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CTP Internet Ratings (NEW)

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  • #76
    Saddam U just challenged Ice to a Internet rated, bug free Game....

    And If Ice ain't of his fearsome students sure is..... The fearsome Gavrushka, the Quintessential Quinns, the Dastardly Darth.... LOL

    Saddam, if it takes you 5 turns to discover a modern advance U are sunk against us...... Against every player we now come up against our ships of the line are dancing on your coast lines as your warriors are learning how to paddle....

    Why cos we have been taught by Blackice.... And trust me now very few players could get a look a look in against us - We all had to learn to play the game again from scratch.....

    Seriously I would love to see u challenge Ice - if u want why not make it 4 players - I think Ice was trying to convince Paul to play - if we play at a time convenient to him, I think he would go for it... I tell you what we can even play in Pauls preferred settings ?? But No bug use...
    He's back after a fashion...


    • #77
      Originally posted by Solver
      Good news here. Looks like we finally have an ISP in Latvia, that will give you unlimited access, with cable modem. Hopefully, they get to me by end of this year . And if they do, for the price of 41USD one can stay online as much as I wish. First of all, I wonder how 41 USD compares to unlimited access in other countries. Second, I wonder will you accept me playing online games, and will the speed be enough - outcoming is 128 kbit/sec, incoming 64kbit/sec.
      Sounds like a fairly good deal. I pay 40USD for a DSL connection. The advertised speed is 768 down and 128 up, but my tests show I get about 600 down and 90 up. Because I share the connection with another computer I get about 250 down.

      The speed you posted is a bit confusing. Usually incoming is faster than or equal to outging.
      "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


      • #78
        Thanks Gavruska, but read it carefully. Look, the provider (Telia, Swedish) has thus far only covered Center district of Riga, while I live in the North district. I hope this will be done in 2001, but am not sure. Tried sending a little email, gets rejected. Will have to find out why.
        Cheapness of this stands that I don't pay for phone. I can talk on the phone while in Internet with this, and the phone company gets no money. That's great compared to what I have now - pay to ISP by hour, and to the phone company.
        As for the speed... that's what their website says, I don't know if it will truly be that. For instance, now I'm using a 56 kbit/sec modem, but download speed is around 3.5/sec, normally. However, I trust cables more.

        Your deal also sounds good to me! All in all, you have better speed. Telia also offers higher speed, but that at once costs MUCH more. I'd better pay twice less, and have a little bit less of speed. And, I've messed it in the original post... incoming is 128, and outcoming is 64. Taking in account that I down more than up, I find this more than acceptable.

        But I repeat, don't even expect to see me on for at least three more months. I doubt they'll get me earlier. But when I do, I'll learn!

        You're truly making wonders. You made a post without 30 smilies and other stupidity. You're now a good poster !

        A few questions about the Internet games:
        1) How does the turn cycling happen? We wait for everybody to take the turn, right?
        2) How long does one turn usually take?
        3) How much time is a player given for his turn?
        4) Are there any Europeans playing TCP/IP? If so, it is nice. Because when playing Americans, either of us has bad time.
        5) Rather confusing to me, am and pm. What time is what? I take it as am is when people tend to sleep, and pm is when they tend to be in middle of the work day. But might be different .
        6) How many hours does an Internet game take to complete?
        7) Can you save in the middle of multiplayer game? I think yes, but I've ignored the manual section about multiplayer. Good reason to find the CtP box now. I mean, could I please have one save emailed to me, preferrably somewhen when action already takes place, for instance contact has been made, and wars are going. Curios to see it, but doubt it's possible to load MP game as a SP game.
        8) Are there any bugs specific only to TCP/IP gaming?
        9) What happens if one of players suddenly disconnects. I hope my new connection will be stable, but who knows.

