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  • #91

    did you read the rest of the entries as well? Some interresting stuff


    • #92
      From the sounds of it it looks like all the cutting edge space tech of choice was based on the CTP games!(Space Ladder etc)
      So at least a few guys at NASA and in the scientific community were playing the game we like
      'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

      Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


      • #93
        I am real-life drunk now !

        But I think we should join together and the programmers team to sue NASA, and with the money we could make CTP3!!!


        *Pedrunn asks Redbull more beer
        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
        Kill all and you are a God!"
        -Jean Rostand


        • #94
          Gilgamensch, yeah, I read some of the other entries too. It’s ominous to think that the “final frontier” has become just another political gambit. I wonder if the boys at NASA remember the dinosaurs? If they try to prop up their dinosaur forever, a smaller faster, more efficient European or Japanese or Chinese or Russian or Frikfrakistani craft would send their beloved shuttle to the history books. When will they learn? Adapt or die.

          Pedrunn, best idea I’ve heard. Let’s sue NASA. Apparently they have money to burn (excuse the pun). Hope for CTP3 lives again!

          If anybody here had $20 million – would you sign up as a Russian space tourist?
          If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


          • #95
            Sounds good for me, let's join together, sue the last penny out of them and make:

            CTP III The Final Frontier

            And DoT: Why no, if I would need to spend all my money on it
            Last edited by Gilgamensch; November 28, 2002, 13:02.


            • #96
              DoT, if you didn't like the poem, maybe you would care to share something interesting that would create interest in the thread, my poem certainly did that, you however haven't contribued much beyond whining


              • #97
                one man at the window
                one girl at the bar
                saw that look of recognition
                when they know just who you are
                i seen you on the tv
                i seen you on that show
                you make the people crazy
                and then you let them go

                before the show we calm them
                we sympathise, we care
                and the hostile folk we keep apart
                ‘til the red light says ‘on air’
                did you see our leather lovers
                all tied up to the chair
                did you catch those child molesters
                no one else goes there

                what a show, the barry williams show
                what a show,
                dysfunctional excess
                is all it took for my success
                the greater pain that they endure
                the more you know the show will scored
                it’s showtime

                got the reputation of a surgeon
                ‘cos they cannot feel the cut
                it looks so very simple
                but it really is an art
                they call our studio ‘the hospital’
                making money from the sick
                we let people be themselves
                there is no other trick

                ‘my lover stole my girlfriend’
                ‘i keep beating up my ex’
                ‘i want to kill my neighbour’
                ‘my daughter’s selling sex’
                ‘my s/m lover hurt me’
                ‘my girl became a man’
                ‘i love my daughter’s rapist
                ‘my life’s gone down the pan’

                what a show, the barry williams show
                the barry williams show
                dysfunctional excess
                is all it took for my success
                and when the punches start to fly
                the ratings always read so high
                it’s showtime

                ‘that girl has got no scruples’
                not a wrinkle on her face
                you would not believe the plot she conceived
                so they’d let her take my place
                well, no man is an island
                no man is a sea
                but this display of emotion
                is all but drowning me

                what a show, oh what a show
                on my show, the barry williams show
                it’s my show
                what a show
                dysfunctional excess
                is all it took for my success

                the best tv you’ve ever seen
                where people say the things that they really mean
                i hear my name, i hear them roar
                for the one more time i take the floor
                just one more barry williams show
                we’re gonna take you where you want to go
                it’s showtime

                come on down
                come on down
                It's time for the Barry Williams Show!!!!



                • #98
                  JERRY! JERRY!
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #99
                    hey i finally opened it!!!
                    this is probably my only post here for a time in either direction


                    • Originally posted by H Tower
                      DoT, if you didn't like the poem, maybe you would care to share something interesting that would create interest in the thread, my poem certainly did that, you however haven't contribued much beyond whining
                      Actually H Tower – I did enjoy your poem...
                      Just looking to revive said interest in this thread...
                      And look...
                      It’s worked...
                      Another poem!

                      And in the spirit of Christmas (and whining), here’s my contribution:

                      T'was the night before Christmas
                      Old Santa was p*ssed
                      He cussed at the elves
                      And threw down his list

                      Miserable little brats
                      Ungrateful little jerks
                      I have a good mind
                      To scrap the whole works

                      I've busted my a**
                      For damn near a year
                      Instead of "Thanks Santa"
                      What do I hear?

                      The old lady b**ches
                      Cause I work late at night
                      The elves want more money
                      The reindeer all fight

                      Rudolph got drunk
                      And scr*wed all the maids
                      Donner is pregnant
                      And Vixen has AIDS

                      And just when I thought
                      That things would get better
                      Those a**holes from IRS
                      Sent me a letter

                      They say I owe taxes
                      If that ain't damn funny
                      Who the hell ever
                      Sent Santa Clause money?

                      And the kids these days
                      They all are the pits
                      They want the impossible
                      Those mean little sh*ts

                      I spent a whole year
                      Making wagons and sleds
                      Assembling dolls
                      Their arms, legs and heads

                      I made a ton of yo-yo's
                      No request for them
                      They want computers and robots
                      They think I'm IBM!

                      If you think that's bad
                      Just picture this
                      Try holding those brats
                      With their pants full of p*ss

                      They pull on my nose
                      They grab at my beard
                      And if I don't smile
                      Their moms think I'm weird

                      Flying through the air
                      Dodging the trees
                      Falling down chimneys
                      And skinning my knees

                      I'm quitting this job
                      There’s just no enjoyment
                      I'll sit on my fat a**
                      And draw unemployment

                      There's no Christmas this year
                      Now you know the reason
                      I found me a blonde and
                      I'm going south for the season

                      I'll laze in the sun
                      Into bed I'll get tucked
                      And those snotty nosed brats
                      Can all go get fu**ed
                      If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


                      • Old News!
                        The CtP2 Democracy Game is dying off, news reporters have finally hit upon a reason, nothing has happened recently and the pace of decision making has slowed to a crawl, some even say a standstill. This reporter is not sure the game will ever begin


                        • Analysis paralysis me thinks . Things will probably speed up in the New Year.

                          I like your Yuletide Avatar H Tower.
                          If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


                          • i just remember early november when we thought we could begin playing in mid November, but we're still far away from starting


                            • Not really! we have finish the article now. Just the way the game should be played is missing. The election for judge has started already. I give lees then two week to launch the game.
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand


                              • That's what I hope !!!!!!!!!!

                                Let's also hope people will start to participate

