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burchill PBEM

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  • #31
    Jon, were you the only one who had to rush-buy the improvement?

    If so, I have 2 thoughts:

    Could the rest of the players gift-buy Jon the cost of his rush-buy (by each of us gifting him gold}? If he tells us the cost, we could split it amongst the other civilizations. I guess it couldn't be the 100% cost, as we all lost 2 turns of production, as Creator pointed out, but I guess we could figure out how to make it fair to all of us.

    Or.......... do we have to restart the game? :-(
    I'd hate to have to do that after making so much progress, but if we have to, I'm willing. But, to be fair, we'd need a new map. We've all already seen a good chunk of territory now, thanks to the super-units.

    What do you all think?
    [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited March 22, 2000).]


    • #32
      So... Assyrian people play fair, and they will send to Jon generous gift, but now need to define the sum of gold, I waiting for suggestion...


      • #33
        I have no doubt this all arises from an honest mistake
        but I cannot see how nobody thought it strange that they
        could get one turn C/W's and Granaries.

        I have myself altered the improve.txt to give me free
        C/W's, Granaries are not important as I've already built
        them, but this does not compensate for the expenditure of
        over 4,000g on rush buys. This is very important as the
        final act of my Super Knight was to locate an advanced
        tribe, ie Size 1 and no Phalanx, lying across the sea and
        close to Creator. I simply do not have the cash to rush
        build a garrison if he gets frisky, as I fear he might,
        or possess the transport to move a unit from home.

        I too would much prefer not to restart the game as I have
        the most unusual starting position, not good just
        unusual, that I can remember.

        Time is a cost, as Creator says, but please do remember
        that I have already been cost more in that respect as
        well! I feel that I should be reimbursed for the full
        cost of my five rush built Granaries and that I will
        endure the time loss of C/W construction.

        I believe this to be fair.


        • #34
          I think what Jon is suggesting is a fair remedy to the problem. If everbody else could post their response here, we can choose our course of action.

          Jon, I thought the fast time for granary/city walls was part of the Acc Mod, like getting 5 settlers.

          While we're waiting, I'd still like to play my turn. (grin) OK with you, burchill?


          • #35
            turn 5 --> rick

            Right I dropped the scenerio (some SLIC errors were generated) but everythings ok. From now on you should just be able to double click on the turn file. If anyone has any problems then let me know (or perhaps Sophix, he's the man).

            Grannaries and stuff, I confess to not really understanding this problem (must be tired or something) but as I understand it apart from Jon the rest of you have got your granneries in two turns ?.

            I also have the dutcheese mod installed (although I have never used it) and I have not been given granneries yet, so I guess I should get compensation if Jon does. But will this really be such a big disadvantage over the whole game ?. I'm not sure, but I am inclined just to leave it alone.

            If the other players are going to give gold then I guess we should decide how much.


            • #36
              Sorry guys for the **** up. When I repackaged the Scenario I didn't have time to really check it . The bug (feature) was left over from DC, I had removed it but accidently put it back in when I swapped DC files with it. Damn

              To Recouperate the cost of your rushbuys set the value of the Granaries and CW at 4 times their original value, maybe a small bit more to recoupurate lost time. So when you sell them you will get twice their worth which is what you pay when you rush buy them. Of course only sell the Improvements you rush bought.

              Burchill (and all other players who didn't use the bug) I recommend you do the same thing. And you can still use the scenario to get the 'free' granaries and citywalls.

              [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited March 22, 2000).]


              • #37
                I didn't receive the turn. Would you please re-send it? Thanks.


                • #38
                  Well, turns out my @#*#! ISP's email server is down. They say "we're working on it", but can't promise it'll be fixed today.

                  So Burchill, could you please send the turn to my wife at ? She'll put it on a disk and bring it to me. Thanks so much.

                  Sorry to all for the delay. I'll still be able to get the turn out to Rowick by the time he normally plays his turn.


                  • #39
                    Ok, something really weird is going on. I can't seem to find the turn 5 that I sent rick yesterday (which is odd because I don't remember deleting it).

                    So I decided to retake my turn 4 so that turn 5 would be placed on my desktop. It didn't, it said it would but it didn't. I then decided this may be something to do with dropping the mod early (is it supposed to be dropped at the end of turn 4 / start of turn 5 or end of turn 5 / start of turn 6 ?). So I played the turn again through the mod. Turn 5 still hasn't shown up on my desktop.

                    I am convinced there is something going on with my computer. What I reccomend is that you set me to AI for a couple of days (so jon should replay and set me to AI, I can't remember exactly how, I think you press the tilde key and then type "set Andrew AI" or something like that)


                    • #40
                      Well, it turns out that my email was only out for a couple of hours, but still no game turn from you, burchill. But after reading your post above,perhaps the same mysterious problem you're having affected the lost email turn to me?

                      Anyway, Jon, if you're reading this, I guess its your turn (again!).


                      • #41
                        The Mod can actually be dropped as soon as everyone has used their super settlers, they lose their power during turn 3. So the mod shouldn't be the problem Burchill do a search for "CTP Email to ..." That should turn up the game, also check the recycling bin.

                        Hope that helps.

                        To AI someone hit the ' key (opens the chat window) and then type /attach (player number) ie /attach 1 that will attach the ai to Burchill
                        /detach will take him out of AI


                        • #42
                          Just thought I would update on my current status.

                          I did try all that stuff that sophix suggested (in fact searching and checking the recycling bin were the first things I did). I have been planning to wipe my hardrive and reinstall everything for a while now, and I will probably do this tommorrow (Sat 25th). As this is generally quite a complicated process I feel I should stay on AI until sunday. I will post (if I can) to update you. If I don't post an everythings ok and my system is working message then don't take me off AI.


                          • #43
                            Sorry but I cannot replay my turn as it is gone forever. I'll need it resent from Creator as I do not even have the outgoing turn to wait until Burchill is up and running. I've been running short on HD space and as fast as I can deleting files and emails, especially ones with attachments!


                            • #44
                              I was not able to build granaries and walls in one turn either!! For the sake of two turns does anyone want ot go back and play it again? It would save a hell of a lot of mucking around


                              • #45
                                I fear we have all seen too much to make it a fair start. I'd like to keep this one because it's so unusual and could never be replicated in other than a QS and I doubt very much that even then.

                                If Creators got the turn then if he just posts it to me I can play it, I didn't do much, and attach Burchill to the AI.