        That's all for now. All in all, it's still some good time till I get connected.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #79
          Originally posted by Solver
          A few questions about the Internet games:
          1) How does the turn cycling happen? We wait for everybody to take the turn, right?
          2) How long does one turn usually take?
          3) How much time is a player given for his turn?
          4) Are there any Europeans playing TCP/IP? If so, it is nice. Because when playing Americans, either of us has bad time.
          5) Rather confusing to me, am and pm. What time is what? I take it as am is when people tend to sleep, and pm is when they tend to be in middle of the work day. But might be different .
          6) How many hours does an Internet game take to complete?
          7) Can you save in the middle of multiplayer game? I think yes, but I've ignored the manual section about multiplayer. Good reason to find the CtP box now. I mean, could I please have one save emailed to me, preferrably somewhen when action already takes place, for instance contact has been made, and wars are going. Curios to see it, but doubt it's possible to load MP game as a SP game.
          8) Are there any bugs specific only to TCP/IP gaming?
          9) What happens if one of players suddenly disconnects. I hope my new connection will be stable, but who knows.
          1) You play each turn simultaneously. The game ends when the last player finishes with his moves and hit the END button.
          2) It depends of the slowest player of each turn
          3) As long as he likes unless a time limit is set with a mod and as long as you do not make the others waiting for you to much.
          4) Well, you may find some Europians here and play them...
          5) AM is after midnight. PM is afternoon.
          6) Not sure but I guess a little more than a single does. Unless someone is veeery slow.
          7) Yes you can save it but I don't know how. Never did it before. And I don't have an idea if you can turn MP to SP but as you I doubt.
          8) That may answer it someone with greater experience in MP...
          9) I think when a player is creating a new MP game has the option to allow the dynamically join feature where when a player disconnects to be able to join again or someone else.


          • #80
            Hm, I have challenged Swissy, Franses and Slamp. Haven't heard anything from Slamp so maybe Blackice could take over his possition in the challenge.


            • #81
              Hey take man relax. BlackIce isnt that great!

              Lol Yak Yak Saddam You And I Have Never Played? Yet You Have An Opinion On How Well I Play , Mistake Number One... 5 Turns Hummm I Do Three Or Less With Commies . 11 Cities Lol Good Luck... Paul Has Taught Us Well As Have We Taught Each Other How Well Do You Do Against Fuzzball? Filix, Tal, Necheav And So Many Others Saddam?

              So Play Gav He Challenged You, Darth Or Berxpert Or The Best Quinn (He Is On Top Of The Heap Here Now) Ask For Some Tips As I Do From Them, You Beat Them Then You Talk To Me. Oh P.S. Good Job On The Post It’s Not Spam Lol... Oh Btw What Is Your Gl Name.

              Nukeboy, Quinn, Gav And I Have A Games To Finish So No Comment, Up To Finish? Also A Game Challenge Time To Be Set With Darth...And A Four Player Pbem Against Paul And Someone So Booked Up Right Now Sorry.

              As Far As My Rep. I Am Average Player With Some Experience. But I Believe Pbem Is Going To Have An Awesome Rep Once We Get This Thing Going... So It Looks Like We Are All Going To Be There Saturday See You All Then.

              Boney, Ko Is Pretty Good I Played Him And Found His Skills To Be Quite Good You Can Learn From Him. And Please Do Watch The Gl’ers They Do Agree To First And Second Then Take Out The Newbies Together. It Is A Ploy Some Of Them Use Regularly. Glad To See You Sticking It Out, It’s Tons Of Fun. Good To Hear About Your Connection Look Forward To Playing With You.

              Solvers In, Ah But Things Are Getting Interesting... Fuzzball You There? Paul Is Considering Joining Too We Should Encourage The Best Player In The World To Do So, But Fear Him As He Plays Better Without The Bugs Lol

              1.Yes We Wait For Others To Finish Their Turns, Try To Do Your City And So On Adjustments While The Other Player Is Taking His Turn. It Then Goes A Bit Faster That Way.

              2-3. Turn Time Up To You Most Of Us Have Lot’s Of Patience Or Laundry To Do Or Both As With Me So No Biggy Take Your Time Just Remember Tip In #1.

              4.Yes Lots Of Europeans Are Playing, We North Americans At Least Quinn And I And A Whole Bunch More Have No Problem Getting Up Early For A Game So We Just Set A Time (Or Alarm Clock In My Case Lol) And Try To Be There.

              5.Quinn Is The Human Time Zone Lol Ask Him . A.M. Is Midnight Until Noon And P.M. Is Noon Until Midnight. Here Is A Very Useful Time Zone Clock Site You Can Customize It To Your Own Use. Http://Www.Timeanddate.Com/Time/

              6.Depends On The Game But 4 To 10 Hours. Play It In Pieces If You Like. We Always Break For Dinner Or Lunch, Beer Runs, Family, Screaming Kids, Wives Etc Lol.

              7.Yes You Can Save Anytime. It Is Best To Set Some Time Up Like Saturday Morning And Play A Few Turns To Get The Feel Of It.

              8. Yes See This Thread... Http://Apolyton.Net/Forums/Showthre...&Threadid=22296

              But For The Most Part No The Bugs Tricks Are The Same. Good Advice Do Not Play A Gl Game Until You Know All The Bugs, Tricks And Ploys. As Important What Rules To Set Down Before Play. Even The Common Courtesy Of Stopping Play And Waiting For The Other Player Has To Be Stated Right Off The Top As Some Players View This As “Oh To Bad Your Civ Is Messed Up” Lol. Several Turns Can Pass And Cost You The Game So Be Wise Ask Lots Of Questions.

              9. The Standard Fair Play Rule Is, If Disconnected All Play Stops And We Wait For The Disconnected Player To Return. Then We Wait Until The Player Has Viewed His Civ. And Corrected What The Ai Has Buggered.

              10.Have Fun

              Now direct me to the rules so I can avoid any future problems.

              Btw did you find the dictionary any use in straightening out any misconceptions or misinterpretations?

              Last edited by blackice; July 18, 2001, 13:52.
              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
              Or do we?


              • #82
                Thanks for the answers, guys. When I establish the new connection, you're going to have some really easy wins, because I'm sooo bad .
                Blackice, that all caps message is annoying. In fact, it's prohibited by the rules. Would you perhaps edit this one? Don't want myself to mess with editing such a huge message .
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #83
                  Originally posted by blackice

                  5.Quinn Is The Human Time Zone Lol Ask Him . A.M. Is Midnight Until Noon And P.M. Is Noon Until Midnight. Here Is A Very Useful Time Zone Clock Site You Can Customize It To Your Own Use. Http://Www.Timeanddate.Com/Time/
                  Ouch! Solver is right . That every first letter capital IS quite annoying Ice! I keep thinking it Is The Beginning Of The Next Sentence... yow! And as far as me being at the "top of the heap" goes, notice that there is a big "P" next to my name, meaning that my current ranking is quite PROVISIONAL, and can go down quite rapidly.

                  Not to disappoint you though ...

                  A.M. stands for Ante Meridium which is Latin for "before middle" or before the middle of the day. (The middle of the day is noon. )

                  P.M. stands for Post Meridium which is Latin for "after middle" or after the middle of the day.


                  • #84
                    That every first letter capital IS quite annoying Ice!
                    Actually he was refering to an "ALL CAPS POST" I had been online gaming and since we use "ALL CAPS" because it is easier to read... I simply never thought about it as I do not look at the screen when I type lol.

                    Now since there was no way to change it other than the way it is now and of course it is not "ALL CAPS". With out typing it over of course . Office did a good job an easy job for me.

                    Can You Imagine How Long It Would Take To Hit The Shift Button For Every Word You Write In A Post Like That?

                    I had no way of knowing "ALL CAPS POST'S" were not allowed as I have not seen that rule, I am sure it is there some where I guess it was my day to inadvertantly annoy people...

                    Ok so you are top of the (p)
                    “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                    Or do we?


                    • #85
                      I will officially challenge blackice whenever he has LAN time

                      If he is 'as good' as you all say. Then he is definately worth playing.

                      Those who have been beatin.....

                      1)Josip Broz Tito
                      4)Nuke boy
                      6)Ivat Tattaquer
                      8)Sir Leaf
                      10) and countless newbies

                      So BI, are you up for a game one of these days !

                      I have yet to actually be challenged bye someone who doesnt kill themselves before I invade. Usaully they build theatres and universitys and crap and end up running up there maintence costs.Doing stupid things, like building mills in every single city!

                      Usaully my tech parity is a huge one

                      btw Blackice, I was not insulting you ...I simply got jeoulous

                      I also Gauruntee, my tech parity will be farely large...I know about hording trade also (putting 16 goods in one city)...and then maxing it with bank/market. Gives me really good tech lead, always!

                      As for bugs, I dont use them ! And as for Science bug, I dont use that either!

                      As for those 5 turns an advance...That is not too bad when we are talking about Genetic age stuff.

                      I also exclude all wonders from internet games.

                      Wonders=false Glory
                      Last edited by faded glory; July 18, 2001, 20:18.


                      • #86
                        putting 16 goods in one city
                        May I ask how?

                        As for bugs, I dont use them! And as for Science bug, I dont use that either!
                        SCIENCE BUG!

                        IMHO, Saddam sounds like a serious veteran player who will not take crap from anybody, including blackice

                        "I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat donuts." - Alice


                        • #87
                          Words come cheap JPWW!!!!

                          Ice will take the challenge, or nominate one of his graduates....LOL.... Me and Ice are hoping to take on Paul and Filix Saturday - Just for fun...

                          As for Saddam, JPWW, we have moved way beyond the Gameleaguers...

                          Saddam if he is as good as he says would be a challenge to me or Quinns, but I don't think Ice would worry much...LOL..

                          Hey JPWW, I miss you in the internet world...I know time is tight for you, but if you get a spare hour or two drop me a line!!
                          He's back after a fashion...


                          • #88
                            JPWW I meant more than 6 and not 16....

                            Way beyond us elitist game-leaguers?

                            What are you, a league of your own eh?

                            as for the 'science' bug, I will keep that confidential, since none of you 'major leaguers' seem to know about it.

                            Anyway as for quinns, I have started games with him. We never finish them tho ...he always must go do somthing...

                            now as for the internet games.....well, I am currently smacking nuke boy around in a 1 on 1... I suppose I squeez enough time in for blackice or one of his 'affilitiates' .

                            Maybe ...

                            Ill see what blackice reply is

                            The only men who has successfully beat me in a 1 on 1 net game was Paul and Tito once.But they are excellent players...too bad Tito disappeared after we bombed his country , he lived in Nis,Serbia. That was long ago


                            • #89
                              Good list "whats your gl name" I'll slot you in. In the mean time You have Gav Or Quinn and I would consider it they are both equal to my talent... or better. What you get is a good time one way or the other, and I officially accept your challenge.

                              Meet up Saturday 10 am edt cali server most times you find pbem'ers there.

                              Gav the game is on lol er 7 am my time can you do it?
                              Paul is at like 10 pm Filix is same or so time zone as you?

                              Keygen sounds good will you email time zones or agreed best times? As for me every other weekend from this one on is good for me.

                              Lol insult and I though we were having fun "I simply got jeoulous"... no need we share in this group that way we become a challenge to each other. End result better games more fun more challenging welcome aboard.

                              JPWW had some good questions for you, don't leave him in the cold...I am sure a lot of people would like to know the answers to those questions

                              Speaking of taking a crap I mean... is that where the defecation hits the rotary oscillator

                              7) Yes you can save it but I don't know how. Never did it before. And I don't have an idea if you can turn MP to SP but as you I doubt.
                              You simply copy and paste it to the games section and visa versa to the mp section. Btw this is sometimes how maps are used as er tricks. (File sent) just put it into your save game section.

                              Ya JP hope you get some time on Saturdays dp line...
                              “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                              Or do we?


                              • #90
                                What are you, a league of your own eh?
                                Well hell ya... You see we are tired of the following statement;

                                as for the 'science' bug, I will keep that confidential, since none of you 'major leaguers' seem to know about it.
                                The main reason I guess there is no strategy section in CTP for GL...

                                And here lays a tipical gl'er mantra Oh but remember we share it all with newbies, I told everyone about it...
                                Okkie dokie...

                                I have said it too many times before hummmmmm

                                A trick or cheat I guess you simply missed the point...

                                Is there a peticular reason why not? I can come up with a few but I would like to here yours Any rate games off till ya tell the pbem'ers

                                Maybe you did not see this TWICE...

                                WHAT IS YOUR GL NAME

                                Saddam sounds like a serious veteran player who will not take crap from anybody, including blackice
                                Imo He is sounding like a few gl'ers...

                                Nukeboy join us on a Saturday sometime
                                “The Communist Manifesto was correct…but…we see the privileges of the capitalist bourgeoisie yielding…to democratic organizations…In my judgment…success lies in a steady [peaceful] advance…[rather]…than in…a catastrophic crash."Eduard Bernstein
                                Or do we?

