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Press has been lying about Iraq

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  • Originally posted by Edan
    Speaking of lying reporters...

    Although this appears to be one bad apple then a conspiracy, but the New York Times should still be ashamed.
    They're more than ashamed. They're furious and the very publicness of their self-flogging is evidence they have nothing to hide. Besides, did you read all of Safire's column? He says the NY Times isn't as bad as some partisan party appartchiks make it out to be.

    "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll die defending your right to say it." — Voltaire

    "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius


    • Originally posted by Gatekeeper

      They're more than ashamed. They're furious and the very publicness of their self-flogging is evidence they have nothing to hide. Besides, did you read all of Safire's column? He says the NY Times isn't as bad as some partisan party appartchiks make it out to be.

      Yes, and I agree. That's why I said it wasn't a conspiracy but just one bad apple.
      "I read a book twice as fast as anybody else. First, I read the beginning, and then I read the ending, and then I start in the middle and read toward whatever end I like best." - Gracie Allen


      • Originally posted by Cruddy

        You were around then Ned?
        No. But I also remember (from history class and from discussions with my Dad) that even though we set out to the de-Nazify Germany, we ended up using a lot of Nazis in the new government because there was no one else with the skills necessary was not Nazi. I suspect the same will happen in Iraq. We will not be able to put together a new government, particularly at the local level levels, without using Ba'ath party members.

        Seriously though, looting and lawlessness were very common in British cities after heavy bombing raids. It's difficult to enforce the law when there is a blackout.

        Also, I seem to remember similar conditions reported from the New York power cut in the 70s? 80s? "Night of the Animals" is how I remember that.

        It's not the governments that keep the law on the street. It's the lawkeepers, be it police or troops.

        Japan does not go in for public lawlessness. I put this down to the high proportion of martial art practitioners on the street.
        Actually, if you go to Japan, one things you notice is the general law-abiding nature of the people. Unattended coin-operated vending stands are everywhere on the streets. Something like that will not last in five minutes in New York City.

        Given what we know about human nature, it would very surprising if there were no looting in Baghdad after the fall of the Saddam régime. If there's any any criticism of our war plan it could be that we had no plan in place on how the police the cities if the local police force vanished, which it did. arch+from+The+Empire+Strikes+Back.ogg&wiki=en


        • Yes we should applaud the New York Times for going public with the problem it had with this particular reporter. Dedication to the truth and accurate reporting are critical and essential for a news organization.

          Are you listening CNN?

