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burchill PBEM

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  • #61
    Rick I sorry, but it is impossible, because the glourius assyrian army newer retrating.

    Jon, It is my repost for your support to usurper in Assyrian trone. [ in the Demostenes game ], you first played not fair...


    • #62
      Turn 5 -> Creator

      We Greeks hear that you "CIVILISED" people been fighting again...... Dat figures!!


      • #63
        turn 5 to Jon


        • #64
          I haven't recieved that turn. please resend

          Forget all that I just recieved it.

          Turn 6 to rick
          [This message has been edited by burchill (edited March 30, 2000).]


          • #65
            Turn 6--> Rowick

            As the Roman people hope for the resumption of peace in the world, a great deal has happened in our own lands.

            Romulus, one of the fouders of Rome, has killed his brother Remus. It seems there has always been a rivalry going all the way back to who had the better nipple while nursing on the she-wolf. In trying to divide up Rome between the two of them, there was a dispute and things got out of hand.

            The Senate has asked me to step in. There is a feeling that these are dangerous times, and as Romulus is off howling in the woods, I have been appointed Emperor of the Roman Empire.

            All matters of state previously going to Romulus or Remus should now be directed to Emperor Rick. I'm in the third villa on the left off where someday the Spanish Steps will be built.

            Make no mistake...there is no power vacuum in Rome. We wish to be at peace, but our armies are ready if need be.


            • #66
              Turn 6 to Burchill.

              Krzysztof I would remind you that your position in Demos's game was NOT usurped by me or anyone else! You behaved like a child and issued an ultimatum that unless the rest of us did as you wished you would leave the game. You would not follow the rules of the game and accept the majority decision and therefore you abdicated and the Assyrians were given to Rick who was more interested in playing than trying to blackmail people.

              If you regard abusing a bug in the game as a brave and noble 'riposte' for my support of that decision then you are indeed a very sad soul indeed. You are plainly more interested in winning than in winning fairly and I am moved to wonder as to how many times you found it neccessary to reload your turn before getting the desired combat result?

              I stand by everything I said during the long and tedious debate over that game and your actions here only serve to reinforce my already very low opinion of you.

              By acting as you have you have embarked upon a very dangerous road. If you are prepared to abuse the game mechanics in order to get the result you want then where does it stop?

              Had I wished to I could have retaken Smolensk with Fusion Tanks! Do you really enjoy a competition in who is better at manipulating the Datafiles than an honest game of CTP?
              [This message has been edited by Jon (edited March 30, 2000).]


              • #67
                Turn 6 ->Creator


                • #68
                  Turn 6.

                  Jon You sugestion, that i probably changed some CTP files, ( to do get advantage in the game ) is laguable and not suitable for to comment...

                  Furter You certainly to trumph over I, because my english very bad and I can't correctly formulate my arguments. Therefore if You nevertheless will continue this discusion, please to write me in Polish. "Naprzyklad w ten oto sposob..." Or Russian launguage [ here example is not available, because I need cirilica fonts ]
                  [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited March 31, 2000).]


                  • #69
                    Turn 7 to Burchill.

                    Krzysztof, I did not suggest you changed any files, you didn't need to, but merely that you exploited a Bug in the game in the most underhand way! You then tried to blame me for your actions by lying about the incidents that occurred 'OUTSIDE' of the actual playing of another game.

                    You are nothing but an unpleasant little boy who will 'KNOWINGLY' exploit a game Bug to achieve his idea of revenge for events entirely of his own making.

                    I do have a copy of your post to Demos which proves you to be a liar, your actions in this game proves you to be someone who will win at ANY cost - I just wonder how much lower you are prepared to go.


                    • #70
                      Jon, Can you explain why in your opinion I be a liar ? I admit that I built free Garnary and CW's, others players built they too,so I don't understand
                      why you bear a grudge against me. I now play another game without SemiAcc, there buildind G's and CW's normaly. No bug, no problem. How in your opinin I should to proceed in the event of I can built only free CW and G's ?

                      [This message has been edited by Krzysztof (edited March 31, 2000).]


                      • #71
                        Krzysztof, You said that the taking of Smolensk was your riposte for my getting you replaced in Demos's game.

                        1. That was KNOWINGLY exploiting the fact that I could not have either built C/W's or had the Gold to rush build extra defensive units. That is gross exploitation of a Bug in the Scenario. I was at a heavy disadvantage and you used that unfairly.

                        2. You said that I was responsible for your replacement in Demos's game. That is an outright lie. You sent an email to all four other players saying that if you could not keep your freebies then you would not continue in the game.

                        I put the word KNOWINGLY in capital letters because it is the important thing. An innocent error, I accept that you had no more knowledge of the Bug than I, is one thing but to then use the advantage gained by that Bug to gain revenge for something that occurred outside of another game, and was of your own making, is at best entirely against fair play and honest competition. Another word could be used!

                        It was a shabby and petty thing to do! You do yourself no credit by such actions.

                        I play CTP for fun. I play to win but if I am beaten by a better player then that is to their credit and I will do nothing other than congratulate them for their skill. I have always found the players on this Forum to be fair, honest and, regardless of their skill at the game, to take a similar attitude.

                        When this kind of personal issue is introduced into the game it entirely spoils what should be 'fun' for all of us. Play hard but play fair!


                        • #72
                          turn 7 --> rick


                          • #73
                            Turn 7--> Rowick

                            A quiet period of building for the Roman empire...


                            • #74
                              Hmm... I can't E-mail Creator at the given address anymore. Anyone know why?

                              To all:

                              Sorry boys and girls but I didn't join this PBEM for a ***** fest, can't we just play the game and keep outside arguments outside??


                              • #75
                                I tried emailing Creator myself, as a test of whether his email is working. I didn't get an answer, although I didn't get a notice that the mail couldn't be delivered either.

                                I did notice in another game thread where he's playing that a turn went to him with no reply from him there, either. They're asking about him there, too.


