It just ain't right! I only got to make one post with "mcfecalsmith" before being banned, and OMGWTF made zero posts before being banned! Fortunately, they're not able to IP-ban somebody without an admin (and the admins are all offline), and I've got enough saved-up Yahoo accounts that I can keep stirring up **** until I pass out.
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Dead By Friday
What you need to do is make innocuous handles and then post radical ****.Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld
Re: Dead By Friday
Originally posted by Lorizael
By Friday July 25th, I will be dead. Sure as the sun will rise on that day, I won't see it set.
On Friday I am getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. This is a pretty normal thing. But, as you all know, getting your teeth pulled is not a tremendously fun activity. In fact, it is horribly painful. Because of this, I will be sedated during the operation. Unconsciousness will be artificially induced in me.
This is, once again, a fairly normal thing. It happens to thousands of people everyday and nothing goes wrong.
Every so often, however, something will go wrong. The chances of this happening are so small as to be negligible, really. But, the chances are not zero. On rare occasions, people simply don't wake up from going under. They cannot be revived. They die.
As I said, this rarely happens. But, as I also said, the chances are not zero. And I am a paranoid individual with far too much time for thinking. Because I think too much, I will begin to fear that this could actually happen to me.
This excess of thinking will do another thing as well. It will cause me to realize that sometimes, a person can start to believe something so much, that it actually becomes true. This can happen with diseases; it's called a psychosomatic effect.
In other words, my fear could cause a psychosomatic effect so that while I am unconscious and having my teeth wrenched, I will make myself believe that I won't wake up, and so I won't.
But it doesn't stop there. Remember, I think too much.
I fear that my fear for the psychosomatic effect may make me fear that I may produce this delusion, and because of that, I will fear it even more.
This cycle of fearing the fear can go on forever, unfortunately. And what this means is that by the time I get to the operation, I will fear death, fear the effect, and fear my own fear so much that my death will, in fact, be inevitable.
And even if it's not inevitable, I will fear so much that it is, that it will become that way.
Vicious circle.
I need you all at Apolyton to save me.
I need you guys to either show a fault in my logic, stop me from thinking too much, get rid of my fear of death, or prove to me conclusively that my fear cannot induce a psychosomatic effect that will kill me.
Otherwise, I'm a goner.12-17-10 Mohamed Bouazizi NEVER FORGET
Stadtluft Macht Frei
Killing it is the new killing it
Ultima Ratio Regum
KH, you are totally schnokkered.
He's having them pulled because they aren't growing correctly. They're coming in at an angle and threaten the health of his other teeth. Wisdoms aren't vital to our ability to eat, so his dentist made the decision that they should come out.The cake is NOT a lie. It's so delicious and moist.
The Weighted Companion Cube is cheating on you, that slut.
Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
A few days without sleep, and you'll be so far gone nothing will bother you by that point.
However once you crash it can take weeks to recover...We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution. - Abraham Lincoln
Drinking heavily helps sometimes too.
[Bundy rum add]
Person 1: "Sometime, people can lose their entire leg and not even notice."
Person 2: "But after a few days, wouldn't you think to yourself 'Gee, I've been leaning heavily to the left recently'"?
[/Bundy rum add]I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
Had all four wisdom teeth taken out in the chair, ~3½ hrs. Watched most of it in reflections on the dentist's glasses. The part that got to me was the jackhammer like tool used—the vibrations were mildly nauseating.
MTG, can't believe you biked 45mi that same day. I played tennis on the 3rd day, and could've done on the second but wanted to milk it.
No way I could've gone biking after the op. I was unsteady on my feet, nauseated from the swallowed blood, and extremely sleepy. I only took a pain pill a couple times between naps that evening and once the next morning.
After that the jaw muscles were what hurt the most from being stretched out for so long. My friendskept doing things to make me laugh and I would have to press my palms on the sides of my jaw to minimize the effect.
loinburger, surprised you were so coy around the nurse since you're such a badáss on the forums… shoulda just asked her if she could do something for the itching without mentioning where it was. Then it's her prob if any offense.
(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
My wife had her wisdom teeth pulled, and she opted to not use any anaesthetic... she mentally willed the pain away, or something. Not nitrous oxide or anything.
However, the left side of her lower lip has been numb since the procedure, which was about 4 years ago, and there's a strong likelihood feeling will never return. Nerve damage. Better than dying under gas, but it just goes to show you never know...
And you never know if the dentist will molest you while under. Dentists are weird - high suicide rates.
Good luck!
And DRoseDARs, it's spelled "squeamish."
Originally posted by Straybow
loinburger, surprised you were so coy around the nurse since you're such a badáss on the forums…
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