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Newsflash: Civil War In Sovietskii Soyuz

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  • #46
    The Holy Empire of Sheepsta announces that in its gearing up of it military forces it has constructed 100 ICBM warheads poised to strike at a second;s warning. We will use them if we are attacked by any means. The Lord Protector will not allow the Holy Empire to fall from grace.
    In response tot his, Centralis has no choice but to begin embarking upon it's own program to develop nuclear weapons and investigate means of shooting down ICBMS. We will not permit our nation or any other to be held hostage to the whims of dictators.

    New Elysium supports the revolution. We support anything against the status quo. Viva la Revolucion! Even as we speak, Elysium volunteer troops are inflitrating across the borders, cutting telephone and power lines, and spreading funny money.
    Until the Republic of New Elysium provides certifiable proof that it has withdrawn all it's troops from the soveirgn nation of the Sovietskii Soyuz and pays reparations for the damage it has caused, Centralis shall take military action all troops you ahevs ent into Sovietskii territory and against any miltiary installation facilitating your invasion.

    EDIT: We shall also ask the Organization for Defence of Sovereign Nations to do the same.
    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; January 16, 2003, 00:40.


    • #47
      We have no control of our volunteers. They are secretly supported by the Mad Captain, Greater Finland and Moskva!!

      Although if you ask them, they will deny it.
      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


      • #48
        You have yourself admitted your support for the rebels and your invasion of Sovietskii territory.


        • #49
          OF course we support them. Doesn't mean we control 'em. Remeber, they are volunteers.
          "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


          • #50
            You also stated that you were sending volunteer troops across the border - i.e. invading.


            • #51
              We never agreed not to develop nuclear weapons ourselves - we agreed not to assist others in doing so.


              • #52
                The 4 missiles have hit our major civilian centers. The citizens are calling these attacks 'the Blitz.'
                "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                • #53
                  Three divisions of Centralian paratroopers have now been landed in Sovietskii territory and are assisting the local miltiary forces in repulsing the Elysian invasion forces.


                  • #54
                    The 'Elysian invasion forces' are not Elysian at all.
                    Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                    Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                    Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                    • #55
                      Faced with overwhelming odds, the Elysian troops have withdraw into the rainforest to fight a delaying action. Many others have switched into either civilian clothes are Centralian uniforms. The disinformation has caused whole units of the enemy to get lost, get captured, killed or misled. Valuable maps, radios, and codebooks have been recovered by the freedom fighters. Armed with this information, they are able to read all radio traffic and elude the ruthless pursuers.
                      "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                      • #56
                        Responding to Sovietskii Soyuz call for aid, and the unprovoked attack of New Elysium on Sovietskii, the United States of Jackson has now declared war on New Elysium. We demand the withdraw of all New Elysium troops from Sovietskii Soyuz.

                        A force of 100,000 troops are beiing moved into postion near the New Elysium border and are now taking up defensive postions. Soon we will begin a offensive campagin if New Elysium does not withdraw with the day.

                        Our nuclear forces have been also placed on the highest readiness and are ready to be fired at a moments notice.
                        Donate to the American Red Cross.
                        Computer Science or Engineering Student? Compete in the Microsoft Imagine Cup today!.


                        • #57
                          In response to this declration the Holy Empire of Sheepsta under the Anti-Sovietskii Soyuz Alliance has declared a crusade against its neighbour the USJ. May this be quickly resloved as both nations have nuclear weapons.

                          The nuclear arsenal of the Holy Empire of 100 ICBM's has been aimed at the USJ and the Sovietskii Soyuz. Back down now!

                          Already broder skirmishes have occured as Holy Empire troops cross the border it appers that the Lord Protector, the benevolent Mr. Sheep has been preparing this for years.

                          occ: Actually I have been preparing for war
                          Don't tell a twisted person he is twisted, he may take offence. (THAT MEANS ME!)
                          Founder of the Mafia Poly Series (THATS RIGHT I STARTED IT)
                          Nesing, come and see what its about in the Stories and Diplomacy threads.


                          • #58
                            A public broadcast from Liam "Archaic" Pomfret of Flaim, Monach of Alecrast

                            To the leaders of New Elysium and the "Holy Empire" of Sheepsta , I'd like to know if you know where your children are today.

                            *Camera turns to face two beraggled children, then back to the Monach*

                            Alecrast Yokuza units are already in place to capture and/or assassinate other key members of your families and your governments. If you want them and your children safe, we suggest you surrender peacefully and begin immediate payment of war reperations to the Sovietskii and other involved nations.
                            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                            • #59
                              The 'Elysian invasion forces' are not Elysian at all.
                              Yes they are, as admited by the Elysian president.

                              Faced with overwhelming odds, the Elysian troops have withdraw into the rainforest to fight a delaying action. Many others have switched into either civilian clothes are Centralian uniforms. The disinformation has caused whole units of the enemy to get lost, get captured, killed or misled. Valuable maps, radios, and codebooks have been recovered by the freedom fighters. Armed with this information, they are able to read all radio traffic and elude the ruthless pursuers.
                              Having switched codes and frequencies, the Centralian troops have rendered useless the Elysian attempts at listening in on their transmissions and will continue their operations against the invaders. Centralis troops have also assisted the Sovietskii police forces in eliminating Elysian infiltrators among the civilian population and Centralis military.


                              • #60
                                Archaic - we will not surrender to blackmail

                                To catch the infiltrators, a police state has been established in the Sovietskii. Many innocent people are being thrown in the jails. Faced with a polics cordon quickly tighning around all areas of society, the infiltrators have gone to ground, thrown away their weapons and have blended in seamlessly with the general populace. However, their valuable skills will again be needed one day to strike a blow against the oppressors.
                                "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini

