Re: 'Poly D&D?
IMHO, it should be done somewhere else on the boards. Maybe the Other Games forum...?
I'll try to participate. Whether it's 2E or 3E doesn't matter, but 3E's rules make more sense, IMHO.
What would the campaign setting be?
Originally posted by MattH
Say, does anybody want to play a 'Poly Dungeons+Dragons game? We could run a right cool campaign here... or somewhere else, if the mods don't want the spam.
Say, does anybody want to play a 'Poly Dungeons+Dragons game? We could run a right cool campaign here... or somewhere else, if the mods don't want the spam.
I'll try to participate. Whether it's 2E or 3E doesn't matter, but 3E's rules make more sense, IMHO.

What would the campaign setting be?