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Semi Acc Part III

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  • Turn 74/75 -> Sophix

    We will be catching our breath, while Demos takes a break from the front lines this week. Too bad we have to wait so long - this game has been on a good pace lately.

    Of course, this will give Shavlor a week to plot...
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • Turn 75 --> Jon


      • Turn 75 to Demos.

        The Sinless One is amazed! Two turns in one day, has the World developed Steroids?

        In his Turnly Sermon to his Flock His Immaculacy warned that it might be neccessary for him to despatch Peace-Keeping Troops to troubled areas bordering Australia.

        Australia cannot simply close her eyes whilst Cities are laid waste and lands pillaged. Please stay your hand's and turn from the path of violence. If Australia can prosper in her harsh and unforgiving lands without recourse to the Musket then surely others can.

        You have my blessings upon your pilgimage Noble Demosthenes but I am concerned that lust may lurk within you. Be not tempted! Purity, chastity and self-denial are the only ways to achieve salvation.

        So Sai'th St Jon


        • Turn 74 to Demos.

          The living Saint has received Lord Sophix's request and will comply.


          • Glorious St Jon,

            The Welsh heed your warnings and would like to assure you of the sanctity of heart by which we are undergoing the cleansing of this continent.

            Indeed, it is only this turn that the Welsh 'purified' three more Roman musketeers heading for the sacred town of Caerphilly to inflict more pain on the citizens after the heresy TAFKAB preached there.

            Have no doubt that this is a holy pilgramage for us. We do not wish to disturb you from you own 'cleansing' of the savages in the lands of the north.

            Dutiful St Jon, would you not agree that the sinful must be made aware of their sins if they are to repent?


            • Turn 75/76 -> Sophix

              Anyone want to by a used Labyrinth (Shavlor has a used Stonehenge to sell too) Got a lot of milage out of it.

              Oh well, back to the real world
              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


              • Turn 76 ==> Shavlor

                The old astronomer commited suicide today. He was the last man who understood the workings of Stonehenge. He was reported to be very depressed, as he could no longer take the incessent mocking of the reasonable people.


                • Turn 76 --> Jon

                  The Age of reason works wonders does it not
                  The brave muskateers shall be remembered forever


                  • Turn 76 to Demos, in abstentia.

                    What was that about a new thread on Turn 75 Sophix?


                    • I figured since demos is leaving for a week, I would just wait until right before he got back to start the new thread.

