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Diplomod V3.0

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  • #16
    mmhh...can't get past turn always crashes on me between turn 21 and 25...damn
    You'll not see me coming!


    • #17
      I had that same problem, it was turn 22 for me... but then I reinstalled and installed diplomod v3.0 and there hasn't been a problem... it probably had some problem with other changes that I made. It works, but hopefully it will mesh with other mods out there.


      • #18
        For me it was turn 27 that I had the problem.

        ANYWAYS! Big news on the diplomod front. I've done a heap of work over the weekend (sorry for the silence, we had a long weekend and I don't have net at home) and am proud to say......

        - That crash to desktop bug is gone.
        - AI won't give ya his cities.
        - Have included a mod called Withdraw. It forces AI out of your territory when making withdraw_troop agreements. And it WORKS!
        - AI will now definitely make embassies! (Though I had to cheat a little to get it to do it).

        Will send out V3.1 to the testers to have some fun with. I'll keep you up-to-date.

        Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

        Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


        • #19

          Originally posted by Dale on 01-28-2001 04:55 PM
          For me it was turn 27 that I had the problem.

          ANYWAYS! Big news on the diplomod front. I've done a heap of work over the weekend (sorry for the silence, we had a long weekend and I don't have net at home) and am proud to say......

          - That crash to desktop bug is gone.
          - AI won't give ya his cities.
          - Have included a mod called Withdraw. It forces AI out of your territory when making withdraw_troop agreements. And it WORKS!
          - AI will now definitely make embassies! (Though I had to cheat a little to get it to do it).

          Will send out V3.1 to the testers to have some fun with. I'll keep you up-to-date.

          Oh come on, put us out of our misery and release this


          • #20
            Just on the other comments about the mod:

            My purpose for the mod is to get agreements between AI's. However, due to how the game is internally programmed it'll never happen. At least I've got them to create embassys in V3.1 now.

            You'll have to update the script to V3.1. It contains new bug/crash-fixes.

            That crash is now fixed. It had to do with how I was setting the AI's diplomatic states.

            I'll try it tonight and see what happens. Though I suppose leaving diplomacy.slc in script.slc will do the same thing.

            That sort of thing would take a lot of reprogramming. Maybe I'll be able to do it one day.

            On the research pact, I think this is how it's supposed to work. I mean, you're so far ahead scientifically, there is no way 'their' research is going to benefit you as you have it. But your research will benefit them heaps! When the US discovers something, how long is it till their allies have it? Not very long.

            Rich(again, I'm just scrolling down the list of comments):
            The mod should mesh pretty well with others now. I've resolved the instability issues it had.

            And last but not least......... heardie:
            I'm a cruel SOB.

            Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

            Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


            • #21
              Triumphus demands ver 3.1

              Well, pretty please. So far, I love what the mod has done for the game. The AI are now very active.

              Keep up the good work, and let us know when this badboy is released for the great unwashed to try.
              I love when the AI threatens me.....the punk. Only thing is now if he ticks me off, I demand his capital and then use it to mass produce units to use against him :-)


              • #22
                Has listened to TR's demands and has posted v3.1 in the db. Enjoy


                • #23
                  Thanks Rich.

                  BTW, I just took a look at the files db to see what new stuff there was. Saw diplomod updated and glanced at the figures. How accurate are those????????


                  Added: 28-Jan-2001
                  Hits: 218
                  Avg.Daily Hits: 218

                  I almost fell off my chair! I feel appreciated! Yay!

                  BTW, if anyone wants to translate the english to other languages, it would be appreciated. So far I've had requests sent to me for Swedish, German and French. All I known is Stray-yun.

                  Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                  Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
                  [This message has been edited by Dale (edited January 29, 2001).]


                  • #24
                    The 218 is from your first release to-date... I updated the upload date since I added the new version therefore your perday average is well above what it should be.


                    • #25

                      Your new 3.1 version runs perfectly, however with one glitch: Independent of the regard (ie even when I am in war with another civ), I nearly always get an advance as soon as I request it.

                      The "city-for-free" bug is eliminated, however now we seem to have an "advance-for-free-even-in-war" bug.



                      • #26

                        Originally posted by Dale on

                        On the research pact, I think this is how it's supposed to work. I mean, you're so far ahead scientifically, there is no way 'their' research is going to benefit you as you have it. But your research will benefit them heaps! When the US discovers something, how long is it till their allies have it? Not very long.

                        Hi Dale,

                        Thanks for good work and timely response. I would
                        agree with you about research pact except they soon
                        caught up and past me. They were 5 advances ahead
                        when I had enough and found something to Declare War
                        about. I don't see any other way to stop a Pact??



                        • #27
                          I noticed the same "advance-for-free-even-in-war"-bug like Martina.
                          I declared war to the AI, but in the next year I requested an advance, and he accepted it.

                          But all in all, I think this mod (apart from this bug) is quite perfect. :-)


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the feedback Matina and Mephistopholes. The "advance-for-free-even-in-war" bug sounds interesting, because there is nothing in the mod that even touches on this one. Because of the "advance-for-gold" bug in the EXE file, I steered clear of advance requests totally. But I think I can see a way to halt this. Try this. At the bottom of "diplomod.slc" change the code to look like this:

                            // diplomacy.slc routines
                            HandleEvent(NewProposal) 'DIP_ProposalResponseEvent' pre {
                            	if(IsHumanPlayer(player[0])) {
                                            if(!(AtWarWith(player[0], player[1]))) {
                            		      ConsiderResponse(player[0].owner, player[1].owner, 100, 2);
                            	} else {
                            It should be easy to find this section. By putting in this 'catch' it should halt the AI in it's more favourable diplomacy that I've programmed. Basically, if you're at war with an AI and make a request, it'll skip the more favourable considering statement and use the default CTP2 one.

                            Hope this helps and let me know.

                            There is actually coding in the game to have a "Break Agreement" diplomatic proposal. It's just not turned on. I'll take a look to see if there's a way to turn this on and it should allow you to break an agreement with an AI.

                            Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                            Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                            • #29
                              Hmm. Downloaded and installed it today--met my first Civ, didn't get a greeting message...asked to exchange maps and promptly knew where every Civ was in the world circa 2900AD...not too impressed.

                              Couldn't you fix the Civs knowing where every other Civ is? I didn't test it further, but a Civ accepting an exchange of maps on first meeting a new that realistic?


                              • #30
                                Sure the AI is too nice - but that's nothing new on this game. The mod (w/withdrawl) is pretty cool since diplomacy seems to do something now. Right on Dale! But still, this thing is close to being shelfware(which is a shame given the potential).

