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Diplomod V3.0

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  • Diplomod V3.0

    Well, the beta got sent out this morning just now, so let's just wait and see what the verdict is. For those who are interested, these are the features (taken directly from the readme):

    - AI will not by default refuse another AI's proposal.
    - AI has higher priorities for making proposals. This causes the AI to make more proposals.
    - AI's will generate either positive or negative regard for each other.
    - AI/Human interaction will be more agressive/demanding.
    - Enabled trade and military pacts for peace treaty. I believe this to be more historically accurate.
    - AI will build slightly more diplomats. (If suggested change of UnitBuildLists.txt is used)
    - On average, an AI will make 6 considerations for proposals every 10 turns. This is an increase from Diplomod V2.2.
    - AI has 3 different AI-Human diplomatic states being friendly, neutral and provoking.

    Beta testers: we can discuss the mod here and propose changes/additions/fixes/whatever.

    Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

    Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."

  • #2
    i dont know if you have covered this, but should try to have the ai explore as much as possible in order to meet more nations and thus have more chances for diplomatic interactions....


    • #3
      I don't know if it covers your suggestion as such (a good one too) but the AIs swap maps like anything. It doesn't take long before all the AIs know where the other civs are. Hence classed as 'explored'. This what you're thinking of?

      Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

      Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


      • #4
        I'm playing diplomod v3.0 as we speak.I have a couple of questions.
        1. when I first meet a new civilization I'm not getting a greeting from them.
        2.Is there any way for the ai not to give me a city when I ask for one?


        • #5
          yeah, that's what i'm talking about

          i guess i mentioned it cause i'm playing a game with 8 civs on the 210x210 greece map. it's rather huge and each ai knows 1-2 other civs at about 1000ad...


          • #6

            Originally posted by pjm44 on 01-24-2001 07:49 PM
            I'm playing diplomod v3.0 as we speak.I have a couple of questions.
            1. when I first meet a new civilization I'm not getting a greeting from them.
            2.Is there any way for the ai not to give me a city when I ask for one?

            1 - I've noticed that in any of the mods I've written. I have no idea why it's not greeting, or how to force a greeting.

            2 - You able to provide the specifics of the request to them? Like do you offer gold? Or just demand city? Threaten? Etc? Cuz I tried this quite a bit (after what happened in V2.2) and I never had the AI accept when I demanded a city.


            yeah, that's what i'm talking about
            i guess i mentioned it cause i'm playing a game with 8 civs on the 210x210 greece map. it's rather huge and each ai knows 1-2 other civs at about 1000ad...

            Markos the AI's should be sending proposals to all AI's before they meet them. It's the biggest diplo-cheat I gave the AI. Pretty much all they do is swap maps in the early game, so it doesn't affect the game much.

            Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

            Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
            [This message has been edited by Dale (edited January 24, 2001).]
            [This message has been edited by Dale (edited January 24, 2001).]
            [This message has been edited by Dale (edited January 24, 2001).]


            • #7

              Okay I just ran the mod thorough 150 turns and well I'm impressed it works nicely. The AI used almost every available request except for the treaties, I'm not sure if that's the idea of if the AI didn't think I was worth it... either way it was good. The only problem I have is with the early AI map trading before they met, I mean I met the Hebrews around turn 20 and I almost had the whole world mapped out by turn 25 when I met the indonesians. I traded maps and wow, I knew about the whole world... a glaring problem I believe since now I knew where pretty well everyone else was and then systematically went ahead and wiped them out... no exploring just leagues of warriors and knights or whatever I had at the moment and beat them. I don't think this is the best thing. Other than that I liked that the AI did try to barter a little more than usual but again when I was at war and they'd request I cease-fire, I counter with I want such and such a tech to stop attacking (and by this point they were down to maybe 2 cities) they refused. I'm not sure if this is fixable but I don't think anyone would want to keep fighting to keep say stone working a secret... it's a tech or it's your civ... most people would choose the civ... any suggestions on improving this?


              BTW I got a greeting each time I met a new civ.
              [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited January 25, 2001).]


              • #8
                Quick question. Where or how does one obtain this mod?


                • #9
                  V3.0 is just being tested by a small group of people, but I should have the okay to post in the db later this weekend or early next week. For now v2.2 I believe is available in the db but there are a few flaws with it, but it will give you a sample of what is coming.



                  • #10
                    Diplomod 3.0 is also included in the latest beta release of my modern scenario. Why not kill 2 birds with one stone and check them both out.


                    • #11
                      Hey Dale,

                      I'm currently testing your new meta mod, it's great but before I actually meet some other civ's the game just crashes without even a errormessage !

                      I never had this before, it's occuring at random, one time I could play till 3000 bc other time 3600 bc but never for long.
                      It just strikes me as odd that I never had these crashes before !

                      Because of the lack of a message I don't know where it goes wrong, so I don't have a clou how to solve this !

                      Hope you can do something with it !


                      • #12
                        about that expansion thing...y dont u raise the explore lvl in personalities.txt to maximum fot all "chars" Wouldnt that help...then decrease the map exchange....

                        and about the greeting thing, there is a line in the diplomacy.slc thats not in your slc. its. try it! right now i cant test your mod...tomorrow!

                        MessageBox 'DIPLOMACY_POPUP_GREETING' { Text(ID_ACTION_STRING); Show(); }
                        You'll not see me coming!


                        • #13
                          Are there anyway we can demand the AI to stop fighting
                          with other AI? That would be a very nice addition to the game.


                          • #14
                            well just reinstalled for the 5th time, still, like Omnigod, around turn 22, mhh..y 22? Perhaps some magic number? Is this a sign?? Will we all be dead by 22.00 hours? Are we able to escape??
                            You'll not see me coming!


                            • #15
                              I'm not using diplomod 2.2, but I think I found another
                              bug in the diplomacy area. The write up on 2.2 and 3.0
                              doesn't memtion fixing 'Research Pact'. Currently
                              research pact does not give any bonus in science
                              to the human but gives lots of science bonus to the
                              AI civ. I negotiated a R. Pact with this very small
                              and weak AI civ and their research jumped to almost
                              one advance per turn. Any comments??

                              Spelunk 'til ya puke,

