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Love Conquers? Part VI.

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  • #31
    "Demos, you will always be a King in the hearts of the Welsh people. I, the new King of Wales Constantine am always glad to hear news from you and I am more than happy to hear that you approve my decision to attack the evil Breaker Morant and your words will be a great courage to the Welsh soldiers on their difficult task and will keep their moral high so to crush the Australians on any attempt to resist to our mighty army."

    King of Wales Constantine


    • #32
      Boys and Girls.

      Please post Turn Sent notification to the Thread or the maintainance of a steady rate of play becomes almost impossible.

      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
      - Anon


      • #33

        Turn 100 -->Lord Thor

        The 100th turn in the year 1000. Many in Greece see this as a good sign, and our citizenry now seem disinclined to riot.

        The Australian city of Bega falls, but it seems the Australians were neglecting those poor Begans, for Greek forces found not a single improvement inside. Life for these poor wretches can only get better now that they have been liberated.

        St Jon, you must trust us greatly to send shipments of a valuable green gemstone unguarded through our cities. Luckily, that trust is well-founded, for we are at peace with France, and your caravans are quite safe!

        Now if only those Barbarians would stop sniffing around our cities!



        • #34
          Turn to Madrid.

          Beloved Xenophon, for one to know 'distrust' it is first neccessary for one to be capable of betrayal. Duplicity and dishonesty are words that are entirely alien to me so why should I be suspicious of my good friends and neighbours?

          There is surely something wrong when a total absence of hostility should be construed as foreboding of evils yet to come! Hextupal, spread not your barely veiled untruths about France any longer!

          Blessings unto All,

          St Jon, Love in Human Form.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #35
            Pity the education system of France, for St Jon still has not learned to spell...
            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


            • #36
              Hmmm, our World appears haunted by the undead spirit of Hextapul, first leader of the Incas...?

              Methinks that he has not been properly put to rest?

              We, The Inquisition, can help 'exorcise' you...


              Tomas de Torquemada

              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


              • #37
                ...awakened from His eternal slumber by the twittering of the lowly mortals of this world, Great Hextapul looks around and does not recognize the world He has left. Indeed, there is yet another leader on the throne of Inca. Incan cities had been renamed in direct violation of Sacred Incan texts, but that was to be expected, and Hextapul does not begrudge that Quinns wanted to honor himself in this way.

                Now there is a new ruler - Thor...

                Hextapul cannot advise him of the state of the world, because those who may have been trustworthy in the past have proven to be wicked and those who were feared to be a threat to Incan lands have shown remarkable restraint. Yet it is those who have yet to draw the sword or fire the musket that are to be feared the most, for their lust for domination and pride is merely restrained at the moment.

                Beware, the axe will still fall on those who are not prepared. So be watchful of those who wield the weapons of war as well as those who claim purity of intent.

                And Demos has also left - 'tis sad indeed. I raise a toast to the One who enjoyed his Ale...

                Hextapul has spoken!!
                Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                • #38
                  Turn 101 to Stavros.


                  • #39
                    I think I know who the spirit of Hextapul has in mind - but I will not tell .
                    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                    • #40
                      The ghost of the long dead King Hexatapul visited us today while we slept. We awoke in a pool of sweat and shivered as we realized we were in the presence of the spirit of the legendary figure that had founded the Incan nation. However, after the initial fright, we knelt before the form of the King Hextapul humbled by his presence. He touched our forehead and asked us to rise.

                      After the initial greetings, we spent several hours listening to the wise words of the Noble spirit as he imparted his wisdom to us. We listened attentively. And though he felt he could not teach us, his words were enlightening and wise. When he was done speaking, he smiled upon us and said "We know you shall do well Thor, you will turn the Incan nation into the Empire I've dreamed of it becoming, I am certain you will not fail me."
                      After this his form disappeared into thin air...

                      With the words of the Great Hextapul in our hearts we announce the resumption of our offensive against the Australians. This offensive will now only stop with the complete annihilation of the Australian nation.

                      So I have spoken, and so it shall be.

                      Lord Thor of the Incas.
                      [This message has been edited by King Thor (edited April 11, 2001).]
                      King Thor


                      • #41

                        Turn 101 -->Lord Thor

                        This day finds EIGHTEEN Greek cities rioting falsely!

                        If this keeps up, we may have to provide fertility potions for our citizens, who have no time for procreation or food production whilst engaged in these meaningless riots.



                        • #42
                          Turn to Madrid.

                          Blessings upon you all, heathen or not, at this Holy time.

                          France continues upon her path of peace and friendship with all and stands alone as the one nation never to have ordered her army into action. I am certain that none of you, my children, who have experienced the divinity of my bodily manifestation before will be surprised at this for I am truly the Patron Saint of Pacifism.

                          My disciples grow ever more happy under my benign rule with state organised public entertainment organised every Turn in all major Cities. Forever will I be grateful to my Brother of the Cloth for his gift of 'The Horse' as the pure joy that it has brought both the virtuous and the sinner is a wonder indeed. Never before have I witnessed the devout queuing to experience the joy of redemption in such numbers!

                          St Jon, Sanctity amidst Sin.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #43
                            "A unique day is breaking. Today all Welsh cities are celebrating their first victory against the Australians. The city of Melbourne has fallen to Welsh hands. From now on people of Melbourne, Welsh and Australians will be subject to the Welsh crown. They shall never again suffer from the tyranny of Braker Morant but they will enjoy the wealth of Wales. But the path of war is still long and hard and the Welsh army will have much to do to break the resistance of the tough Australians. Having in mind the last words of the living legend of Demos and the iron will of their new master, King Constantine they shall not fear and soon lead the Wales to total victory against the evil tyrant Braker Morant."

                            King of Wales Constantine

                            Turn 102 to Stavros.

                            [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited April 13, 2001).]


                            • #44
                              Here endeth the lesson...


                              • #45
                                Turn 102 -->Lord Thor

                                It appears that Wales has bigger teeth than many suspected! King Constantine must be proud of his troops.

                                Here in Greece, riots have again died down. dare we hope that we shall see their end soon?


