/me sings
That's what.... you get.....
God you would not believe the bragging in Kiwi papers the next day. They devoted most of the front page and at least another 5-6 pages of the Sunday Star Times to talking up the win. Thing is, there's a row between the NZRFU and the ABs about pay. The Aussies are getting something like $120k per Tri Nations match, whereas the NZRFU is offering about $60k. The Aussies' bonus for winning the Bledisloe is I believe half a million, whereas the Abs are being offered only $100,000. The RFU has been publicising the ABs' pay packets in the hope the public would shoot down their hold-out for more money, but with successes like Saturday night's one...
/me shakes head.
The RFU have cost us co-hosting the World Cup already this year, I can just see their stupidity and greed costing us everything else, too.
The news item with the next largest coverage was about Uday's shooting, then about how in a Simpsons comic a drunken Homer wakes up as Prime Minister of New Zealand.
'Tis a funny wee country, our Kiwiland.
That's what.... you get.....
God you would not believe the bragging in Kiwi papers the next day. They devoted most of the front page and at least another 5-6 pages of the Sunday Star Times to talking up the win. Thing is, there's a row between the NZRFU and the ABs about pay. The Aussies are getting something like $120k per Tri Nations match, whereas the NZRFU is offering about $60k. The Aussies' bonus for winning the Bledisloe is I believe half a million, whereas the Abs are being offered only $100,000. The RFU has been publicising the ABs' pay packets in the hope the public would shoot down their hold-out for more money, but with successes like Saturday night's one...
/me shakes head.
The RFU have cost us co-hosting the World Cup already this year, I can just see their stupidity and greed costing us everything else, too.
The news item with the next largest coverage was about Uday's shooting, then about how in a Simpsons comic a drunken Homer wakes up as Prime Minister of New Zealand.
'Tis a funny wee country, our Kiwiland.
