1. Pixies - Doolittle: THE best Pixies album. Enough said.
2. Firewater - Psychopharmacology: I've been naming the latest Suomithreadis according to the songs in this CD. I love it. Everyone should listen to it.
3. Pixies - Surfer Rosa: First couldn't really get into it, then did. Gigantic-River Euphrates-Where Is My Mind? combo is pretty hard to beat, but also has some clunkers, meaning it's not defeating Doolittle.
4. CMX - Aura: I'll always describe CMX as the Finnish Pixies, and this is definitely CMX's Doolittle. It's even got a monkey in the cover. They don't sound exactly like Pixies, 'course, but that's not the point. You can't but love the tango-rock in Nainen Tanssii Tangoa.
5. Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables - my first album love. If I'd be asked to quote one song line from any album I love, I'd probably answer "Efficiency and progress is ours once a more/now that we have the neutron bomb/it's nice and quick and clean and gets things done".
2. Firewater - Psychopharmacology: I've been naming the latest Suomithreadis according to the songs in this CD. I love it. Everyone should listen to it.
3. Pixies - Surfer Rosa: First couldn't really get into it, then did. Gigantic-River Euphrates-Where Is My Mind? combo is pretty hard to beat, but also has some clunkers, meaning it's not defeating Doolittle.
4. CMX - Aura: I'll always describe CMX as the Finnish Pixies, and this is definitely CMX's Doolittle. It's even got a monkey in the cover. They don't sound exactly like Pixies, 'course, but that's not the point. You can't but love the tango-rock in Nainen Tanssii Tangoa.
5. Dead Kennedys - Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables - my first album love. If I'd be asked to quote one song line from any album I love, I'd probably answer "Efficiency and progress is ours once a more/now that we have the neutron bomb/it's nice and quick and clean and gets things done".