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Demosthenes Semi Acc Turn Posts

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  • Turn 42 ==> Demosthenes


    • Turn 42 ==> Don

      Mobius, question: Are those troops on your territory or the Incans? This is not an accusation, but as a UN peace keeper my diplomat felt that we should query the border arrangemet that the Romans and Incans have agreed to.

      Could you clarify the issue for him, so that he can be assured of this particular border patrols good intent. Many thanks.


      • Turn 42--> Sophanthro

        "Barbarians at the gate,
        Barbarians at the foyer,
        this turn the Barbarians,
        killed my warrior"

        (last line of a Assyrian blues song)


        • Oh I almost forgot...

          Demos, your Longship has been spotted close to the mainland north of the border between the Romans and the Incas and very close to the Roman city of Banonia - this is territory claimed by the Roman peoples for peaceful expansion. In the interests of our friendship we therefore ask your ship to sail back west...

          If there is anything we may be able to help our neighbours with, please ask and we will see if we can...

          Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


          • Turn 43 ==> Don


            My maps do not show me the location of Banonia. One of my longships is sailing away from Assyrian shores, whilst another has left Roman shores and has headed north into unchartered territory.

            Fear not, I have no desire to colonise a land so distant from my own, but my quest for knowledge leads me to seek out the true shape and nature of our world, and some of Wales' greatest cartographers are on board, busy making fine maps for all the world to see.

            All other Welsh naval units are at port in the Bay of Tranquility. I therefore assume that you must be mistaken.


            • The Great Caligula mistaken???

              The longship you mention travelling N and E from Palmyra must be the self same I've spotted...

              Whilst Rome admires your quest for knowledge, she feels that it would be safer for your cartographers to map the shores of the mainland from the relative comfort of their sailing vessel. If you are not interested in colonising the said mainland, surely it would be far more efficiently accomplished without time consuming expeditions to the interior...?

              Perhaps it is your cartographer's haste in exploring the mainland that has allowed them to 'mistakenly' overlook the humble city of Banonia - much as they were surprised by the existence of Palmyra itself???

              Hrumph! Caligula, mistaken indeed!?

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • Turn 43--> Sophanthro


                • Demos,

                  My units reside on my side of the border (running NW to SE). then there is the neutral zone of one square wide - the narrowest part of the isthmus and wholly desert. There was an Incan diplomat in the neutral zone on my turn...

                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • Turn to Demosthenes

                    Open Letter from Ramon Mephisi, head of the Mephisi Family, and Egyptian Trade Guild

                    To all Noble man, Merchants, and Foriegn Dignitaries.

                    A dark day is upon us. The Egyptian Trade Guild has been surrounded by pleblians. They screams incessently about the Haves and Have Nots, as if it were our fault, that they are lazy and ignorant. This is of grave concern, for we fear greatly that they will soon over run the Trade Guild walls, and in thier blind sense of Justice destroy every thing. The Trade guild has not been taken completely off guard by these actions, and we have built quite a few reserve caravans.

                    But if the lesser members of our race, are successful in thier endeavors the Trade Guild, will not be fit with enough supplies to handle all the Trade within Egypt let alone with countries outside.

                    And they call this the Age of Reason


                    • Emperor Caligula congratulates the Welsh on their ushering in the Age of Reason - even if it means the end of Stonehenge...

                      Demos, there is no hostility - merely the detection of a certain contradiction in your statements... Is the World to assume that you are content with your island realm and that you have no interest in colonising new lands?

                      The Imperator merely was trying to point out that the natives of uncharted lands can be rather 'restless' as one of the Great Pharoah's diplomats found that out to his cost! Of course, finding those wandering Welsh nomads(?) was very fortuitous!

                      Indeed, were it not for a THIRD border incursion by the Incas, those self same nomads could have turned out to be of Roman descent - as you can see from our map exchange, we do have knowledge of those territories...

                      Now, for some reason the Emperor is feeling merciful today... Despite the Incan Phalanx being gently reminded on two consecutive turns that it was on the wrong side of the border, it seems to have been merrily trespassing since that time!!! Rome is exasperated at the tenacity of the Incan peoples, indeed it is disbelief at the CONTINUED DISRESPECT of border protocol by the Incas that has stopped this unit from being immediately destroyed!


                      Rome has shown her magnanimity in not exercising her rights and showing leniency. Rome asks the international community to admonish the Incans, as the might listen to your disaproval...

