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Love Conquers? Part VI.

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  • #76
    Turn to Madrid.

    I weep with joy at the thought that my Inca and Welsh children may once again live in harmony. Please let the World see the true joy of union and record upon video the embrace twixt King's Constantine and Thor for it should indeed be an historic moment.

    Xenophon, my beloved neighbour, Arbois antedates Meteora by many years and you were advised that the region in question was already colonised by France over a millennia ago! It is Greece that has trespassed upon 'the Faithful', not visa versa! Despite having a recon unit in place no protest was made at the time of your City's foundation for it would have served no purpose. I fear that the Greek concepts of truth, honesty and integrity are as much at variance with the rest of mankind's as is their memory faulty. This is the second time that a Greek City has impinged upon the Productive Radius of a Sacred one!

    I pray that all My Children should note that, alone, France remains at peace with the World.

    Love to All,

    St Jon, Mourning for the Indians.
    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
    - Anon


    • #77
      News has been filtering out from the 'Pontevedra Massacre Zone' that the residents of Emu Plains, troubled by the guilt of having their city built on the grounds of the death of many innocents - have revolted to for their own government!

      We welcome the Barbarians unto this green and pleasant land!

      Whilst my brother of the cloth preaches peace, Spain finds herself in the unnerving position of watching the numbers of French border guards double in the last two turns - Spain wishes to protest that such an act around Tours is merely going to lead to an escalation until our respective borders become a fortified no man's land!

      Hardly fitting behaviour for two followers of peace such as ourselves?


      Tomas de Torquemada
      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


      • #78
        It appears that the internal affairs of the Australians are known sooner to other nations than to the Australians themselves.
        Perhaps this is because the current government ad interim has no knowledge whatsoever of the history of Emu plains.
        But, I would rather believe that this is because this other nation in fact started this event.
        We have started a search for the culprits.

        turn 107 -> Rick
        veni vidi PWNED!


        • #79
          Turn 107 -->Lord Thor

          Ahh, classic St Jon! To speak of peace and love from one side of your mouth, whilest from the other side you besmirch the "truth, honesty and integrity" of the Greek nation is the kind of behaviour we have come to expect from our friends in Paris.

          You claim that your city of Arbois was colonized by France over a millennia ago, while it remains only a size one city? Are you perhaps a poor timekeeper, or is "he who preaches kindness" starving his citizens to keep the population down? Based on all the farms you have built in France, one can easily determine the answer to that question, so we are sending you a calendar!

          Regarding the birth of the Barbarian nation, we would send a Diplomat to welcome these plucky fellows into our world, but I fear they will be gone before we could reach their lands!



          • #80
            turn to Jon

            Incan cannons were ordered to fire warning shots upon the Welsh military close by. If the Welsh do not beg for forgiveness and admit their crimes we will commence heaveir bombardment of their military camps.

            A letter from the Welsh king begging for peace was well recieved here by our Lord. He smiled as he wrote the reply, even though he found the terms of the treaty unacceptable. 'If the Welsh want peace, they must first show that they deserve it' were his exact words. A diplomat was dispatched to the Welsh king with Lord Thor's letter.

            King Thor


            • #81
              Turn to Madrid.

              Beloved Children,

              I feel that perhaps my Brother of the Cloth may have, inadvertantly, issued a statement that could lead to some confusion regarding French military deployment and my personal committment to the cause of Peace on Earth. It is true, Brother Tomas is as I incapable of utterring a falsehood, that France has doubled her Border Patrols around Tours and when taken as a bald statement of fact this might indeed be taken as a provocative and potentially threatening gesture. However, when the original guard consisted of but a solitary Pikeman a 100% increase should hardly be worrisome to the World's Superpower! Indeed France has but the same number of Border Guards deployed upon the entire length of her southern frontiers as Spain does around Tours alone.

              Xenophon, errant but still beloved neighour, you have misquoted my last sermon. It was the area containing Arbois that was colonised by France over a millennia ago and no claim upon my part that Arbois itself was so ancient. It still remains a fact that it antedates by many hundreds of years any Greek settlement in the vicinity, including Meteora, and a simple examination of the surrounding terrain, the production of further pioneers and it's role as a commerce centre should explain it's small size. As for the number of French Farms; I know not how such information should have passed into Greek hands for France has neither requested or been asked for a Map Exchange with any nation in over 2000 years!

              Blessings Upon You All.

