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Lemuria Café

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  • #31
    I am never drunk, just my body can't for any reason handle the intake of alcohol anymore

    By the way, what have you got down there for beers?

    I only know European beers (Americans by definition don't have beer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).


    • #32
      Originally posted by redbull
      Heh... no drinks for centrifuge.
      That's fine, the booze in this place is watered down anyway...


      • #33
        *F-PRO theatrically comes back in again*

        I am back, with money! That is which I forgot, and now I will get you all a drink, since you are my best and greatest friends!

        *F-PRO feels great about having so many friends in the Apolymuria tribe who don't say things behind his back*
        Civ3 PtW Democracy Game info: (links work only for Roleplay-team members)
        Floris Petro Rulio Olstorne, member of the Roleplay-team, Owner of the tavern Iberian Delight, Pro 1 Activist {Click here}.


        • #34
          you mean someone is acually going to pay for the liquor they consume

          Gilgamensch, I wasn't going to lock him out, i was going to lock him in.

          /me feeds more coins into the jukebox. Ozzy Osbourne: No more tears begins to play.


          • #35
            Another bottle of whisky, please!
            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
            Kill all and you are a God!"
            -Jean Rostand


            • #36
              got ur all so oldish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #37
                i have to do all my drinking here because It's not legal for me yet where I live.

                Well, I do most of my drinking here


                • #38
                  Well... I suppose everyone except one or two can drink here...

                  F-PRO. I see you return with money... any donations to the... erm... Bartender's Retirement Fund


                  • #39
                    H Tower,

                    where is the difference between being locked in or out? Only a question of perspective !!!!!!!

                    Once you are IN, you are OUT and when you are OUT you are IN makes perfect sence


                    talking about Scotch or WHAT????????????
                    If you like Scotch (smokey) I'll let you know a good one, can't remember it's spelling something like Laphrough......... A nice smokey one, not sure If you can get it down in your place. It is around 15$

                    Who said we should pay ????????????

                    F-Pro, just wait and see And thanks for the drink

                    Centrifuge, Why is it impossible to get a decent beer in the US? Why are you only drinking this lemonade?


                    • #40
                      I usually don't drink anything but mead, but i'll make a small exception if you don't have any - One for the road please bartender!

                      HuangShang -
                      Yeah and one day(which will suddenly creep up on yah) someone will say the same to you! Such is life in this mortal coil.
                      [CoT looks deeply into his drink for a while and shrugs with a small smile, walks over to the jukebox as Ozzy finishes and puts on 'shores in flames' by Bathory - it reminds him of home]
                      'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                      Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Gilgamensch
                        Centrifuge, Why is it impossible to get a decent beer in the US? Why are you only drinking this lemonade?
                        I'm only drinking lemonade because the bartender cut me off I guess that I was getting to rowdy...

                        It's not impossible to get a good beer in the US there are tons to choose from with all of the microbrew pubs everywhere...but I do agree that the so called domestic beers look and taste as if someone drank a good beer and couldn't make it to the bathroom, so they had to use the bottle that said Budweiser on it


                        • #42
                          redbull, do we have an entrance to the ISR (Infinite Store Room) from here? perhaps we need to open a corridor so that you can serve the people what they want.

                          oh yeah, and I'll take elly jade


                          • #43
                            Its Edayllej dammit (were you around for the original edayllej reasoning, and first ever edayllej order?)
                            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                            • #44
                              now we're even more off-topic

                              anyway... a coke cola for this hs emperor


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                                Its Edayllej dammit (were you around for the original edayllej reasoning, and first ever edayllej order?)
                                no, i wasn't

                                HuangShang: the whole point of this thread is that there is NO topic!

