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Love Conquers? Part V.

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  • #91
    OK - this is a race!

    Whomever plays the turn first wins!

    Demos has it and I've forwarded it to Keygen and Stavros… (Stavros won!)

    From now on I will forward to BOTH Demos and Keygen, with instructions for Keygen to play as soon as the 24hrs has elapsed.

    Demos, could you let us know when you think you'll be back on track, as we are trying to be as accommodating as possible but it's beginning to get a bit frustrating not know where we stand from turn to turn!

    Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


    • #92

      Turn 91 ---> Quinns

      The Australian army, once again under the command of Breaker Morant, put up a valiant fight at Mount Isa, but as of this morning, the city is now flying the Greek flag.

      And a Cavalry unit entering one of the few remaining dark areas of Earth discover not a ruin, but a large sailing vessel, manned by the French navy!



      • #93
        Turn to Madrid.

        Noble Quinns, why are your Generals mustering a Cavalry Division on the on the Franco-Spanish border? This cannot but be considered an unfriendly gesture as I am sure my Holy Brother Tomas would agree.

        France becomes bored with the Welsh Knight which seems determined to trespass upon the Holy Land for no clear reason other than to be vexatious.

        Blessings Upon You All,
        St Jon, Peace amidst Strife.
        “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
        - Anon


        • #94
          My congratulations to the Army of Xenophon the Great! The liberated cities are rejoicing... I'm sure.

          Add to the list of liberated cities, the beautiful port city of Ayr, now under the fair leadership of Quinns of the Inca.

          Turn 92 to St Jon of the French ---


          • #95
            Turn >>> Demos and Keygen

            Madrid is indeed concerned by these French reports and will be sending a diplomatic presence to investigate as soon as possible!

            What is your reason for this, Quinns of the Inca?

            For surely the enemies that you fight are many leagues away to the South, and do not lie on the mutual borders of Spain, France and Inca?

            The Inquisition awaits a formal explanation with anticipation…


            Tomas de Torquemada
            Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


            • #96

              Originally posted by St Jon on 03-13-2001 07:58 PM
              France becomes bored with the Welsh Knight which seems determined to trespass upon the Holy Land for no clear reason other than to be vexatious.

              The Welsh couldn't do a thing as your unit's and city's ZOC prohibited
              the Welsh knight to go anywhere at all! So he decided to fortify there.
              That incident happened on Prince Keygen's command. I don't currently have information whether your unit had been removed from there so the Welsh knight to be able to move on.


              • #97
                Dear St. Jon of France and Tomas de Torquemada of Spain,

                Surely, you would not deny a nation to defend it's borders? Yes, I have sent a Cavalry Brigade (3 units) into the region you mention, five tiles west-south-west of Chimbote. I assure you, this is my border patrol. These units have no intention of crossing into either Spanish or French territory.

                Quinns of the Inca


                • #98
                  I will be gone until Saturday. Please "end turn" me if I miss the 24 hour limit. I might make it if the game keeps stalling like this!


                  • #99
                    Turn Rate

                    This has now now long passed the point of humour. Everyone of us in this Game are long experienced CtP PBEM Players, maybe not Quinns but he has been consistantly reliable anyway, so there are no excuses.

                    Simple courtesy to the rest of us would dictate that advice be given of any known period of absence and the Posting of 'Turn Sent' notes to the Thread is hardly arduous.

                    The principal problem, though not exclusive, seems to lie with Demos so we shall have an end to 'The Race' and Turns should henceforth be played upon receipt, regardless, unless prior notice is given. This shall apply to all whose persistant tardiness interupts the smooth flow of the Game.

                    In retrospect 24hrs was an over-generous allotment, given the geographic flow of the Game, but must be respected. Having said this, when there is little chance that it will be met Turns should either be immediately 'Nexted', bad grammar I know, or sent to a nominated Sub.

                    Should persistant resort be required to either method a permanent replacement will be sought so as not to jeopodise the long term chances of the affected Civ.

                    I intend to forward this to Keygen, as Sub for Demos, and other potential Replacement/Sub Players. As such I would appreciate your respective opinions on the future ettiquette acceptable within LC.

                    Jon, plain old CMN.
                    “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
                    - Anon


                    • Well the turn's with Keygen, so I guess the game is Keygen's until Demos can assure us a regular turn rate...

                      Welcome aboard Prince Regent Keygen!

                      May your turns flow as freely as the blood of your enemies!

                      Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?


                      • Well, I agree with Jon that we should play our turn within 24 hours of receiving it, if not quite a bit sooner! As he has previously pointed out, we all have busy lives, but a turn can be played, sent, and posted in a very short time if one puts their mind to it!

                        I think there may have been a reluctance among us to next-turn a player right at the 24-hour mark, as there was a desire to give a little extra time as a grace period. But I think that 24 hours is generous enough to already have a grace period built in, so I think when 24-hours has elapsed, the turn should automatically be sent on to the next player right away.

                        I also agree that courtesy requires that notice be posted if a player expects to be gone when his turn comes, so that there is no need for the game to stall for 24 hours before anyone knows that the player is not around. Even if it is a case of one's computer not working, there are always alternate ways to at least send an email to someone in the game, so they can relate the problem to the rest.

                        I also think its important to post something to indicate that the turn was sent, so that we all know where it is, and can then estimate when it might get to each of us.

                        And I want to thank Jon for caring enough to take the effort to try and make things run more smoothly.

                        Sure, this is just a game, and we want it to be relaxing and fun, but these rules were established at the start of the game to keep the game going, and the fun coming!



                        • "Greetings to all the leaders of the world.

                          I announce that I have officialy accepted the throne of Wales!
                          I, prince Keygen have been pronounced king of the Wales.
                          King Demos has resigned and granted to me the royal throne.

                          I therefore will extensively inspect Kingdom's situation and trace a new cource for my people.

                          I wish for all nations good luck and prosperity!"

                          King Keygen of the Wales.

                          PS. I accept the 24 hour rule.

                          Turn 92 to Rick.


                          • Wel thank-you, Keygen, but you sent me the turn for Australia, which goes to Breaker Morant of the Australians. Then it comes to me!

                            To save time, I sent it on to Australia a few minutes ago.

                            But know that all of Greece welcomes you as the great leader of Wales!

                            Xenophon of Greece


                            • Well, I know Rick.
                              I just had a conversation with Jon yesterday and he told me to send the turn to you. As far as I know Stavros will be away until Sunday.
                              I don't know if Stavros has a sub. If not then just next turn him .

                              And thank you for your support!

                              [This message has been edited by Keygen (edited March 16, 2001).]


                              • When did Stavros say that!!?

                                Are you sure?

                                Quinns said he would be away, but not Stavros to my knowledge...

                                If you're not certain, please email the turn to Stavros.
                                Is it me, or is MOBIUS a horrible person?

