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Semi Acc Part III

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  • Turn 68 ==> Hex

    In knowledge that the Cwmbran Accords has now expired, Demosthenes of the Welsh anticipates the imminent attack of the Roman army. It is beleived that Shavlor wishes to take the fertile lands of the Welsh to replace his lost capital.

    Rumours of his intentions towards the Welsh sheep has led to serious anger and unrest. The Welsh people lust for blood.


    • Turn 68/69 -> Sophix

      The brave new citizens of Rome are firmly entrenched behind the rebuilt city walls, as the former leader did a shoddy job of building them. Stone from the quarries of Mayan lands, blessed by the priests, have been sent to make them invunerable to the pebbles and sticks that pass as Roman weapons.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • Turn 69 ==> Shavlor

        The council of bishops have decided that no action will be taken at this moment, but the hearts of many of the people are against the Romans.


        • Turn 69 --> Jon

          Indeed this is how it always is. The world against the mighty Romans. The Romans swear that they will retake Rome and burn any evil Mayan savages that remain. Once this is accomplished the forgetful Welsh will soon be bought to the sword.


          • The Welsh are forgetful of nothing, beastly one. The Cwmbran Accords were signed 7 days before turn 47, and were to expire in 20 turns. It is now turn 68, the treaty has expired, and so has Welsh tolerance of the Roman scourge that plagues this continent.


            • Turn 69 to Demos.

              Australia remains committed to the path of peace, even with 'The Beast', and His Immaculacy has decreed that 'so as it is, so shall it remain'.


              • Turn 69 ==> Hex

                The liberation of the Welsh nation has begun. The mounted archer, that for so many years has haunted the city of Cwmbran has been shown the error of his ways.

                Freedom at last!


                • For a long time, Hextapul had observed the attacks that Shavlor mounted against the other great nations of the world. He heard the pleas to unite against 'the Beast' from ALL the leaders...

                  Though Hextapul realized that he would bear the brunt of hatred from Shavlor if he launched an assault againt 'the Beast', Hextapul decided that it was worth the cost to help bring peace to a world gone mad. Even if no-one else took up the call, Hextapul knew in his heart that he was doing what was right and just.

                  It is with joy that Hextapul sees in Great Demosthenes, a heart that also longs for justice. His is a heart of uncommon bravery and great courage. It is for this reason - to help man reach for the highest good - that Hextapul does what he does. Not for gold, or glory for himself, but so all mankind need not fear opression.

                  It is Hextapul's hope that other leaders will heed the call to do what is right and not to have fear against evil.

                  Remember what Shavlor has done to you...

                  Turn 69/70 -> Sophix
                  [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited March 28, 2000).]
                  Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                  • WTF

                    I can't play my turn it appears to be screwed. When I end my turn it crashes with a segfault. Im hoping it's just a bad turn and Ive asked Hex to resend it.

                    I hope Hex didn't take one of Shav's cities, and will have to try again due to this stupid error.

                    Why?!? Why?? Why??

                    [This message has been edited by Sophanthro (edited March 29, 2000).]


                    • Me Happy Now

                      Turn 70 ==> Shavlor

                      Any ways I had to load it up through the scenario. Don't ask me why.

                      Yes too much vodka can make Jack a very dumb boy.


                      • Turn 70 --> Jon

                        I run my turn fine I don't know why it did that. And no Hex didn't take a city but yes Demos killed my beloved mounted archer.


                        • Turn 70 to Demos

                          Verily sai'th The Sainted One 'Archbishop Sophix should'st be ashamed of himself in partaking of intoxicating liquor whilst in command of a Nation. Should he again transgress the rules of decency and decorum I shall'st have no alternative but to condemn him to an eternity in the Pit of Abaddon'.

                          St Jon has spoken!


                          • Turn 70 ==> Hex

                            Demosthenes today announced plans that aswell as the Welsh going to war with Shavlor, the Welsh would also now refer to him as T.A.F.K.A.B. (The Aggressor Formerly Known As Beast).

                            The announcement was greeted with widespread support through the Welsh Kingdom, and brought chants of "Down with TAFKAB!" in the Welsh city of Swansea, where Demosthenes was visiting in acknowledgement of the inhabitants procreation abilities.


                            • A second wave of Mayan diplomats have landed outside Viconium to establish an embassy there.

                              News of the Roman/Welsh war on the western front was greeted with joy in the city of Rome, as former Roman slaves anticipated reunion with their brothers, who were forcibly relocated by the policies imposed by the former ruler.

                              Meanwhile celebrations were going on throughout the Mayan Empire, as Hextapul returned to the capitol for a short visit, before returning to the front lines. Hextapul will fight alongside with his soldiers.
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                              • Turn 71 to Demos

                                Whilst others squabble to the soldiers of 'The Pure One' continue ever onward on their Crusade to liberated Seminole from it's owners! Losses have been heavier than expected but we grind on knowing that our cause is just!

