turn to Birdman
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Conquer!!! - Part II
Turn to Birdman
We spot some barbarians on the norton west of our country near to Incan border. Our Great Lulu had ordered to destroy them all. Our military has make a new tactic and try to destroy their nest around that region. So far we had destroy one of their poorly group of warrior.
Well, since im doing nothing else with my time. Might as well talk about what ive done with my last turn
The Inca express there support of phoenicon troop's who are search for Barbarian Scum in the jungle's between Phoenica and Inca. We had sent out several troop's ourselve's, after Barbarian Scum saw fit to pirate 2 of our route's ,but they were unable to locate any barbarian's. So it amounted to nothing.
The first Mill was built today in Cuzco ! It upped the city's production from 300 to 500! Also several Settler's were sent wayward south and east to settle the vast plain's and jungle. Saddam has also sent a letter to the Phoenician's (email
). One that create's an eternal border between phoenica and Inca, anchored on excellent natural-barrier's. So that when our nation's make a rush for this lush land. We will not overlapp one another.
Also, our apology's to the American's for the annoying presence of an Mounted Archer. I decided to expel a settler only so that he could continue on his destination, which is Assyria. Once he passes, he shall never be a bother to you again!
btw i have no Incan name for this gameI dont like saddam for Incans, anybody know of any Incan leaders I can use?
[This message has been edited by Saddam (edited May 06, 2001).]
Turn 45 to Birdman
We glad we here a response from incans goverment about their action towards barbarians. Recently we spot your samurai and cavalery heading to the barbarians camp, hope we see them soon. There are three camp there. And they all belong to them. We gonna destroy that camp one by one, so be ready because we are out number right now, there gonna be a loose tiger out there.
And we still waiting your letter to the bilhq1@yahoo.com, as we changes our administratif stucture several years(!) ago.
Turn 45 to Stavros
Standing on the roof of his palace Saddam uttered the words "soon". Then he went on, "Soon we will change history like no others". He continued "Our brilliant scientist's have enlightened us with new way's of thinking!". "No longer will we tolerate slave's and foriegn wonders". He then hollared toward the sky "The Labrinyth's days are numbered!".
Shortly after, the Labrinyth and Sphinx would crumble too dust and would be no more.
too bad this wont happen until next turn