Originally posted by Serb
I like American aproach. It's just great.
When America kill someone it's OK, because those bastards are enemies of Americans. When Soviets (Soviets, even not Russians) kill someone, Soviets are evil motherf*ckers and it doesn't really matters that Soviets considered their victims as enemies too.
For Stalin his victims were enemies also, the enemies of system he lived under. You said that US never slaughtered its own citizens on a mass scale, what about American civil war? Wasn't it a mass scale slaughter?
You forget that there was a civil war in Russia after the revolution and after civil war society was still split. On one side were supporters of new Soviet system, on the other side were their former enemies who lost civil war. The guys who lost civil war still were hostile to new Soviet society and still tried their best to somehow hurt the Soviets. And for Soviets they weren't part of thier Soviet system, they were enemies. Just like Native Americans were enemies for Americans.
I like American aproach. It's just great.

When America kill someone it's OK, because those bastards are enemies of Americans. When Soviets (Soviets, even not Russians) kill someone, Soviets are evil motherf*ckers and it doesn't really matters that Soviets considered their victims as enemies too.
For Stalin his victims were enemies also, the enemies of system he lived under. You said that US never slaughtered its own citizens on a mass scale, what about American civil war? Wasn't it a mass scale slaughter?
You forget that there was a civil war in Russia after the revolution and after civil war society was still split. On one side were supporters of new Soviet system, on the other side were their former enemies who lost civil war. The guys who lost civil war still were hostile to new Soviet society and still tried their best to somehow hurt the Soviets. And for Soviets they weren't part of thier Soviet system, they were enemies. Just like Native Americans were enemies for Americans.
Were those slaughtered by stalin soviet citizens? yes. they were.
and no, the civil war was a war, not a massacre. and no, the south was a completely differnt country (political entity) from the north. no innocent people were slaughterd, only soldiers

and yes, im sure all those women and children were SOOO hostile to the new regime... please. a huge percentage of those killed didnt even have anything to do with the civil war