PERHAPS if Bush had managed to convincingly explain why we went to war after it ended, without blatantly lying I wouldnt of changed my view, but the volume of bull#### currently flying couldnt fill a NYC sewer...... I know it wont happen but im all in favor of an impeachment, and so far as I know, isnt lying in the state of the union adress a federal crime?
Note: I still think going into Iraq was a good idea, if nothing else liberating the people(who will still hate us anyway), BUTunder the proper pretense, i.e. he is a psycho abusing his people,
!!!NOT!!! under a pretense of "we will say hes a threat so we can get oil in 2 to 3 years"........ I cant believe im saying this but im agreeing with the peace protestors......
Note: I still think going into Iraq was a good idea, if nothing else liberating the people(who will still hate us anyway), BUTunder the proper pretense, i.e. he is a psycho abusing his people,
!!!NOT!!! under a pretense of "we will say hes a threat so we can get oil in 2 to 3 years"........ I cant believe im saying this but im agreeing with the peace protestors......