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Semi Acc Part III

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  • #16
    Turn 47 --> Hexagonian


    • #17

      Now he is in a position of authority Baston has enacted sweeping reforms throughout the empire.

      Three entire tribes were uprooted for their part in the heresey that was the former administration. As an iroquious he has shifted the capitol to that tribe and begun a large scale forced deportation of the remaining tribes.

      Surveying his neighbours he finds himself in a strange position, the roman empire is truly huge and holds bad memories for this young brave.

      To ensure a safe start Baston has agreed a temporary peace with the romans and has offered a peace to the australian nation.

      However he has read through the "The Cwmbran Accords" recently sent to him and has had only these words to say.

      "This appears more for the benefit of securing the welsh and roman empires! Where is the benefit for me people to sign this document? As i see none i shall not sign it..."

      He is furious with the clerical work of the Australians, slowly undermining the ancestor worship that has been handed down from generation to generation in the Seminole tribe.

      Baston has the following plans for his empire:
      * Resttlement of the Tribes, and a massive public works scheme.
      * Organisation of a large standing army, with its principle strength in defense.
      * Missionaries will be expelled or killed. They are not welcome and will be consider to be a representative of your declaration of war.
      * The The Cwmbran Accords will not be adhered to until they become broader in their aims.

      Baston has stressed that the empire is undergoing tremendous upheavel at the moment, any intrusion will be seen as interfering and will be dealt with appropriately. The intentions of this new empire are PEACEFUL and it is kindly asked of all nations to not cause an uneccessary "incident".


      • #18
        Official Statement of HH St Jon the Beneficent

        I welcome the arrival unto the cold dark lands, that is the home of the Eskimo people, of a new and hopefully more enlightened ruler.

        Whilst we understand your angst about our missionary works amongst the savages of the Polar regions we wouldst that you understand the eagerness of my people to spread the one true faith, mine, unto the very ends of the Earth. I canst barely restrain them and seeing a land racked with unholy practices and without a steady hand to guide it's people they sought only to show them the path to true enlightenment.

        Honourable Baston, you may rest easy with the knowledge that I have personally instructed them to desist from any further such actions and that any repitition is unlikely. Should it be that you instruct your peoples as to the true horrors of slavery and caution them to cease and desist from this vile practice then perhaps I might be able to offer a more concrete guarentee. Until such a pledge is received I fear that my flock may find that their zeal overcomes even my gentle advise to them.

        It is to be hoped that all such petty differences can be put behind us and that we can join together in the only true cause of forstalling the sinful Roman World dominance that they seek.

        May purity, sanctity and the love of our fellow man bring us together to confront the perils of this harsh and unforgiving World.


        • #19
          I have a problem, not with Baston, whom I welcome with open arms to this world - hopefully to bring some much-needed stability to the northern reaches...

          Rather it is with the file he sent me - since he is working off a mac platform, my computer doesn't recognize it - I get an error message saying that the file is incompatible with my setup. I tried loading it as a normal PBEM (double-click) and tried placing it in a saved game folder and launching it through there. No luck, same message, same messy crash.

          I know that Sophix and Baston tested the file - did you test to see if we would be able to open a file sent by a mac?

          Any advice on this?

          Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


          • #20
            I hate repeating myself!!!!
            [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited February 29, 2000).]
            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


            • #21

              The Trials and Tribulations of SAPBEM was right, hmm nope I didn't check for that
              My experience with trying to get MS word to read an .xls made on Star Office should have taught me to do that.

              The Question is will Baston overcome this new uprising or will the world remain a land of X86 rulers only.

              Im going to try and get this worked out with Baston.


              • #22
                Hmm I just remember having a problem like that once when the file failed to download correctly, I hope thats it.


                • #23
                  Perhaps it would be worth detaching me until this is resolved?

                  I don't want to hold up the relatively speedy turns you all have any longer than i have too...

                  I had to set up pc to mac file translation to get it working, but it did and fine... i have the dutcheese scenario pack installed - could that be affecting it????
                  [This message has been edited by Baston (edited March 01, 2000).]


                  • #24
                    Well, it seems that we're destined to face these problems doesn't it? It will all turn out for the best. If we could work out my problem (somehow)then this should be a breeze.



