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Conquer!!! - Part II

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  • Turn 41 to Steve5304
    First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



    • This is my friends login.I dont who is. can you please send the REAL TURN birdman.


      • Just a test

        Now you know why Krash feels so lonely in the Midway game. Everyone has contacts - except Krash

        Turn 41 sent.
        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



        • Saddam recieved the turn last night, but was in no mood to play. His connection to the internet was severed in a freak accident with his desktop and had to reformat his whole drive . So he decided to send the turn out abit later than expected.

          Edit: turn to stavros HOURS ago
          [This message has been edited by Saddam (edited April 25, 2001).]


          • turn 41 -> Paul
            veni vidi PWNED!


            • turn 41 -> Paul
              veni vidi PWNED!


              • Turn 41 to King Thor


                • Turn to JAFO

                  Great changes have begun to come about in our nation. Under the wise Leadership of our Shah, Ayatollah Thor, Persia has begun to bloom. Our nation has prospered despite the harsh lands around it. Impenetrable mountain ranges, vast deserts that reach into infinity, Blisteringly cold glaciers where no man or beast may survive, and no oceans to fish in.

                  Perhaps it is because of these hardships that we have become such a resilient and hardy race. Instead of resigning ourselves to our fate when nature showed us its fury, we rose to the challenge. We built a mighty empire in the middle of a vast land that people thought would never support life.

                  Now the brilliant minds of our nation have banded together, and ushered in a new age of thought and reasoning. A new era of Scientific exploration, and human understanding. An age of cooperation and frienship with our neighbors, so that there may be peace and prosperity.

                  Persia has proven itself to be the most advanced nation on this planet. We have awoken the world to the wonders of the Renaissance age.

                  King Thor


                  • Turn to birdman, days ago, and I just realize he'd been away till sunday afternoon. ("I am not here" threat)


                    • Ready in short time....
                      First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                      • Turn 42 to Steve5403
                        First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                        • Turn 42 -------------->Stavros
                          Hey i have had someone post 4 me since i am still banned. Im terribly sorry about my warriors tresspassing on Persis. It was an accident and the offenders have since left the area. Also I'de like to conragtulate Thor on his Renissance. But we still cant understand why we didnt get it (considering were ahead bye 7 techs ).

                          Let me explain something to you..... I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. You know, that or, uh, His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing. - The Big Lebowski(1998)


                          • Steve, didn't you read that Stavros is away for a week? You should send the turn to Maestro.


                            • Turn 42 to King Thor


                              • turn to JAFO
                                King Thor

