Originally posted by MichaeltheGreat
Hmmm... Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Stewart, Georgia; Fort Campbell, Kentucky (mostly in Tennessee), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
Hmmm... Fort Hood, Texas; Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Stewart, Georgia; Fort Campbell, Kentucky (mostly in Tennessee), Fort Bragg, North Carolina; Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.


Uh...Camp Pendleton....Vandenburg....uh...
Damn it.
Navstation San Diego.....Bremerton....Colorado Springs... NTC.....Pearl Harbor....Yokosuka...Rammstein...Or boys in South Korea...
You said "If the war was fought today..." Now you're talking a whole new ballgame.
Only Confederates called Northerners "yankees"... more twisting of Neo-Confedes are evidenced in your post.
(Scratch that, most people can call New England types Yankees.....and the word Doesn't exist in the south. It's Damnyankees.)