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Phoenix - part I. Based on Wes MedMod 4.13

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  • #31
    Please advise just how much of this I have to install as I already have CD's Mod for APQS and I do not want to go through the tedium of swapping large tranches of the Datafiles over just to play a single Turn which the various Readmes would indicate that I am going to have to.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #32
      Very little of the MedMod is just copied striaght from Cds or any such. It's mostly been subtly changed. I think that there's a few great library files unmodified...

      If you're going to play the turn you just have to install the MedMod as per instructions.


      • #33
        I start university today, so I could be a little preoccupied for a while, or unable to make the internet connection work or some such. So, assume I'm incommunicado until further notice - do something sensible with my turns.


        • #34
          I'm back now, and 4 of the last 5 posts are by me. This is a Bad Sign.


          • #35
            JB: Right and wrong.

            Until now we are 5 players, that have the scenario working. 4 of us have played a turn and Don has a test SPgame working.

            I'm still missing answer from Keygen and Jon to my e-mail monday the 24th, where I asked:

            Jon, did you ever get the scenario to work?
            Don and Keygen: Have you both tried a short SP game, just as a test?
            Don have answered.

            I'll restart this game with those players, that have confirmed being able to play/tried the scenario this weekend.

            I have not wanted to push too hard, as this is something new to most of us. At least as a PBEM-game - I have plenty of expirience in playing the mod in SP, way back before I started on PBEM.
            First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



            • #36
              Good, so long as things are still happening. Thanks for keeping us informed.


              • #37
                Game restarted with only 5 players, 5 settlers and a huge map.

                1. Maxim - french: TheBirdMan -
                2. Paul - dutch: Paul -
                3. John - english: John -
                4. Frazer - welsh: Frazer -
                5. Don Quijote - spanish: Don -

                Turn 0 to Paul.

                One cold morning - snow has just stopped - 5 hungry and tired families stopped by a river. Pleanty of wood around here.

                This is the place said Maxim. Though it's not the warmest place I have seen, we should be able to survive here.

                Maxim's famíly builded a permanent camp and called it Paris. The other families made only temporary shelters.
                Last edited by TheBirdMan; October 1, 2001, 00:28.
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #38
                  Turn 0 to John


                  • #39
                    Turn 0 to Frazer


                    • #40
                      Hi guys, I will have an answer tonight whether I join or not.

                      Sorry for the delay.


                      • #41
                        There will be a slight delay as I wont be available to play my turn until tomorrow, sorry.


                        • #42
                          OK, I cleared up some space in my hard disk and made a second install of CCTP with MedMod 4.13.

                          I am ready to join in.

                          One question, I changed the "Dubugslic" to "Yes" but the strings refering to cities, etc. still do not show up properly. Any suggestion? I hope not to have to reinstall it to open and save a game for every patch installed as I didn't.

                          I have also installed patch 1.2 & Hack 1.21.


                          • #43
                            It might be caused by not using it between patches, but I doubt it. It's probably either that you changed profile.txt instead of userprofile.txt of that you loaded a saved game instead of starting a new one (userprofile setting are saved with the game).

                            If that isn't it, then you may have to reinstall and do it properly, but The PBEM game - having been started on a computer on which everything was done properly - may work anyway.


                            • #44
                              You might be right J. i don't remember if it was the profile.txt or the userprofile.txt I changed as I did it in extreme rush .

                              I will re-check it today as have more time.



                              • #45
                                Dam. it. I knew I should have included a phantom player when starting the game monday morning (though he had promised an answer within the weekend in his e-mail).

                                Now there no slot for Keygen - suggestion? Another restart?
                                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.


