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Lungmatch 3.2 - Part III

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  • Turn to MOBIUS, the unclean

    Well, I crapped on my Leon attack. But I succeeded atleast in taking out alot of his troops. 14, in total during the march.

    But we will return


    • Originally posted by Lung
      Sorry, but this mutual bum-scratching, er...'back'-scratching ( ) isn't allowed! Desist, FG, desist!!




      • Originally posted by faded glory
        Well, I crapped on my Leon attack. But I succeeded atleast in taking out alot of his troops. 14, in total during the march.
        I should Co Co!

        You may have taken out that many, but I appear to have taken out more of yours - in a war of a attrition that is something you can little afford...

        BTW it's my turn to be knocking at your doors this time - or rather blow them down! Oops, now where did those City Walls go...?

        As for you Birdy, you're in the same boat - I've been having particular fun enslaving your slavers...

        Feel free to follow FG's attack - now I've taken out his armies, I'll just have to assimilate yours...!

        "Welcome to my parlour" said the Spider to the Fly...
        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


        • Originally posted by faded glory


          I thought you might be unfamiliar with the term, but apparently not

          In yankee lingo, it would be "fanny-scratching", wouldn't it? It's just that in the land where emus roam free, it has an entirely different meaning! When i was in the States a few years back, i delighted in commenting that some good sort passing by had a nice fanny, which was taken as a compliment. Of course, it was nothing of the sort, but to be able to make a lewd comment and get a smile in return was sensational The same comment in Oz would land one in no end of strife!

          Bring on the fannies or should i say, bring "out"


          • C'mon, you blokes! You've got some catching up to do!

            Lungmatch 1.2 seems to be drawing inexorably towards it's inevitable conclusion, not to mention the inevitable cliche's!! As commendable as Don's resistance has been, Lung's fascist hordes are swarming all over his shrinking empire. At this rate it should be finished with 2 months. When 1.2 and 3.2 are finished, we will have the semi-finals of the Lungmatch tournament - the unofficial CTP PBEM championship of the world!!

            Keep those turns moving, dudes, and let's see a stunning victory to the most cunning, fiendish and blooodthirsty of you all by the end of September!

            Even more cunning, fiendish and bloodthirsty opponents await


            • Yeah, where's the turn!!?:doitnow:
              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • Turn from last friday resent to......
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • After a history of concerted attacks from the Welsh, has the tide finally turned? After destroying her walls last cycle, a concentrated frontal assault on Pontypridd was successful in liberating the city from FG's evil clutches!

                  Viva Espana!
                  Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                  • wha? I dont remember playing 118. Crap, Mobius. damn you. I wonder if I shouldnt just raise the white flag.

                    hmm...did you next me or did you get my Resend for this game Mob?

                    Also Sw2 Resend. did you get that?


                    • stupid me...I did play 118. What am I saying. But how could you take ponteypridd. I dont remember any of your hordes outside the city last time I played the turn. (except like a few pikes, but the city was well defended)


                      Turn to Maximus in 24 hours (after I get this straightened out).


                      • Man I'm confused...

                        I sent on the turn you sent me - but it went to Birdy, then to you, so you should be sending it to me and not Birdy!

                        Just cos you couldn't see my units doesn't mean that they weren't there...

                        As for Swissy 2, nope haven't got it yet...
                        Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                        • -->Mobius.

                          You are very well aware of the fact, that Faded sometimes IS a little confused, ain't you?
                          First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                          • So where the hell is Swissy2?

                            I'm waiting.....


                            • Well, FG's fleeing the battlefield as Birdy steps up to take his place and be used as target practice...
                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • You rotter, you!