              St Jon, Illumination in a World of Innuendo.
              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
              - Anon


              • #82
                My French Brother appears to be reading from an altogether different songsheet when concerning the number and effects of French deployment as over the past few turns this has risen by two pikemen and one musketeer - hardly the lone and harmless solitary pikeman he would have us all believe...

                Total French border forces (that are visible without the protection of urban cover!) now amount to 3 Pikemen, 1 Musketeer, 3 Phalanxes - as well as numerous Diplomats!

                The Spanish Guard to the SW of Tours is for the protection of the Leon - Salamanca highway and as an act of diplomacy France was given advanced warning of this precaution before it was even acted upon lest our Brother of the Cloth jump to the wrong conclusions - it's number was risen from 2 to 3 as a direct result of French escalation!

                WRT to keeping the Leon - Salamanca highway open: Apparently after Spain's formal complaint just last turn! France has seen fit to inflame matters by interdicting Spanish traffic along this crucial highway with it's latest troop movement towards Spanish soil!!!

                Spain has taken steps to ensure that this artery is reopened next turn - whether this is with the cooperation of our French Brothers or not...


                Tomas de Torquemada

                [This message has been edited by MOBIUS (edited April 28, 2001).]
                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                • #83
                  "Begging for peace? What is this? A joke? I am offering 2000 gold to stop this madness and you claim that I am begging for peace? Get real!"

                  King of Wales Constantine

                  Turn 108 to Maestro.
                  [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited April 29, 2001).]


                  • #84
                    turn 108 -> Rick
                    veni vidi PWNED!


                    • #85
                      Turn 108 -->Lord Thor

                      Know thee that your own words have told me much about your agricultural ambitions, St Jon. You have written of your desire to increase the quantity of France's rabble.

                      What's more, it is well known throughout the civilized world that you stuff your citizens with food like a farmer force-feeds his geese to increase the production of fois gras!

                      So the idea that you wouldn't have tried to increase the population of a French city is highly unlikely!

                      But in light of your preoccupation with how the world leaders have procured even the most accessible information, perhaps henceforth you should be referred to as St Paranoia!

                      [This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited April 30, 2001).]


                      • #86
                        What do you think I should do about Jon's turn?? He hasn't played yet.
                        King Thor


                        • #87
                          Plain old Jon here.

                          Sorry guys, about the delay, but I should be able to play and post later on tonight.

                          My system is now as pure as I am but CtP is proving the ***** it ever was to install and patch.
                          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                          - Anon


                          • #88
                            Turn to Madrid.

                            Beloved Children, rejoice for the gentle hand of love returns to guide all upon the path to salvation!

                            Brother Tomas, you will note that the company of Pikemen you objected to has been relocated so as not to interdict the Leon-Salmanca Highway. It must be known that it's deployment was never intended as an inflamatory gesture and the effect of it's ZOC had been overlooked. It is, however a matter of grave concern indeed that Spain now has what amounts to little short of a full Division facing Tours, surely a level of responce far beyond that of the potential threat posed by one wholly defensive Unit! To avoid the risk of escalating a simple misunderstanding into the breeding ground for war no equivalent French deployment has been made. I trust that your forces are reduced to a more appropriate level as a gesture of Spanish goodwill. Please also be aware that the Musketeer you refer to as a border guard is, in fact, merely in transit but that when coming face to face with a Spanish Cavalryman claims of French provocation ring somewhat hollow.

                            All must note that despite the regretable heightening of tensions, both North and South, France remains steadfast in her pursuit of peace. There has been no increase in War Readiness or deployment of any additional forces. When coupled with the fact that France enjoys Treaty Status with all nations of the World what further proof could any demand of French goodwill to all mankind?

                            My Blessings be Upon You All.

                            St Jon, Love Incarnate.
                            “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                            - Anon


                            • #89
                              Spain thanks our French Brother for pulling back his forces and we have done likewise.

                              Indeed it is a testing time as Spain has been plunged into an uncertain future as the entire country has become gripped with anarchy!


                              Tomas de Torquemada

                              Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                              • #90

                                Turn 109 -->Lord Thor

                                Greek citizens turned out today to witness the launching of a new form of vessel. The GNV Triton slid from the dry-dock, and silently disappeared beneath the waves, to the accompaniment of much celebration and cheering from the excited spectators.

                                The Triton's first mission will be to scour the depths to prove or disprove once and for all whether fire-breathing sea-dragons really do roam the seas. We wait with bated breath for the crew's findings.