                    • #25
                      The download issue seemed to be OK. The file appeared in the correct format (based on the file icon) - the turn would go through the process of launching and then crash with the 'incompatible message'

                      When I placed the file in the 'saved game' folder, it didn't even show up - CTP will not recognize any files that do not conform to its setup - which makes sense anyhow.

                      Cross platform files are fickle - I work on a mac and it seems that the incompatibility issue seems to be more of a problem if you go from a mac to a pc rather than the other way around.

                      But I'm no expert in those issues...

                      Dutcheese shouldn't be the issue either - but who knows how the files work on the mac side.

                      Don't know if this will help in the process, but my setup is
                      Patch 1.2
                      Hack Patch 1.21
                      Apolyton Pack

             a variety of scenarios, which do not affect any default files. In fact, the only default files changed are those spelled out in the Apolyton Pack and Dutcheese.
                      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                      • #26
                        Demosthenes of the Welsh and Shavlor of the Romans are pleased to announce on St. Davids day, the patron Saint of Wales, the signing of a treaty to ensure a period of peace and prosperity for both of our nations.

                        The Cwmbran Accords

                        1. The unmolested settlement of the city of Cwmbran.

                        2. The removal of the fortified mounted archer to a distance outside the
                        city limits of Cwmbran as a border guard.

                        3. The official border between the Kingdoms of Demosthenes of the Welsh
                        and Shavlor of the Romans being between Cwmbran and Caesarea.

                        4. The prohibition of violence against the Welsh by the Romans, and
                        against the Romans by the Welsh.

                        5. The prohibition of covert attacks against the Welsh by the Romans,
                        and against the Romans by the Welsh.

                        6. The removal of units stopping goods production and trade, both inland
                        and offshore.

                        All six points will be upheld for not less than twenty (20) turns.

                        We were originally in favour of have Baston as a neutral signatory, yet he seems unwilling to commit himself to our course of peace. Let that be a reminder to everyone else out there. Therefore, Shavlor and myself hope that our more peaceful minded neighbours will acknowledge and accept our bid for peace, and help us to ensure that both parties keep to the treaty.


                        • #27
                          I had misinterpretated the treaty as something directed at me, rather than for me to act as a neutral.

                          To this effect Baston will gladly sign the document if the welsh and romans are willing to forgive my careless rantings.


                          • #28
                            Australian Diplomatic Statement.

                            We are somewhat concerned that a Treaty between our Welsh allies and the satanic menace that is Shavlor's Rome should have been signed without the Honourable Demosthenes having thought to inform us.

                            We regard this as at best discourtesy on his part and would appreciate clarification as to where Welsh/Australian relations stand now. It is important for our future plans to know upon just who we can rely and think it unlikely that any who would stoop to supping from the same cup as Distemper himself will prove a true friend.


                            • #29
                              Neighbourly Australians,

                              Fear not, this settlement between the Welsh and Roman kingdoms is not a subterfuge. What is included in the Cwmbran Accords is exactly what the treaty is.

                              The treaty only benefits our nations through the promise of peace, nothing more, nothing less. The secrecy was only used to make sure that an agreement could be reached. Afterall, Caerphilly is a city that has turned its back on our reverend St David, and we feared a dissident uprising if people were to find out only half truths. By releasing the full truth in one sweep, we hoped that all reasonable people would accept the treaty for what it is, a bid for peace in a troublesome time.

                              Our secrecy was necessary, we meant no disrespect by it.


                              • #30
                                Great Leaders of the world

                                Peace is always welcome in a world full of sorrow, suffering and betrayal.

                                It is Hextapul's hope that Shavlor is truly repentant of his past action.

                                Now he has a chance to prove trustworthy even beyond the words of the treaty. I challange him to grant concessions to Demos to help pay for the costs of upholding his religion within the Welsh empire.

                                Say a gift of 1,000 gold to the coffers of the Welsh from the Romans...Based on a past betrayal from Shavlor of an alliance between Demos and Shavlor, this will prove to everyone beyond a shadow of a doubt that Shavlor truly means what he says.

                                However, this is an issue that needs to be resolved between Demos and Shavlor. I present this as a means to calm everyone regarding these troubled times.

                                BTW, any luck yet on fixing the compatibility problem?
                                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

