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Semi Acc Part III

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  • #31
    I have sent a mac only turn to sophanthro to see if he can open it.


    • #32
      Right I got the file and it definitely wouldn't open it had some extra stuff in the file like CTPg which I belive is the creator code or something to do with the resource fork someone recommended that I could ?Resedit? to change the resource fork. Unfortunately I don't have that utility and really don't have a clue what the resource fork looks like in the binary.


      • #33
        Can you detach me while we sort this out, it really isnt fair for the other players.

        It could be my particular settings.

        CTPg -- I recognise that i chose it as part of file translation preference, There were others such as CTPd and CTPs. Perhaps when i set up translation i chose the wrong one???

        I have downloaded resedit and will experiment with it tonight. I will also get in touch with my contact in westlake to see if he knows. If he doesnt he probably knows someone who does.

        Detach me and i will rejoin later.


        • #34

          This year exiled supporters of the old regime rose up in revolt and forced Baston to flee the territory. He is planning yet another final assault on the capital but his powerbase has been greatly weakened.


          • #35
            " Baston will be restored to power" Lord Sophanthro promised, " But for the time being we must let the Native Americans sort out the problems, Assyria will provide whatever aid we can. He also stated that whenever Baston needs support AKA testing a file or whatever the Assyrian government will be more than glad to aid in whatever way possible. In the mean time however, we ask Demosthenes to recognize the New Regime by ressetting the AI to the Native Americans and send the turn along to the Mayans."


            • #36
              Turn 47 ==> Hex

              Sorry for the delay, I've had modem problems, but I'm up and running again.


              • #37
                Demosthenes of the Welsh nation wishes it to be known that he is regretful of the unesy start that the Welsh have made with the new Native American leader Baston. We hope that he returns from exile soon enough, and that the land to the north can then settle into a normal pattern.

                There has been upheaval amongst the tribes of the North for many years, and we believe that Baston will soon return from exile and unite the Native Americans, bringing peace and prosperity to their nation. Whereupon we hope that a new dialogue can be opened between us, and a bright future shine forth upon the world.


                • #38
                  The Australian Government has proposed to 'Beelzebub Incarnate' Shavlor that a policy of non-aggression should be adopted towards the NA's during their period of upheaval.

                  We hope that even such a savage and heathen despot as Shavlor, Azathoth by any other name, should accept this degree of restraint.

                  Benign Sophanthro, Lord of the Assyrians, has acted as a mediator in this matter though it is to be doubted that Shavlor, he whose name must not be spoken, will answer any call to answer a humanitarian cause. We are hopeful that even Shavlor can be brought to an act of kindness towards the unfortunate NA's by his fraternal neighbour.

                  Foreign Minister


                  • #39
                    Double post - Sorry.
                    [This message has been edited by Jon (edited March 06, 2000).]


                    • #40
                      Turn 47/48 -> Sophix

                      And the longest turn limps to an end!
                      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                      • #41
                        Turn 48 ==> Shavlor


                        • #42
                          Turn --> 48 Jon

                          The mighty lord Shavlor has accepted the agreement to not attack NA or harm them. But due to the fact the AI doesn't want peace. He will be on the look out for any groupings that my attack him.


                          • #43
                            BASTON SEEN MAKING A LONELY PILGRIMAGE

                            The young warrior was briefly seen heading for the frozen peaks in the north in an isolated pilgrimage to the north.

                            Ever since the failed coup in the capital he has doubted the spirits and the guidance they once so strongly gave to him. In this pilgrimage he is hoping it will make or break his life. If the spirits are with him he will return, if not... only history may remember him... if at all.

                            He has heard the distant voices of other leaders and this has recently hardened his resolve in the frozen lands.

                            I am working damn hard to get this sorted!
                            [This message has been edited by Baston (edited March 07, 2000).]


                            • #44
                              Jon of Australia

                              We would also expect you to extend the same courtesy to the Native Americans during this time of upheaval.
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                              • #45
                                Turn 48 to Demos.

                                The Australian Government is outraged that yet another espionage attempt was made against her. This violation of national sovereignty will not go unpunished and though the vigilance of our security forces prevented this attack from being successful we were unable to apprehend the cuplprit. The prime suspect must be 'Beast of Rome' Shavlor but the geographic location of the so nearly desecrated City of Melbourne leaves nobody free from suspicion.

                                Make no mistake we will find out the identity of the perpetrator of this vile act and when we do they will find that the Australians are pioneers in the art of making 'snuff movies' on a national scale.

