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Love Conquers? Part VI.

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  • #91
    "The Snake has rejected any of my peace proposals. Instead he demanded 4000 gold, to give him my maps and to refrain from any attempt to siege any Australian city beyond Sydney. What an arrogance!!! I guess war is upon us!"

    King of Wales Constantine

    Turn 109 to Maestro.


    • #92
      It appears the Welsh have decided to turn tail and run. Hmph! I am not suprised. Treachery and cowardice seem to be the hallmark of the Welsh.

      Oh Well. The Welsh have provided ample food for the vultures and scavengers outside of sydney, for they have left the forests strewn with their dead! Yes war is upon you! Your treachery will be punished, I will see to it.

      If you wish peace, beg for forgiveness, and I shall grant it to you.

      Lord Thor of the Incas.
      King Thor


      • #93
        "Turn tail and run? Isn't what you did a few turns ago outside Melbourne? I just run out of cannons . But I can send some troops to keep you company if you want...

        I wonder how things turned from a simple misunderstanding that didn't cost you a single unit into a total war between us! I mistook you for the Australians and bombarded you with three cannons. You had no casualties! Then the whole story started. If you had withdrawn at once you would had stayed with no casualties and I would probably had paid you with a respected sum of gold for my mistake. Instead, you repeatedly rejected any of my peace offers and tried to blacken my name with your insults and your pathetic lies. I condemn the path of war you have chosen Lord Thor of the Incans.

        BTW, when will you tell us what happened between you and the Spanish? What are you hiding Lord Thor? Does anyone else wonders what happened back then, an event that the Incans are trying to hide behind their insults to the Welsh? The Greeks? The French? St Jon, you are the peacemaker here, trying always to preserve peace and find the truth and justice. I haven't heard you asking about the incident! I demand an answer from the Incans!"

        King of Wales Constantine


        • #94
          Turn to Madrid.

          My Beloved Children,

          I understand your mortal frailties but you are still possessed of reason, logic and accountability. Why this petty squabble over the Australian cadaver?

          Both King Constantine and Lord Thor are formally invited to Paris where they will be, if they show suitable repentance for past misdemenours, given the rare privilige of kissing my ring.

          As for the question posed by King Constantine; I may be an omnipresent Saint but I have never claimed to be an omniscient one. That which I know of the incident has come from the confessional and therefore cannot be revealed but be assured that the healing hand of Jon went forth to salve the wounds.

          St Jon, Joy in a World of Tears.
          “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
          - Anon


          • #95
            Spain also asks that Lord Thor reconsiders his position vis a vis war with Wales...

            To be fair the Inca have officially apologised for the accidental death of a Spanish diplomat mistakenly believed to be Australian - surely a carbon copy of the incident which has plunged Wales and Inca into a terrible war?

            If Spain can be magnanimous in her forgiveness of Inca for the same crime, why then cannot Inca do the same with regards to Wales?


            Tomas de Torquemada
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #96
              "So the Incans did the very same mistake with us...
              If they asked for forgiveness and was accepted then why they can't do the same for the Welsh? I even pay gold for my mistake. And the war costed me 6 military units so far. I won't take advantage of the insident, I only hope the Incans get wiser and accept my peace offer. We would gain much more by cooperation than war in these troubled years where the evil Braker Morant has to go down to prevent any other future leader attempting to rule the world by force and corruption."

              King of Wales Constantine

              Turn 110 to Maestro.


              • #97

                Turn 110 -->Lord Thor

                Will Spain's foray into "shuttle diplomacy" bear fruit? The world watches...


                • #98
                  It seems world opinion favours and end to the War with the Welsh. Our Greek and Spanish friends have expressed to me that the Welsh should be treated as friends. The French kings wise words touch our heart as well.

                  So be it. We shall relent. The Welsh are forgiven their crimes, and we shall make peace.

