loinburger -
According to some people here, others do have a right to own you if "society" says so. But were you first on that plot of land or did you buy it from someone else who was first? Consider a virtually empty world with the first people setting out from their homeland. As they settle other lands, they are the first to lay claim - that is the basis for their right to that specific land. Obviously since that time, lands have exchanged hands numerous times and not always legitimately, but that doesn't mean someone else has a moral claim to the land you settled first.
No level is needed.
Sava -
Was a "creator" responsible for your existence?
And they believed in natural rights, quite ironic huh? You say the Founders granted you rights and they believed the rights they allegedly granted came from a creator.
And if they don't? Then you have no rights...no moral authority to exist, no moral authority to defend yourself from attack by "society", and no moral authority to resist the Saddam's of the world...
Which is the point.
Then the Nazis violated no German's right to life.
Hmm...you said God may exist but doesn't work for the government. So the fact something may have nothing to do with government has no bearing on whether or not it exists.
To say a right - a moral claim - only exists as long as you can preserve it means the victims of the Nazis who failed to preserve their rights had no rights to begin with.
Spiffor -
So they didn't complain when white people arrived and started removing them from their lands?
Why would I have more of a moral claim to the land than the other person? My name isn't "naturally" written on the land, so I can't claim to have a "natural" right to own it (similarly to how nobody can claim to have a right to own me).
Even if I've worked the land, then what gave me the natural right to work it? What level of working the land "naturally" constitutes ownership?
Sava -
despite your belief in a creator... a creator didn't grant any rights to me...
the founders of the US government did...
Humans grant rights...
God may exist, but he doesn't work for the US government.
Rights only exist because they can be protected or recognized as legitimate.
Exactly.... since natural rights DON'T exist... it does have nothing to do with the government.
Freedom isn't free. It's granted and protected by those willing to fight for it.
Spiffor -
IIUC, the Arborigines didn't know about private property. Yet, they were far more close to nature than we are. Take the conclusion you want...