Originally posted by David Floyd
If 100% of them want communal property, that's fine, but when any single person wants his or her property back, that person has a right to it.
If 100% of them want communal property, that's fine, but when any single person wants his or her property back, that person has a right to it.
Then again, if we have all agreed on a communal property system to begin with, then any attempt to create private property would be theft.
I guess however, you want to talk on a moral - not a legal - level. Property is purely a legal construct. If you want to talk ona moral level you'll need to talk about some sort of pre-legal entitlement to material (and intellectual) things. And by the way, given that the Locke
's labor theory is bunk (see mypost above above, and previous thread where I won the argument), you'll need some other basis for pre-legal entitlement. Good luck!