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Swissy2 - Part IV

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  • #91
    Also it would seem that the fortunes of the Romans are rising too - are we yet about to overtake the Australians???

    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #92
      The Pharaoh would like to lessen Wales's fears stating that the long running Egyptian prosperity is reflected in the hearts of his citizens; and that they are among the happiest of the World. It is doubted that anything could bring about discontent in the Nile reqion.

      Ambassadors returning from Rome, brought back astounding tales of the Roman recovery. The desperate conditions which were so prevalent in the Rome of old are all but gone. Dirt walls have been replaced by bricks, bread with cake, decrepid mines with reinforced tunnels, and copper with gold.


      • #93
        Turn 187 ==> Sophix

        News of the publication of Egypt's Little Red Book has had profound implications upon the way in which we view the world. Indeed, many copies have found their way into Wales, and the Priests of the Welsh Presbyterian Church have fled into underground hiding.

        Demsothenes was said to be shocked that such sentimental trip trap could have such a huge affect upon the world, but sensed that the wind of change had arrived, and immediately suspended parliament in order to undertake a full review of governing procedures in Wales.


        • #94

          [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited September 28, 2000).]


          • #95
            Turn to Mobius

            As Wales has stated their theocracy has been disbanded. The TIC could not ascertain which form of government would replace it, three potential forms were theorized Democracy, Republic, and a form known as Fascism. It is not believe that the revolution in Wales was caused by the 'little red book' but rather by a work believed originally from Australia.

            " We have been unable to attain the afformention book, yet we have recovered some panthlets." Said the Minister of the TIC, Ra Tebaan. He continued stating that, " The exact nature of the government (Fascism) is unclear, what is clear is that it is a heightened form of Nationalism, in which the state has complete control of the actions of it's people." Tabaan theorized that the only reason for entering this form of government was because of a certain elite form of army which it provided.

            "From first glance it appears to be a reprehensible form of government" Said Prof. Isor Haspita of Alexandria University. " But since we do not have a full information, we cannot make a full statement as to it's nature."

            Cairo has yet to give an official response, concerning the situation in Cardiff, but noted that the situation is being watched closely.
            [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited September 29, 2000).]


            • #96
              Turn 187 to Demosthenes.


              • #97
                The Senate of Rome has been rocked by confirmation that the rest of the World is in a state of anarchy!!!

                It would seem that our humble nation is the only stable government...

                What has exacerbated this still further is that we have only just noticed that all other nations are either at alert status or war readiness! As a peaceful nation, this alarms us considerably - if sound diplomatic reasons are not forthcoming, we ourselves will be forced to put our armed forces on alert. This is of course purely a prudent defensive measure...

                Rome hopes that there can be trust amongst the nations of this World and that the spectre of War that embraces us in her thick shroud can finally be banished...!


                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • #98
                  Turn 188 to Demos.


                  • #99
                    Turn 188 ==> Mobius

                    The High Counsel has met in Thebes to discuss the situation in Wales and Australia. It was decided that the Theocracy no longer provided the necessary conditions for Egypt especially given the rise of Fascism.


                    • Turn 188 ==> Sophix

                      I find it somewhat intriguing that now of all times the Ambassadors of Egypt come to me with offers of mutual exchange.

                      What I find even more intriguing is what the Egyptians considor to be mutually beneficial. It has been made clear that the idea of Communism is looked upon with distaste by the Welsh, so why we would contemplate exchanging this knowledge for our ability to refine crude oil is beyond us.

                      We have made it abundantly clear, despite wanting to live in a peaceful world, that Wales is more than willing and capable of defending herself should the need arise. We have also made it abuntantly clear that we feel Egypt's recent policies are pushing ourselves in that said direction.

                      Could this strange Egyptian request be some form of test I wonder?


                      • Turn 189 ==> Sophix

                        It is still unsure as to which way the people of Wales will take their nation. The elections are taking some time to fully complete, and results are sketchy, with no official confirmations in any of the districts.

                        The WISE note that Rome seems to be falling under the influence of the Little Red Book aswell. I do hope that the brave new world we are shaping is able to work together in peace and harmony.


                        • Turn 189 ==> Mobius

                          Dear Citizens of Egypt:

                          Two listening posts were seized by the Egyptian Army today, and one other is set to be seized. We had never accepted these structures as legitimate; but Cardiff never chose the peaceful route of their ratification; instead they followed a more decietful path.

                          We had never considered these structures to be a justification for the people of Egypt to take up any but peaceful methods; but it became increasingly clear that Cardiff did not mean to live with peace with Egypt. As is apparent from the illegal founding of Newport; in that it is miles from Welsh territory and well within Egyptian territory.

                          These recent unlawful actions by the brown shirts of Wales, have intensified fears within Egypt. It became evermore clear that the clergy of Wales had left the ways of their peaceful religion to follow an ideology of Welsh supremacy. This would not concern Egypt if it were kept purely in the bounds of Wales; but a recent Welsh battle plan indicated their leaders intended to invade Egypt via a naval strike. The TIC guaranteed that this was not a contingency plan, but the main course of action planned by Wales.

                          Although the Welsh leadership may call the Egyptian manuevers offensive and unlawful; it was only a matter of time before the Welsh leaders launched their attack. We became increasingly aware that time was not on anyone side. In fact it was evident that to delay would be detrimental to the welfare of Wales herself; as Cardiff can never hope to reach the productive capacity of the citizens of the Nile. Her plan must be aborted now; in order to minimize the loss of life on both sides. The only way left open to Egypt entailed a preemtive strike on her government.

                          In order to deal with the problems facing the world; Egypt has enacted an emergency government. This government follows many of the precepts described in 'The Little Red Book'. But Cairo guarantees you will lose no sovereignty and that your living conditions will not deteriate during the emergency government.

                          And most importantly, let not your hearts fill with hatred toward the Welsh. For the common man of Wales, Would never have approved the actions of their tyranical government.

                          Osir Partha, Minister of Coordination.

                          [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited October 03, 2000).]


                          • Hmm I made a spelling mistake on my user name should I keep it. Fuck!!

                            Testing. Sophanthro should move to Birmingham.

                            Sophanthro ==> Niccolo Ricardo

                            In this case Nicoli.

                            edit: fucked up a tag
                            [This message has been edited by Nicoli Ricardo (edited October 04, 2000).]


                            • Im back as a settler. Um yes I've been drinking tonight. I will stop spamming the thread now


                              • Gee, and i thought i was the only one who posted silly messages after a night on the piss! Err, except Demos, of course

                                This must be the pissed idiots game

                                Sophix, you shouldn't play games pissed in such a precarious situation as Swissy2 is!