                      Rome awaits the wisdom of her peers...


                      [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited May 30, 2000).]
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Mobius,

                        There is no contradiction, I thought it was perfectly clear myself. The Welsh cartographers want knowledge not only of coastlines, but of terrain types aswell. On our journies we have been reunited with our long lost ancestors, as our age old prohpecies proclaimed.

                        However, your concern is noted, and rightly so, as the tragic case of the Egyptian diplomat shows. My cartographers are adament, despite their knowledge of the deadly perils in said lands, to fulfil their task, for the Welsh pride knowledge above all else.

                        But, we have yet to see how your own maps fit into the picture, along with the mysterious city of Banonia. We meant no offence, but we still stand by our right to roam unchartered teritory, which, unless your maps prove otherwise, this is.

                        As I said, we have no present desire to colonise lands so distant from home. If that situation changes, you will be aware of it.

                        On a lighter note, the Stonehenge, this great Roman monument of our time, has more than proved itself when I look at your largest cities. Surely your subjects must be feeling some discontent about the size of their population, perhaps slowing your birthrate is going to prove beneficial.
                        [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited May 29, 2000).]
                        [This message has been edited by The True Demosthenes (edited May 29, 2000).]


                        • Turn 44--> Sophanthro

                          Assyria has found itself in a puzzling and potentially dangerous situation, and we seek the advice and wisdom of the world community.

                          Upon openig this turn, we found that SEVEN cities were RIOTING! However, this makes no sense to us, as the control panel showed that riots were "0". What's more, the happiness of the cities measured 75, 75, 74, 76, 76, 76, and 76. And the "happiness" panel in most cases indicated more positive things than negative!!

                          But there are now seven red ! signs, each one bearing the news that another city is rioting, and all seven cities have the yellow "raised fist" symbol above it. They also all indicate a pop growth of -1, and that as it stands now they will never grow again!!

                          Could this be some odd reaction to the Age of Reason? It seems to make no sense, as Assyria had no Wonders to become obsolete, and as I've written, many signs point to happy cities.

                          I remember that Caligula had a similar problem once, but I believe it was only with one city, and that went away by itself after a turn.

                          I'm hoping that this will also go away by next turn, but in caution I've adjusted game settings so that the lowest happiness is now 76, with two 77s, and four 78s. But I'd appreciate any ideas any of you may have.

                          King Rick of Assyria-In-Turmoil

                          [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited May 29, 2000).]


                          • Turn 44 ==> Don

                            News of the imminent arrival of what the Egyptians call the Age of Reason has taken the Welsh by surprise, for the Welsh themselves have this turn come to understand Reason. Our quest for knowledge bears fruit once again.

                            We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause, laying waste to certain myths that until now have been so influential, but the Welsh only wish to understand the nature of the world.

                            Mobius, I do not understand the hostility you are emminating over this issue. The Welsh want to understand everything. Knowledge of coastlines is like being given a present, yet not being allowed to open it.

                            Indeed, our thirst for knowledge has fulfilled a great Welsh prophecy. Our travels have reunited us with a long lost celtic tribe, hidden away in ruins across the sea. They are due to board our longships and make haste back to soveriegn Welsh soil, to recant of their tales, and live their lives in the splendour of the Great Welsh Forest.

                            In order that you know our intentions are true, the Welsh have offered an exchange of maps with all other nations, so that we can see how the world is taking shape, and that the world can gain from our gallant adventurers quest for knowledge.

                            This bickering must be resolved, but let it be known that the Welsh see no justifiable Reason, and be mindful that the Welsh have come to understand Reason before all others, to cease from our exploration. We will not cease in our quest, and you have no right to insist that we do.

                            We will gladly share our findings with all, afterall, do the Romans themselves know what is contained in this unchartered territory?
                            I think not.


                            • Turn 45 ==> Demosthenes

                              Egypt Congratulated Demosthenes on his achievement. Even though it disrupted the trading world. We had benefited greatly from our trading Empire and hope to rebuild it substantially. We also expressed our gratitude for the Exchange of Maps presented by the Welsh, and apoligize for little information which might benefit Cardiff.


                              • The Diplomat is returning from a friendly diplomatic mission inside of Roman territory and I hope he is now on the right side of the border.

                                I only checked this thread last turn and until then wasn't aware that I was upsetting anybody nor was I aware of any border arrangements with the Romans. I'm very sorry.

                                Turn 45 to Mobius

