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Swissy2 - Part IV

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  • #76
    Turn 182 ==> Rick


    • #77

      Turn 182--> Steve Waugh


      • #78
        Turn 183 ==> Sophix

        Despite recent jubilation that the nations of the world are seeking a course of peace, the actions of the Egyptians prove otherwise. As we speak an army of Egyptian troops has crossed into the Welsh northern territory.

        Sophix, this is a blatant act of tresspassing, and if these troops do not turn back immediately I shall have no choice but to assume that your word and deed follow opposite paths.

        This is outright provocation, and we will not shy away from using our military to stop your advance.


        • #79

          Turn 183--> Steve Waugh


          • #80
            We have complied with the Welsh request and have moved the army north of it's previous location. The Southern Bishops had ordered the previous move as it is believed that structure being built there is a listening post, and they felt the structure was an invasion on Egypts privacy. In showing thier disaproval, they ordered a Welsh emissary deported from Egypt.


            • #81
              My, what peace and tranquility we have here!

              Turn 184 to Demosthenes.


              • #82
                Turn 184 ==> Sophix

                Many thanks to Egypt for it's prudent withdrawal from Welsh territory. However, to ensure future safety, troops have been moved into fortified positions along the area in question. I trust that the southern Bishops will not try this action again.

                No action will be taken against the dismissal of the Welsh Ambassador. However leaving your Diplomat wandering aimlessly around Wales is one thing, but to send in another, without prior warning, is considered mightily rude. I trust that both shall be withdrawn as a matter of urgency, and if they are not making their way back to Egyptian soil immediately, a helping hand can, and will, be given.


                • #83
                  Turn 184 ==> Rick


                  • #84

                    Turn 184--> Steve Waugh

                    Yes, it is indeed very peaceful! The world has become one enormous love-fest. Now all hatred, fear and jealousy are forever gone as we live together in harmony and brotherhood!


                    • #85
                      Turn 185 ==> Sophix

                      At last I see that common sense is prevailing. The people of Wales can now start to relax again.


                      • #86
                        Turn 185 ==> Mobius

                        A small red book is set to roll off the presses. The author has remained anonymous due to the controversial nature of his work. His condemnation of religion is especially galling to the theocracy. "Phrases like 'Religion is the opiate of the masses' show that this man is a raving lunatic" stated his grace Bishop Staza of Hawara. He went on to state that the allowing the book to published was clearly against Mat. The book will be published however as the Bishops of Alexandria, Thebes, Oryx, and Cairo have thrown their weight behind it. It is of note that the Arch Bishop of Alexandria is the principal owner of the Egypt Publishing Guild, which owns the rights to the work. Other Bishops mainly the bishop of Bubastis have voiced the concern that they are jeopardizing long term stability for a short term profit; as the book is also very critical of the practices of capitalism, which has caught hold in the Nile areas of Egypt.


                        • #87
                          I have returned from wandering amongst my peoples! It would seem that the World is once again at peace!

                          Firstly my apologies to Steve Waugh of the Australians - that Phalanx which threatened to sour relations between our nations must have been a throwback from the time that the Roman Empire was under the sway of Shavlor - many hundreds of years ago... Please accept my apologies, though it would seem that my pro consul Rick has admirably difused the situation!

                          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                          • #88
                            Uh, that's great, Mobius, but where's the turn??!?


                            • #89
                              Damn it! I thought I sent it - but it appear not...


                              MOBIUS Apologises for the bureaucratic failure in the hand over of government...
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #90
                                Turn 186 ==> Sophix

                                It seems that the estimation of Welsh power has decreased, or should I say that the estimation of Egyptian power has increased.

                                Recent world rankings show a striking rise by the Egyptians to put them in a position to overtake Wales as World Leader.

                                However, The WISE believes that this huge rise in estimation is due only to the massive population of Egypt, and that should Egypt embark on a policy proving unpopular with her people, such as war for example, then keeping them happy could prove most difficult.

