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Swissy2 - Part IV

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  • Turn 192 ==> Mobius

    A single Cannon division was sent home for burial today. It is interesting to note that when the Welsh press says a number of troops were slain they refer to the number One.

    Sophanthro was deleted


    • Strange, but The WISE were under the impression that a 'division' or 'battalion' referred to a group, and therefore the previous Welsh Press Release was not incorrect.

      We do note however that we should perhaps have stated "picking off a number of Egyptian Cannon" and not "picking off a number of Egyptian battalions".

      Those at the Cardiff Tribune have been summarily 'disciplined' and it is hoped that such confusion will not occur again.
      [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited October 13, 2000).]


      • Rome stands by in horror as the World descends into chaos...

        Comrade Pharoah, cease this senseless killing now I beseech you...!

        Too many young men have lost their lives already on both side...

        The Roman Senate extends a hand of friendship to both warring parties and offers it's services as mediators in ending this terrible war...


        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • Hey, Mobius! Ummm, did you actually play the turn?
          It certainly didn't arrive in my inbox!


          • Turn 193 ==> Sophix

            The Communist assault upon Northern Wales continues in earnest. Lampeter has been attacked, but the garrisoned troops therein easily fought of the Egyptian aggressors without loss of life.

            Then the dictator of Cairo's evil hordes set upon Llandarcy, surrounding the city with troops and cannon as far as the eye could see. But the brave Welshmen from within and without fought back, not wanting to see their brethren butchered by Egyptian tyranny, cut off from the Fatherland and the Glorius City of Cardiff, with it's many Wonders to Welsh supremacy. The besieged city of Llandarcy, although still not completely safe from the Egyptian scourge, is confidently remaining a part of the Fatherland.

            Blood was shed, on the plains of Northern Wales today, and none of it was Welsh. Together with the new economic tactic of routine stopping an searching of Egyptian freight, and it's occasional seizure, the superiority of the Welsh Race is shining through.

            It is hoped that the degenerate and impure race of Egyptians will soon come to her senses, or be assimilated into the Fatherland.


            • Turn to Mobius

              The last fortifications of cannon and musketeers have been placed on the Eastern Seashore, in order to limit the chance of a Naval strike, from Wales or her allies. This action had delayed the planned strike on the Welsh, but now that the preparations are complete, new Cannons will head toward Wales.
              Sophanthro was deleted


              • Turn to Steve Waugh...
                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • Turn 194 to Demosthenes.

                  Well, all's peaceful and quiet over here in Oz! Hey Sophix, that's not an excuse to put units on my doorstep, is it? Keep me out of your dirty little war


                  • Turn 194 ==> Sophix

                    Fatherland O Fatherland! Fascists of Wales again repel the incidious Communist scum of the earth.

                    The city of Llandarcy came under intense bombardment, and many Fascists loyal to the cause were injured in their defense, but not fatalities were reported.

                    Fascists around the Welsh Empire were desperate to wreak their revenge upon the treacherous Egyptians, for their impure race has plunged the world into chaos and war, and they should be punished and exterminated because of this.

                    The WISE report that there is still no sign of the Egyptian hordes that are said to be overwhelming us, and put it down to vicious Communist propaganda.


                    • Turn to Mobius

                      We're glad you think your well . Don't Worry the armies have formed in the heartland of Egypt, and will be at your gates shortly.

                      Lung the armies are merely a precaution lest your hearts fall to the evil desires of the Welsh. Be warned however that even a battleship will fall quickly to the cannon bombardment we have prepared in our coastal cities; should an uninvited ship arrive at port.
                      Sophanthro was deleted


                      • Turn 195 ==> Sophix

                        Again the people of Llandarcy are under siege, and again they repel the Egyptian 'hordes'. When will you damn Commies realise, the Fatherland will not yield!!!

                        I shall be away from Monday until Friday of this coming week.


                        Unlike my other games I am reluctant to hand the game over to a sub while I am away, as things have gotten very critical and I wish to be at the helm throughout.

                        If you guys don't mind, I ask that we pause the game whilst I am away. Let me know what you think.


                        • Turn 195 to Demosthenes.


                          • As much fun as it may be to see Demos come back to a civ in ruins, i think we should oblige him and wait. I guess it's too late to matter, but i am stuck away from home (in a big beautiful house on the water with it's own private wharf, boat, etc ) and can't play any turns for 24 hours.


                            • turn to Mobius (late last night)

                              The TIC has ordered a Welsh dictionary today. It appears that the Welsh have a very strange definition of expel, as all of the bombarding armies remain fully intact, exactly where they were before.


                              Yeah it would be best to pause the game while Demos is away.
                              Sophanthro was deleted


                              • DEMOS ARE A CHICKEN

                                Do believe in your subs - I have choosen Soph as sub to the two most "delicated" games I'm. Games I would normally do myself.

                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


