Say, does anybody want to play a 'Poly Dungeons+Dragons game? We could run a right cool campaign here... or somewhere else, if the mods don't want the spam.
I've thought about how the dice rolling could be done
It would be a web script (on a seperate page), where you'd select the number of dice and how many sides they have. You'd allso enter a name for the roll, like "sight check outside Kalpatron Palace". The program would generate the numbers and store them in a text file. That way there would be no questions as to the validity of four 6's in a row
I've thought about how the dice rolling could be done

It would be a web script (on a seperate page), where you'd select the number of dice and how many sides they have. You'd allso enter a name for the roll, like "sight check outside Kalpatron Palace". The program would generate the numbers and store them in a text file. That way there would be no questions as to the validity of four 6's in a row
