear so much that it is, that it will become that way.
Vicious circle.
I need you all at Apolyton to save me.
I need you guys to either show a fault in my logic, stop me from thinking too much, get rid of my fear of death, or prove to me conclusively that my fear cannot induce a psychosomatic effect that will kill me.
Otherwise, I'm a goner.