                  To the Welsh King: Your diplomats will be welcomed in our land, we shall accept your peace treaty. However, please make certain that the appropriate reparations are made to us, to compensate for the loss of life that your 'accidental' attack caused. We shall also assist you against the Australians if you request our help.
                  King Thor


                  • #99
                    Turn to Madrid.

                    My Children,

                    My heart sings with joy at the blessed news of an end to conflict between Inca and Welsh! Let King Constantine make his pennance for his sins and then embrace Lord Thor as a brother.

                    The Holy Land rejoices at the renewal Peace Treaties with her neighbours, may this spirit of friendship abide forever. 'Tis sad that the spirit of gentleness and mercy does not extend toward Australia but be comforted that France forgives you even if others cannot.

                    Blessings Upon You All,
                    St Jon, Serenity amidst Strife.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • Spain to is heartened by the change of Inca heart and hopes that King Constantine grasps firmly the olive branch of peace that King Thor has now offered...

                      Spain can see a time when Australia might finally be forgiven - but only when there are no common borders remaining between our two countries... Such is the price to be paid for naked aggression against Spain!

                      Whether Australia still exists when that time comes is another question!


                      Tomas de Torquemada
                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • "At last, peace will come again between the Incans and the Welsh! The treaty of peace will be signed in Paris next month. The Welsh recognize their false and will repay the Incans with a respected sum of gold. We publicaly apology to the Incan families of the lost troops and we hope that some day the will see the Welsh as friends and not enemies. King Constantine attended today to the burial ceremony of the Welsh soldiers fallen in battlefield from the Incan-Welsh war.

                        King Constantine also sent letters of thanks to the Greek, Spanish and French leaders for their important contribution to the peace decision.

                        The Welsh congratulates the unique Greek achivement of the construction of the first submarine in the world. We are looking forward to the close collaboration on a technical level for the construction of the first Welsh submarine soon.

                        Finally the Welsh will support the Spanish to the continuance of their war with the Australians. We dream a world where the plague called Braker Morant will stop breathing and the Australian people will be free from their tyrant for the first time in their history."

                        King of Wales Constantine

                        Turn 111 to Stavros.


                        • Turn 111 -->Lord Thor

                          Perhaps the strain of witnessing his government descend into anarchy after 23 cities reported false riots today was too much for the King, for he has left Athens, and is now ensconced in his seaside pleasure palace, the Villa Hedonia.

                          There, he has fallen into an odd frame of mind, and stays up night after night, whilst at his command, the Royal Orchestra plays the Carmina Burano repeatedly, until at dawn he finally allows the exhausted musicians to go home.

                          There are those who whisper that the king’s sanity now hangs by a thread. Others point out that making policy decisions by ”reading” chicken entrails is a time-honoured tradition, and proves nothing.

                          I will continue to closely monitor the King, and hope for a return of the man we once knew!

                          Physician to the King


                          • Turn to the French (long ago)

                            At last there is peace. But It seems the French King does not wish it to be so. Harsh words were exchanged with Lord Thor while he was in Paris to sign a Peace Treaty with the Welsh King.

                            It appears the French lay claim to Incan land. Our great Lord has given in to the French Demand that we do not create another port on the Northern sea. We are greatly disturbed by this incident. Why doesn't the war let our people live in peace. One controversy or threat after another!
                            King Thor


                            • Turn to Madrid.

                              My Children,

                              All know the Patron Saint of Peace would never use 'harsh words'! Lord Thor was on the verge of committing a grave sin and, as would be expected, I felt it my sacred duty to step forward and offer a guiding hand back onto the path of righteousness. The love I offer is given freely without thought of personal gain nor is gratitude expected and I weep that instead of feeling the joy of salvation Lord Thor nurses bitterness in his heart.

                              Love and Peace to All,
                              St Jon, Light amidst Dark.
                              “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                              - Anon


                              • Reports from across Spain speak of great rejoicing up and down the land!

                                Instigated by General Franco, Spain has blended Fascism with the previous Grand Inquisition to form a new and progressive government!

                                Tomas de Torquemada,

                                The Third Inquisition
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

